Life & Arts
Food Stories
What is it going to be? It is done unto You as You believe There is a curious thing … about our egos. In our society, the ego…
If Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols…
If Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols…
View AllConfusion is a Normal part of Living We do not change in a flash Have you ever been confused? Not sure of what you believe? Perfect. When we…
When the Ego runs out of Gas Who’s driving anyway? Imagine, if you will … that you wake up on top of an old-fashioned stagecoach, with the horses running…
View AllConfusion is a Normal part of Living We do not change in a flash Have you ever been confused? Not sure of what you believe? Perfect. When we…
View AllConfusion is a Normal part of Living We do not change in a flash Have you ever been confused? Not sure of what you believe? Perfect. When we…
View AllStuck in the Mud A form of stagnation We are never stuck. Not really. We can get “stuck” in the sense that we fall into a very repetitive…
View AllLife in the Fast Brain What is the role of the ego? There are many, many spiritual gurus that think the ego is to…
Putting Yourself Back Together Have you ever been wiped out? For so many people, these have been some pretty hard times. How do you…
Out with the Old … In with the New Shifting into the New Year The winds of change are upon us. Nobody has to…
You can’t exhaust the (quantum) mirror Every reflection has the same merit How do you “burden” a mirror? I mean, really, it just reflects…
The Metrics of a Mirror Changing the image in a mirror There is a fluke to trying to change the reflection of a mirror,…
View AllConfusion is a Normal part of Living We do not change in a flash Have you ever been confused? Not sure of what you believe? Perfect. When we…
When the Ego runs out of Gas Who’s driving anyway? Imagine, if you will … that you wake up on top of an old-fashioned stagecoach, with the horses running…
View AllConfusion is a Normal part of Living We do not change in a flash Have you ever been confused? Not sure of what you believe? Perfect. When we…
View AllConfusion is a Normal part of Living We do not change in a flash Have you ever been confused? Not sure of what you believe? Perfect. When we…
View AllStuck in the Mud A form of stagnation We are never stuck. Not really. We can get “stuck” in the sense that we fall into a very repetitive…
View AllLife in the Fast Brain What is the role of the ego? There are many, many spiritual gurus that think the ego is to…
Putting Yourself Back Together Have you ever been wiped out? For so many people, these have been some pretty hard times. How do you…
Out with the Old … In with the New Shifting into the New Year The winds of change are upon us. Nobody has to…
You can’t exhaust the (quantum) mirror Every reflection has the same merit How do you “burden” a mirror? I mean, really, it just reflects…
The Metrics of a Mirror Changing the image in a mirror There is a fluke to trying to change the reflection of a mirror,…
View AllConfusion is a Normal part of Living We do not change in a flash Have you ever been confused? Not sure of what you believe? Perfect. When we…
When the Ego runs out of Gas Who’s driving anyway? Imagine, if you will … that you wake up on top of an old-fashioned stagecoach, with the horses running…
View AllConfusion is a Normal part of Living We do not change in a flash Have you ever been confused? Not sure of what you believe? Perfect. When we…
View AllConfusion is a Normal part of Living We do not change in a flash Have you ever been confused? Not sure of what you believe? Perfect. When we…
View AllStuck in the Mud A form of stagnation We are never stuck. Not really. We can get “stuck” in the sense that we fall into a very repetitive…
View AllLife in the Fast Brain What is the role of the ego? There are many, many spiritual gurus that think the ego is to…
Putting Yourself Back Together Have you ever been wiped out? For so many people, these have been some pretty hard times. How do you…
Out with the Old … In with the New Shifting into the New Year The winds of change are upon us. Nobody has to…
You can’t exhaust the (quantum) mirror Every reflection has the same merit How do you “burden” a mirror? I mean, really, it just reflects…
The Metrics of a Mirror Changing the image in a mirror There is a fluke to trying to change the reflection of a mirror,…