The Choice is always Yours

You are never stuck

So … what do you want? What, in your life, do you want more of? What do you want less of? Or, perhaps, have you stopped deciding?

We have certainly been through a lot of change(s). The past few years have given us all a lot to think about. Things are just not the same.

To take the time, and think about what would make our life more enjoyable for us, is to hone what our life looks like. There has been so much change lately, that for many of us, we have not focused on what we really would prefer in our life. For many, their life gets more and more “normal” or perhaps familiar. Which can have us settle into a routine. We settle in, so to speak, to a daily pattern of repetition. But the very nature of consciousness is an innate desire to expand itself.  When we grow ourselves, we become renewed. We evolve.

Now is a good time to take inventory of the elements of your life. What elements in your life truly nurture your soul? Yoga? Dance? Live music? Writing? Travel? Adventures? If you had to think about what nurtures your soul, then perhaps this is a good time to get better focused on what does indeed nurture you. There is more change coming. There is no question about that. And if you are stuck in survival mode, then the road will be much more challenging for you. To take inventory of the elements in your life that do indeed nurture your soul, is to create a more sustainable lifestyle within the changes that are happening. If you don’t stop and take inventory, you can fall into a rut of sorts.

Perhaps think about before the massive changes we all experienced. What did your life look like in 2019? What things did you do that were fun and exciting for you? What, of those, have fallen to the wayside? What has changed in your day-to-day life?

To re-evaluate your life, periodically, as you go through your life, can help you stay in your groove. Stay nurtured with opportunities that grow you.

There are many ways to investigate what you might enjoy adding to your life. There are online resources that can open up possibilities for your life. is one where you can search based on topics. It can find local groups of folks that meet and indulge in various topics and activities.

A rich and rewarding life is a choice. There are always new choices you can make to bring new opportunities into your life. When we have been through a tough time of change, it would serve us well to stop and re-calibrate our life. Each and every day presents us with the ability to re-decide our priorities and our preferences. There is immense freedom in that … if we are mindful enough to recognize it and then take action(s) on it.

Are you living the life you love? The life you prefer? Are you consciously aware of your choices? Are your choices moving your life in a direction that will nourish your soul? Your heart and soul are masters at knowing what would enrich your life. Take some time and have a heartfelt conversation with yourself.

Taking the time to get clear about what you prefer and want, can change who you become in the future.

Life is full of choices. Make the good ones.

Love You!



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