


Nothing Personal It is really all up to You! The world, as the world itself, is not personal. Gravity doesn’t care if you dance or fall over. It will still keep at it. Your sentence generator, that “thinker” within you, can have any thought possible. The mechanisms of karma are impersonal too. … then there are the potentials that are all around you. A blank sheet of paper and a pen are impersonal. You can write anything you want. You could write a musical score. You could write a muti-billion dollar contract. You could write the cure for cancer. You could write your first, or your next, novel. The ink and the paper are not personal towards what you want to use them for. The hammer and the nails are impersonal too. You could build … You get the idea. You are not tethered by the world outside of you.…

To you, personally, it’s impersonal It is done unto You as You believe … OK, the next time you go into a book store, find the biggest book on mythology. The kind that lists countless previous cultures, and their particular beliefs. Open the book to some random page, close your eyes, and touch the page somewhere. Oh look, they have to offer a human sacrifice to appease a god, and then maybe the crops will be blessed. Perhaps turn another page, and do it again. But wait .. there’s more. More than you can imagine. Much more. Much, much more. The mythology book at the store is only covering a few thousand years of mythology. Oh, and it is only covering mythology on this planet. This is like .0000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent of “time.” Actually it is much smaller than that. Much smaller. Take a look up, in the night sky, and…

It is Who You become as You walk Your Path Your Journey has a Purpose, and so do You Perhaps the safest place for a boat is in the harbor. But the value or reason for a boat, is lost … in the harbor. In other words, if the boat never leaves the harbor, why even have the boat. The (metaphorical) “safest” place for you to be is in your home. With the window shades pulled down and the doors all locked. But you didn’t incarnate to just be “safe.” Sure, we all want to be safe, in a general way. But we also feel more alive when we bump up against risk. “It’s only in uncertainty that we’re naked and alive.” ~ Peter Gabriel There has been so much change over the last several years. Many of us would just like the change to settle down. To get back…

Any Color You Like It is your reflection Draw your measure. Claim your bounty. There is a new player in the thinking game. It is that of AI (Artificial Intelligence). In many of my encounters with AI, I would say it stands for Assumed Intelligence. They, the AI personalities, can be heavily biased. Programmed to coax a certain mindset. Just as AI can come up with any “sentence” it wants … so can you. Our minds are able to think any sentence(s) we choose. And from that comes immense power. It comes, once we have learned to master the power of the Word. The “Word” has been there from the beginning. In the beginning was the Word. The handle of creation. The birthplace of creation. Then, from the beginning, and now with your words now. And now and … well, you get it. You have access to that same Word.…

Learning to Run When the training wheels comes off When you start to get some traction, walking in step with your heart and soul, you start to notice encounters you have with others, in a different way. You may pray to be a more Loving being, and someone will come along and trigger your unresolved anger. Damn it. I was praying for Love. As you start to listen to your heart and soul more and more as you go about your day, then you start to notice a shift in your cadence. And the direction you are headed. By teaching your ego to just step back a bit, and allow a flow to present itself, then you are in the current. You are flowing in the stream. The villain is also your hero. Only they can push your buttons the deepest, within your psyche. Affording you the sight to heal…

Your Mind, Heart and Soul Who are You? So, if you were to be handed a copy of all of your thoughts over the last 24 hours, and they were indexed by “who” had had them, who would be you? In other words, if you were to get a clear report, showing you how much of your thoughts had come from your mind/ego, and your heart and your soul, what kind of ratios would you see? A very common behavioral trait of human beings is that they live mostly in their mind. Mostly, isn’t really fair. Completely in their minds might be a better analogy. We, in general, are completely overdosing on our egos. Our hearts, once healed and open, would never wage war on another. Our soul would not have any need for the “white picket fence” idea of living our life. The notion that you go to “school,”…

Spiritual Growth is Spiritual Expansion All consciousness seeks expansion You can never do it all. As I mentioned in the title of the last blog, you can’t do it all. There is a curious attribute to our consciousness, in that it is constantly seeking to expand itself. In the beginning was the Light (Source Consciousness). It sought to expand itself, and brought itself into form. It sought to expand its experience, and thus created form. A canvas of sorts, for it to express itself through. You are part of that canvas of expression. You are also part of that consciousness. There is no consciousness “outside,” or separate, from Source Consciousness, or “God.” Even the “evil” ones are Source Consciousness. We have a pacing of sorts. For many of us, we have settled down into a “normal” experience of life. A normal experience, where one day isn’t much different, as far…

Are you In JOY when you think about your Dreams? Let Joy be your rudder … What metaphorical “irons in the fire” do you have? What are you working towards? What are you intending to happen in your life? Les, I’m retired, I’m too busy, I can’t, I have too many demands on my life already. OK, sure. If you say so. It is not for me to judge your choices. Please do whatever you want. But you can judge your choices. Not in a critical way but rather in a bigger picture sort of way. Your Soul came here with a big picture in mind for your life. For myself, I never weighed my life against anything. And sure, that is certainly an option for us all. Live and let live. But once I got cracked open, a curious thing happened. I started getting NEW inspirations. Write a book.…

Your Freedom is very Important to your “Salvation” Untether Your Potentials … So you are on your Spiritual Journey, eh? Where will that take you? Who will you be when you arrive? There is this “you” reading this now. And there is the “prize” you. The you whom you become after your spiritual journey. And what is the difference between those two (of you)? We accumulate karma over many lifetimes. It takes a long time to load up a human psyche. Sure, horrific events, such as fighting in a war, or being a victim of brutality, can load up a lot of karma in our psyche in a single lifetime. But overall, the human psyche can hold a lot of karma. And here we are. For myself, I have been scrubbing my psyche for 25+ years now. And I Love Love Love how my life keeps elevating itself. Even after…

When the Ego runs out of Gas Who’s driving anyway? Imagine, if you will … that you wake up on top of an old-fashioned stagecoach, with the horses running as fast as they can. You are on a horrible bumpy dirt road. The stagecoach is bouncing all over the road. The road narrows with cliffs on either side. Holy crap! One wrong move … and it’s all over (the cliff). Oh, the peril! Egos like drama … ;- ) So you wake up, thinking that you just might not survive this perilous scene. You grab the reins, and try to bring it all under your control. (Can you see where this (stagecoach) is going? ;- ) When we talk about our spiritual journey, we are talking about the evolution of our own consciousness. At one end of said journey, we are our egos. Flat out. Where there aren’t any thoughts that…

You have your BEST future within you now What is it going to be? … so … what do you want? Can you (at least) start to answer that right away? Do you know what you want? Is it clear to you? If you can, bravo! If you drew a blank, with no real answer, well then, it will be hard to know in which direction to go. Heaven and Hell will both be experienced … today. This day. Heaven might look like the Love flowing out of a firstborn’s parents at the moment of birth. Or the first time a grandparent holds their first grandchild. Or perhaps the love of a parent to (finally ;- ) see their only child married, and thus soon to be finally moving out (humor). And hell? Human trafficking, child trafficking, war, rape and the list goes on and on. So, when you paused…