


Bring your Boat about Set YOUR Course We are entering the new chapters of our human story. And HERE YOU are. You. Who is going to vet your story? Who will measure your effect? Does that even need to happen? Nothing is required. You are standing in front of a (quantum) mirror. Your reflection (reality) has no template or requirements. But then again … You are Here … now. At the most transformational time in perhaps the history of humanity. Your Soul saw this coming, and had a role for you to play out. If your ego so chooses. Your ego can bugger up the intent. Happens all the time. Many folks go to their grave completely clueless as to what their Soul had in mind for their life. I wouldn’t have grasped my purpose, had the cosmic two-by-four not cracked me open. Now my life purpose is a living breathing thing.…

The Choice is always Yours You are never stuck So … what do you want? What, in your life, do you want more of? What do you want less of? Or, perhaps, have you stopped deciding? We have certainly been through a lot of change(s). The past few years have given us all a lot to think about. Things are just not the same. To take the time, and think about what would make our life more enjoyable for us, is to hone what our life looks like. There has been so much change lately, that for many of us, we have not focused on what we really would prefer in our life. For many, their life gets more and more “normal” or perhaps familiar. Which can have us settle into a routine. We settle in, so to speak, to a daily pattern of repetition. But the very nature of…

A Merit of One There is no difference The Burning Bush, perhaps, said it best. I AM that I AM. This ties in nicely with the notion of the Quantum Mirror. Every reflection has equal measure or importance. In other words, a mirror has no preference to any particular image or images. The reflection of the quantum mirror (reality) will be whatever it is shown. Our consciousness, as energy, determines our “reality.” The energy, or chi, of our consciousness is the energy that is reflected back to us, by the quantum mirror, as our own personal reality. The (quantum) mirror itself is indifferent. We have fierce free will to create. Without limits or boundaries from the principles of creation. God has no personal bias to our choices, and thus outcomes. I AM that I AM. Or as the Bhagavad Gita said it … As It Is. God, with a big…

What is it going to be? It is done unto You as You believe There is a curious thing … about our egos. In our society, the ego can easily “move in” and consume all of our day-to-day consciousness. Life in the fast brain. Think Think Think. But there is another realm of our persona. It wasn’t obvious to me for many years. Decades, really. But there is another aspect of who we are that has an idea of what our life might be. A vision of our life, that was put in place before we were even born. One of the things I think is lacking in this world of ours is a persona that is living just the opposite. In other words, instead of living our lives from our ego alone, living our lives from the perspective of our hearts. Sure, there are folks that do live with…

Stuck in the Mud A form of stagnation We are never stuck. Not really. We can get “stuck” in the sense that we fall into a very repetitive pattern of thinking. A repetitive pattern of living. And the ego likes it there. Everything is predictable and “safe.” It might seem that it isn’t stuck. That is is rather nice. Preferred really. Nothing is required. Nothing. Our fierce free agency says that we are free to do whatever we choose to do. Before I got cracked open, my life was, in hindsight, rather stuck. Sure, I was working in Television. A career I really adored. I was quite content. But I wasn’t writing books, hosting podcasts, philosophizing the nature of our human genome, doing my inner work, nor was I dreaming of what my life could be. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. We are living in a time of…

Well, Here you are! I See You Do you see you? Who are you? What would bring you what you desire most? There are no requirements. None. That’s what Free Will really means. As YOU wish. So what will it be? More of the same? Back to the old ways? Maybe some more of … that! As you wish. Do you wish? Do you have desires? Is there something that gets you excited about your life? Sometimes we can paint ourselves into a corner. Where we have decided and chosen preferences that don’t really serve us. We can choose our preferences that really keep ourselves predictable. Keep our egos “safe.” Keep our life predictable. We can build up “reasons” to always choose one way or another. For example … I got my heart broken, I don’t want to go there again. Don’t (ever) go there again. Check. We are “safe”…

Don’t let your ego make you go Numb We are creatures of habit So, if I asked you, how similar was today compared to yesterday? Excluding one-time events, such as, “I got married yesterday,” how similar is one day to the next day? If you think of yourself as being on a spiritual journey, then “motion” would help you “arrive.” We can come to comfort zones, and then we park it there. Many of us don’t just park it there, we homestead there. It can be just what we need. Comfort, that is. Not to sound contradictory, but comfort can be just the thing to help us recover when we have gone through the ringer. It can take some time to recover. To bring ourselves around, so to speak. As I have shared before, I went through some very tough emotional pain late last year. And it took me several…

What are You waiting for? What? Are we there yet? There is the notion that a goldfish will grow to match the container in which it is kept. Keep a small goldfish in a small bowl, and it will stay small. Move it to a bigger bowl, and it will grow in size accordingly. Our egos can behave the same way. Is your ego enjoying your life? Is your heart enjoying your ego? So many of us are drowning in the mundane. We have rationalized ourselves into an unfulfilling life. Our life in our fast brain, has no real room for the desires of our heart. Our ego, from moment to moment, categorizes all that is happening to us. Putting everything in its “appropriate” box. Our egos are symbol processors. Our egos process symbols. Symbols. Symbols are not anyTHING, really. Symbols are … well, symbols, that represent something else. Write…

Life in the Fast Brain What is the role of the ego? There are many, many spiritual gurus that think the ego is to be reduced or shrunk to be as small as possible. Some even use the term to kill the ego. But something doesn’t add up with that stance. Sure, indeed, the ego can be the source of so much suffering. The ego can be a significant contributor to our karmic dysfunction. The undisciplined ego is indeed something we would want to heal and teach, if we are wanting to fulfill our true Divine potentials. But riddle me this. If indeed the ego “runs” on the framework of our mind, and we are only using 10% of our mind, then as we activate more and more of our mind, or mental horsepower, then the “engine” our ego is running on becomes much more powerful. Based on the idea…

You can’t exhaust the (quantum) mirror Every reflection has the same merit How do you “burden” a mirror? I mean, really, it just reflects other things. No matter how big. Any image a mirror reflects, has the same “merit” as any other image. I have been using the metaphor of a mirror a lot lately. It fits so well. It fits the nature of how we create our “reality.” Is the world “safe” or “dangerous?” Your belief, an internal attribute, will decide this for you. It is done unto you as you believe. Our beliefs are an inside job. And yet, they “decide” how we experience the world outside of us. The world outside of us is a reflection of (the inside of) us. Are you karma’s b*tch? Is karma happening to you? Or is your karma a reflection of you? Is karma an inside job? One of the, perhaps,…

The Natural Cycles of Life … inhale … exhale … repeat Nature is never finished. You are that nature expressing (it/your)self. We are seeing the “first light.” That first glimpse of the New Human. For eons of time, humanity has been in a very repetitive cycle of sorts. Here on Planet Earth, humanity has loaded up its psyche with so much karmic imprinting. This karmic momentum has kept us in very small narratives. The tendency is that the more karma you have, the narrower your narrative. In a sense, our egos really like this. In the sense that everything is much more predictable, and therefore, “safer.” The unknown is just too big of a risk. The Divine Feminine IS the unknown. The undefined. The Divine Masculine is the known, the physical, the well-defined. We have lived within a gigantic ego overdose, you might say. Or perhaps, a testosterone overdose. And now the pendulum swings the…