


Your Freedom and Your Feelings are related. Do You want more Freedom? My life was being pinched off. I felt it but I didn’t know just how much it was metaphorically drowning me. Before I was cracked open, my feelings, or rather my avoidance of certain feelings, was literally pinching my life out of me. My life was getting smaller and smaller. We all have our comfort zones. A way of life that we prefer. I get it. I mean, who doesn’t want what they prefer? Honing a clarity about what we prefer is a very powerful modality of creating the life that you want. Right? The clearer you get about what you prefer, the more your life moves into what you want it to be. But that will only get you so far. And that may be far enough for you. Not my call. When we find our lives…

To Divide and to Unite The flow of life Imagine the first steps out of Heaven. Or perhaps the first moments of the birth of your Soul. Haven’t been incarnate yet. Haven’t felt any emotions to speak of. Where you haven’t formed any opinions or preferences. Where you are very similar to Source Consciousness itself. Then you plunge into duality. You plunge into separation. You take the deep dive into karma. Fast forward many, many lifetimes, and like now, you find you are living on a planet with massive separation. Or perhaps the perception of massive separation. Divided and divided again until there are literally thousands of issues and opinions of what is “true.” How do I get “back” to Heaven? It is a common trait to label evil as … well …evil. Evil is bad. Evil is of the Devil. OK, sure. You did decide to experience free will.…

Let Go of Struggle There is Grace within You now Imagine … if you will … Imagine that you are crossing a wide and swift river. Perhaps about waist deep. And there is a taut rope strung across the swift river. You are holding tightly to the rope as you take step after step. Feeling for a solid footing on the rocky bottom. Each step brings risk, yet again. Over and over. If you get it wrong … yikes. When we have loaded up our psyche with unresolved emotions, beliefs and expectations, we are literally creating a source of turbulence of sorts within us. We are creating an energetic “connection” with the world “out there.” When the world “out there” is triggered with emotional events, emotions of fear, lack, war, famine and dis-ease, we feel it within our own unresolved emotions in our subconscious. We actually project this energetic connection…

Sailing on an Ocean of Peace You are Safe There is a part of you, that has been there from the beginning. You could call it your Innate Self. When we fret and worry, it is never from our Innate Self. Fret and worry are actually in the realm of the ego/mind. Our ego is an engine of sorts. An engine that runs on narratives. These narratives are the general patterns of language that we repeat, day after day. Rigid patterns for most of us. They reflect our beliefs, attitudes and expectations. They create a karmic momentum. A trajectory of sorts. If you think about the literally billions of egos on the planet, and that each one is unique, then your particular situation is no more personal than any other person’s. In other words, we can create anything that we choose. The universe, as a whole, is extremely indifferent and…

Want a Fresh Start? There is no better time … Is it time for a change? Are you looking for a fresh start? There is no momentum to living. Well, yes there is. There is no momentum “out there.” In other words, the universe is not holding a scorecard with your name on it. There is no “momentum” as far as the universe is concerned. There is no “current status.” You are free. Yet we can have a very deep sense of momentum. “I have been here before, and here I am again.” Perhaps you might have said this before. Where you find yourself in the same predicament as before. “My spouse wants a divorce … again. This makes it three different spouses now that have wanted to divorce me.” “I always find myself … [insert condition here].” Is the universe the one that consistently brings me these patterns of…

Are you on the Right side of Wrong? Where has your past taken you? It can seem like we have gone through the proverbial ringer. Many of us have had a “villain” in our life. Someone who has seemingly had a quest to give us grief. It really is/was personal … or is/was it? The “villain” is perhaps one who has taken on a huge amount of karma. Perhaps your own “personal” villain(s) have much more karma in their psyche than you do. I would not be surprised if you all shared your journey with me, that you would tell me of some pretty terrible trainwrecks in your lives. I know I have had my share. Even though I have been consciously on my spiritual journey for over 25 years, I have had some pretty intense events in my life, in just the past few years. My attitude towards these…

It is important to do it right. Right? Who wants to be wrong? We want, I suppose, that we want to be “good” people. Right? I mean Bad is … well, Bad. If we are to evolve ourselves spiritually, it is important to do things right. Is that right? Who gets to decide what is the right right? Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love. So, in the beginning, there was Light. LIGHT. The only thing in existence is Light. (Technically it doesn’t “exist,” but that’s another story.) If the only thing that “exists” is Light, well, stop right there. Heaven itself. Ladies and gentlemen we have Heaven. Completely and totally Heaven. Perfect … right? Who the hell would want to leave “Heaven?” Well, God would, and did. Did God screw it all up? I mean HEAVEN damn it! Don’t mess with it if it is perfectly right?…

Your Freedom is very Important to your “Salvation” Untether Your Potentials … So you are on your Spiritual Journey, eh? Where will that take you? Who will you be when you arrive? There is this “you” reading this now. And there is the “prize” you. The you whom you become after your spiritual journey. And what is the difference between those two (of you)? We accumulate karma over many lifetimes. It takes a long time to load up a human psyche. Sure, horrific events, such as fighting in a war, or being a victim of brutality, can load up a lot of karma in our psyche in a single lifetime. But overall, the human psyche can hold a lot of karma. And here we are. For myself, I have been scrubbing my psyche for 25+ years now. And I Love Love Love how my life keeps elevating itself. Even after…

Paint the Picture You Desire As You Wish There is a momentum of sorts. Living this human experience. We are all having a “normal” experience. Today might seem very familiar. Perhaps just like yesterday. It is at least normal to us. Yet, your normal day and my normal day can be completely different. We are all having our own unique experience(s) of life. Sure, there is a common set of experiences. Laughter is an example of similar experiences. Yet, the Guru and the Maniac live in the “same” world. What are your experiences of your life? Are there repetitive experiences that you don’t like? Perhaps you butt heads with someone at work. Or perhaps you and your spouse spar it out often. Arguing over this or that. Something you might not prefer. Or there is the notion of avoidance. You avoid the butthead at work or avoid arguments with your…

Feel the Rain From a drizzle to a downpour Have you ever been caught in the rain? I mean really drenched? Oh what a feeling! Have you ever been devastated by your emotions and feelings? Brought to your knees? Wiped out? If you don’t feel your feelings, when they are (rather) mild, like a drizzle, you will feel them later like a torrential downpour. We get ourselves stuck with our feelings and emotions when we start to posture with them. When we start to suppress them. When we start to avoid them. But perhaps the biggest karmic influence our emotions can have, is when we don’t even know the (subconscious) posture we have with them. Then we tend to accumulate more and more karmic energy within us. We tend to collapse our lives into deeper and deeper troughs of preferences. Avoiding whole arenas of options, choices, and thus outcomes. Collapsing…

Lions, Tigers and Fears Oh My! There is a pattern that we can fall into, if we are not careful. Many people really live there. In a patterned mindset. What I am talking about is “out there” versus “in here.” Our egos process information. Our eyes, ears and other senses feed us an endless stream of information about the world … out there. And then we process that information … in here. In our heads. In our thoughts. Information. But the folly of that is that the world doesn’t begin out there. We are the creators of our “reality.”  We are the creators of our reflection(s). What we put out … becomes the “out” there. As I shared in a previous blog, I had an angry boss “out there.” Out in the physical world. I didn’t create him, per se.  But I did manifest him into my life. Into my…