


Karma In Karma Out The Journey of the Soul Karma is impersonal and indifferent. Just like gravity is. There is a phrase that seems applicable here. The Journey of the Soul. Think about a brand new Soul as a lightbulb that is turned on. Shining bright. As Souls come from Source Consciousness or God Consciousness. In the beginning was the Light. That statement, perhaps, could refer to the composition of a brand new Soul. Light. A new Soul has no human experience until it incarnates for the first time. Without any experience(s), it has no known preferences. Preferences that are decided by an experience. Sometimes those experiences are too much. Where we feel overwhelmed. And thus, the posturing begins. And thus the karma begins. and thus the loading up of our psyche begins. If, perhaps, we could stay completely in the feelings of living our life we would do well…

Love has a Wisdom to it Love You Let’s take a journey of sorts. To imagine the journey of Consciousness. In the beginning was the Light. I would suggest this was the radiant field of Unconditional Love. Perhaps also called Source, or Christ, Consciousness. Without form, posture or preference. This is the fabric or substance of all that will be created. Ever. Fast forward 6 billion years. Now we have the Earth and upon this Earth the Human BEing. A vehicle of experience. In other words, how a Soul can come into form to experience what it is like to have the human experience. What it feels like to take on karma. To separate from our innate power. And so forth. When a new Soul is born, just like a new baby, there is no preference or opinion. As we incarnate, and take on karma, we are traversing a scale…

Leave Room to Grow You are never stuck There are no requirements. That is the thing about free will. But there are no limitations either. There is a flow of sorts. Inspiration(s) manifesting into form(s). We can settle into a normal or typical routine. Where one day is like the next. You might think of it as a corridor of preferences. Where the ego has a comfort zone. Where life is predictable and routine. If you were to build a house, you might start with a foundation. Something to build upon. There would literally be no place to put the walls or floor until the foundation was complete. A sequence of steps. The more I look at the difference between a Soul and an Ego, the more I see two very different realms of intents. The Soul is a timeless persona. Looking to expand its experiences and expressions. And the…

Your Freedom and Your Feelings are related. Do You want more Freedom? My life was being pinched off. I felt it but I didn’t know just how much it was metaphorically drowning me. Before I was cracked open, my feelings, or rather my avoidance of certain feelings, was literally pinching my life out of me. My life was getting smaller and smaller. We all have our comfort zones. A way of life that we prefer. I get it. I mean, who doesn’t want what they prefer? Honing a clarity about what we prefer is a very powerful modality of creating the life that you want. Right? The clearer you get about what you prefer, the more your life moves into what you want it to be. But that will only get you so far. And that may be far enough for you. Not my call. When we find our lives…

Feel the Rain From a drizzle to a downpour Have you ever been caught in the rain? I mean really drenched? Oh what a feeling! Have you ever been devastated by your emotions and feelings? Brought to your knees? Wiped out? If you don’t feel your feelings, when they are (rather) mild, like a drizzle, you will feel them later like a torrential downpour. We get ourselves stuck with our feelings and emotions when we start to posture with them. When we start to suppress them. When we start to avoid them. But perhaps the biggest karmic influence our emotions can have, is when we don’t even know the (subconscious) posture we have with them. Then we tend to accumulate more and more karmic energy within us. We tend to collapse our lives into deeper and deeper troughs of preferences. Avoiding whole arenas of options, choices, and thus outcomes. Collapsing…

Bring your Boat about Set YOUR Course We are entering the new chapters of our human story. And HERE YOU are. You. Who is going to vet your story? Who will measure your effect? Does that even need to happen? Nothing is required. You are standing in front of a (quantum) mirror. Your reflection (reality) has no template or requirements. But then again … You are Here … now. At the most transformational time in perhaps the history of humanity. Your Soul saw this coming, and had a role for you to play out. If your ego so chooses. Your ego can bugger up the intent. Happens all the time. Many folks go to their grave completely clueless as to what their Soul had in mind for their life. I wouldn’t have grasped my purpose, had the cosmic two-by-four not cracked me open. Now my life purpose is a living breathing thing.…

The Choice is always Yours You are never stuck So … what do you want? What, in your life, do you want more of? What do you want less of? Or, perhaps, have you stopped deciding? We have certainly been through a lot of change(s). The past few years have given us all a lot to think about. Things are just not the same. To take the time, and think about what would make our life more enjoyable for us, is to hone what our life looks like. There has been so much change lately, that for many of us, we have not focused on what we really would prefer in our life. For many, their life gets more and more “normal” or perhaps familiar. Which can have us settle into a routine. We settle in, so to speak, to a daily pattern of repetition. But the very nature of…

Well, Here you are! I See You Do you see you? Who are you? What would bring you what you desire most? There are no requirements. None. That’s what Free Will really means. As YOU wish. So what will it be? More of the same? Back to the old ways? Maybe some more of … that! As you wish. Do you wish? Do you have desires? Is there something that gets you excited about your life? Sometimes we can paint ourselves into a corner. Where we have decided and chosen preferences that don’t really serve us. We can choose our preferences that really keep ourselves predictable. Keep our egos “safe.” Keep our life predictable. We can build up “reasons” to always choose one way or another. For example … I got my heart broken, I don’t want to go there again. Don’t (ever) go there again. Check. We are “safe”…

Every day is Election day You vote with your attention Today, you are “voting” on your tomorrow. The mechanics of creation are “on” all the time. Election day is every day. We have perfectly crafted our lives, up to this minute, this now, from all of our attention from our past, by what we have elected to put our attention on, day after day. The momentum effect, the momentum of our karma, is largely a product of our subconscious. It is really a very graceful thing. It is a mechanism that says … if you haven’t learned the karmic lesson, all of the energy of your refusal to witness, and accept … what is, all of that energy will be pushed into your subconscious. This energy will “contribute” to this now, this moment, until you resolve it. There is the notion of a standing wave. A wave that is present…

What would You prefer? Draw your measure. Claim your good. What do you want more of? What do you want to feel? What do you want to experience? What would you prefer? What? The End … if you could get clear about that, you would move towards that. Clarity is a decider of sorts. The more we can get clear about what we would prefer, the more we are focusing our consciousness on what we want. It is not that we are putting judgment on the opposite, but rather, shifting our attention to what we want. Well, maybe we are putting judgment on what we don’t want. You don’t want that!  ;- ) I was noodling the idea of posturing, several decades back. I was the Chief Engineer at a TV station. And I was also studying the idea of karma. There is the notion of posturing as an arena…

Out with the Old … In with the New Shifting into the New Year The winds of change are upon us. Nobody has to be told that the world is changing. Humanity is going  though more change(s) than perhaps any time in our history. And here we are. So, what’s it going to be? There is a bit of an opportunity here. If, metaphorically, everything has been turned on its head, then you too can completely redesign yourself. (You always can.) But the notion I want to look at closer is your authentic preferences. You really didn’t have an ego, to speak of, the day you were born. No sentencing, no preferences, per se. And it was in your family of origin that your ego was created. Your ego, by its very nature, is a creature of habits or patterns. You could say we installed a groundwork of habits and…