


Looking through Your Karmic Lens What do You see? I was thinking the other day about the spiritual journey itself. A journey, that if you are reading this blog, you are most likely on. To grow or evolve our spirituality. There are hundreds of “modalities” or “processes” that so many spiritual teachers provide. Somatic work, Emotional work, Mental work, and the like. These topics of focus are relevant because that is what we bump up against when we want to make some progress on our journey. They are part of the journey. But after working on ourselves for a while, maybe a long while, maybe many lifetimes, we come to the part of the journey about Love. On the last mile of the journey you might say Unconditional Love is the “finish line.” Not that our journey just stops there. But once we have learned how to embody Unconditional Love,…

The Villain makes the Hero Had we never left heaven … Was it a mistake to leave Heaven? I mean, really? God, as Unconditional Love, is Heaven itself. In other words, many of us are on a spiritual journey to return to Heaven. But, why did we even leave Heaven in the first place? In the beginning was the Light. The Light of Heaven. The Light of Love. OK. Perfect. Stop right there. Heaven as the vast field of Unconditional Love sounds like, well, it sounds like Heaven to me. Heaven is what we metaphorically left. God, as Consciousness/Love, wanted to know more about its potentials. Wanted to know what it would feel like to have a dualistic experience. Wanted to know what it could be. And it entered duality. The beginning of creation itself. Fast forward billions and billions of years, and here we are. God Consciousness personified as…

Are you waiting for God to answer you? Ring … Ring … So you have said your prayers. Done! Just waiting for God to answer them now. tick … tock … tick … tock … (The passage of time) Helloooo? Are you there God? I was pretty specific. Where are my answers? Is God like a short order cook? Ask and it is given. Right? More time passes  … What the hell? God???? If God isn’t going to show up the way you might expect her to, then why are you praying? How does this “God” play his cards? Easy math says billions of prayers have been prayed. And yet, there is still considerable suffering on this planet. How does this “God” work? If we are not seeing the results of our prayers … perhaps someone isn’t keeping their side of the agreement. Seems a little fishy to me. ;-…

To you, personally, it’s impersonal It is done unto You as You believe … OK, the next time you go into a book store, find the biggest book on mythology. The kind that lists countless previous cultures, and their particular beliefs. Open the book to some random page, close your eyes, and touch the page somewhere. Oh look, they have to offer a human sacrifice to appease a god, and then maybe the crops will be blessed. Perhaps turn another page, and do it again. But wait .. there’s more. More than you can imagine. Much more. Much, much more. The mythology book at the store is only covering a few thousand years of mythology. Oh, and it is only covering mythology on this planet. This is like .0000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent of “time.” Actually it is much smaller than that. Much smaller. Take a look up, in the night sky, and…

Love has a Wisdom to it Love You Let’s take a journey of sorts. To imagine the journey of Consciousness. In the beginning was the Light. I would suggest this was the radiant field of Unconditional Love. Perhaps also called Source, or Christ, Consciousness. Without form, posture or preference. This is the fabric or substance of all that will be created. Ever. Fast forward 6 billion years. Now we have the Earth and upon this Earth the Human BEing. A vehicle of experience. In other words, how a Soul can come into form to experience what it is like to have the human experience. What it feels like to take on karma. To separate from our innate power. And so forth. When a new Soul is born, just like a new baby, there is no preference or opinion. As we incarnate, and take on karma, we are traversing a scale…

The Only way Out … is In. Where you are going, you are already there. Perhaps we are on our “spiritual journey.” Where we have decided that we want to grow ourselves spiritually. We might think that that direction is always metaphorically “up.” To ascend into Heaven. But wait a minute. “Grow ourselves spiritually?” Wouldn’t that, metaphorically, be down? So, what if we were brand-new Souls? Never having ever had a physical experience. Never having incarnated anywhere or any when. In a way, we have already arrived. In other words, perhaps the spiritual journey is into the darkness. Perhaps it is into the shadow. In a sense, the moment we were born, as a brand-new Soul, we have already arrived at the end of the journey. As a brand new Soul, we had no karma loaded up in our psyche. We were squeaky clean. We had no one to forgive.…

Your Freedom and Your Feelings are related. Do You want more Freedom? My life was being pinched off. I felt it but I didn’t know just how much it was metaphorically drowning me. Before I was cracked open, my feelings, or rather my avoidance of certain feelings, was literally pinching my life out of me. My life was getting smaller and smaller. We all have our comfort zones. A way of life that we prefer. I get it. I mean, who doesn’t want what they prefer? Honing a clarity about what we prefer is a very powerful modality of creating the life that you want. Right? The clearer you get about what you prefer, the more your life moves into what you want it to be. But that will only get you so far. And that may be far enough for you. Not my call. When we find our lives…

Learning to Run When the training wheels comes off When you start to get some traction, walking in step with your heart and soul, you start to notice encounters you have with others, in a different way. You may pray to be a more Loving being, and someone will come along and trigger your unresolved anger. Damn it. I was praying for Love. As you start to listen to your heart and soul more and more as you go about your day, then you start to notice a shift in your cadence. And the direction you are headed. By teaching your ego to just step back a bit, and allow a flow to present itself, then you are in the current. You are flowing in the stream. The villain is also your hero. Only they can push your buttons the deepest, within your psyche. Affording you the sight to heal…

Who will You become? At your current trajectory. If you were to continue to live your life, how you are living it right now, and where would you “end up?” As if there is an end, which I don’t think there is. But to pause for a second and contemplate, “What is possible for your life?” If we look at the BIG You, and bring in your Soul to this idea of You, then what you may become in this lifetime expands beyond comprehension. Your Soul is vast and multi-dimensional. Knowing about next week and next month. But if your Soul is not active in your day-to-day narratives, then it really doesn’t matter. Your ego will run this whole rodeo, until death do you part. You and your ego will separate again. Exactly like the day you were born. You had a Soul, but you didn’t have any ego to…

You can’t do it wrong. You can’t do it All. You are a timeless Soul having a Human experience. Are you deserving of all that you can imagine for yourself? Are you worthy? Or did you do something in your past that makes you unqualified? God knows the answer. Does your ego? If we were to disqualify ourselves any time we “messed up,” nobody but nobody would make it out unscathed. Lucky for us we get to make mistakes. It is part of our Soul’s journey. But Les, if you really knew what I have done … well … OK, let’s list some of the top seemingly unforgivable things that might get in our way. So, say you were Hitler. Just for some perspective. Under your directive, you massacred millions. Does God hate you now? Nope. How about Ivan the Terrible? God just has to hate HIM! Nope. Wait ……

Are you on the Right side of Wrong? Where has your past taken you? It can seem like we have gone through the proverbial ringer. Many of us have had a “villain” in our life. Someone who has seemingly had a quest to give us grief. It really is/was personal … or is/was it? The “villain” is perhaps one who has taken on a huge amount of karma. Perhaps your own “personal” villain(s) have much more karma in their psyche than you do. I would not be surprised if you all shared your journey with me, that you would tell me of some pretty terrible trainwrecks in your lives. I know I have had my share. Even though I have been consciously on my spiritual journey for over 25 years, I have had some pretty intense events in my life, in just the past few years. My attitude towards these…