Life & Arts
Food Stories
Out with the Old … In with the New Shifting into the New Year The winds of change are upon us. Nobody has to be told that the…
A Merit of One There is no difference The Burning Bush, perhaps, said it best. I AM that I AM. This ties in nicely with the notion of…
A Merit of One There is no difference The Burning Bush, perhaps, said it best. I AM that I AM. This ties in nicely with the notion of…
View AllThe Evolution of Your Soul Got Soul? So here we are. Well, I mean … I am over “here.” And You are … ??? Well, which “You?” Are…
I do Mind. I don’t Mind. Who is running the show? So, let me ask you a simple question. What percentage of your thoughts, that you have today,…
View AllThe Evolution of Your Soul Got Soul? So here we are. Well, I mean … I am over “here.” And You are … ??? Well, which “You?” Are…
View AllThe Evolution of Your Soul Got Soul? So here we are. Well, I mean … I am over “here.” And You are … ??? Well, which “You?” Are…
View AllYou can’t exhaust the (quantum) mirror Every reflection has the same merit How do you “burden” a mirror? I mean, really, it just reflects other things. No matter…
View AllWorld’s Largest Ball of Yarn Don’t forget to EnJoy the Journey The journey is the “reason.” There is no finish line. We are here…
The Elegance of Karma Karma will always resolve itself There is an elegance to karma that comes from its most beautiful “design.” Not sure…
What would make You feel “Better”? Is there a feeling you are looking for? There is a bit of a back and forth. Once…
From Light into Shadow. From Shadow into Light. Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love. ~ Rumi There is a real elegance…
From a Struggle to a Gift What have you been carrying? So, I have been delving into my family dynamic lately. Focusing on my…
View AllThe Evolution of Your Soul Got Soul? So here we are. Well, I mean … I am over “here.” And You are … ??? Well, which “You?” Are…
I do Mind. I don’t Mind. Who is running the show? So, let me ask you a simple question. What percentage of your thoughts, that you have today,…
View AllThe Evolution of Your Soul Got Soul? So here we are. Well, I mean … I am over “here.” And You are … ??? Well, which “You?” Are…
View AllThe Evolution of Your Soul Got Soul? So here we are. Well, I mean … I am over “here.” And You are … ??? Well, which “You?” Are…
View AllYou can’t exhaust the (quantum) mirror Every reflection has the same merit How do you “burden” a mirror? I mean, really, it just reflects other things. No matter…
View AllWorld’s Largest Ball of Yarn Don’t forget to EnJoy the Journey The journey is the “reason.” There is no finish line. We are here…
The Elegance of Karma Karma will always resolve itself There is an elegance to karma that comes from its most beautiful “design.” Not sure…
What would make You feel “Better”? Is there a feeling you are looking for? There is a bit of a back and forth. Once…
From Light into Shadow. From Shadow into Light. Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love. ~ Rumi There is a real elegance…
From a Struggle to a Gift What have you been carrying? So, I have been delving into my family dynamic lately. Focusing on my…
View AllThe Evolution of Your Soul Got Soul? So here we are. Well, I mean … I am over “here.” And You are … ??? Well, which “You?” Are…
I do Mind. I don’t Mind. Who is running the show? So, let me ask you a simple question. What percentage of your thoughts, that you have today,…
View AllThe Evolution of Your Soul Got Soul? So here we are. Well, I mean … I am over “here.” And You are … ??? Well, which “You?” Are…
View AllThe Evolution of Your Soul Got Soul? So here we are. Well, I mean … I am over “here.” And You are … ??? Well, which “You?” Are…
View AllYou can’t exhaust the (quantum) mirror Every reflection has the same merit How do you “burden” a mirror? I mean, really, it just reflects other things. No matter…
View AllWorld’s Largest Ball of Yarn Don’t forget to EnJoy the Journey The journey is the “reason.” There is no finish line. We are here…
The Elegance of Karma Karma will always resolve itself There is an elegance to karma that comes from its most beautiful “design.” Not sure…
What would make You feel “Better”? Is there a feeling you are looking for? There is a bit of a back and forth. Once…
From Light into Shadow. From Shadow into Light. Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love. ~ Rumi There is a real elegance…
From a Struggle to a Gift What have you been carrying? So, I have been delving into my family dynamic lately. Focusing on my…