Life & Arts
Food Stories
Play the hand you have been dealt Blossom where you are planted I find it quite curious how some of the most powerful people I have interviewed have…
Surfing the Karmic Tsunami Catch the Wave! This is a most fantastic time to be alive. To be here on Earth now affords opportunities that, perhaps, have never…
Surfing the Karmic Tsunami Catch the Wave! This is a most fantastic time to be alive. To be here on Earth now affords opportunities that, perhaps, have never…
View AllIf Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols…
Bring your Boat about Set YOUR Course We are entering the new chapters of our human story. And HERE YOU are. You. Who is going to vet your story?…
View AllIf Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols…
View AllIf Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols…
View AllResolving Your Past to Own Your Future It’s all in your hands There is a shift that happens within ourselves, when we choose to evolve. As we intend…
View AllYour Karma isn’t personal. Don’t take it that way. Who are your teachers today? My boss was a malicious, and perhaps even evil, man.…
Filling the Void What will go in its place? Do you remember a wonderful time in your life? Perhaps it was a wonderful past…
The triggered Ego Here one moment … gone the next Have you ever had a deep friendship just vanish? Yikes! I worked with a…
You cannot exhaust it. Go ahead and try. I’ll watch. You cannot exhaust Your potential. Has your relationship gone flat? Feeling uninspired? Bored? Tired…
Your SuperHero Cape in the Closet The evolution of who you are The curious thing about our spiritual evolution is that is it a returning…
View AllIf Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols…
Bring your Boat about Set YOUR Course We are entering the new chapters of our human story. And HERE YOU are. You. Who is going to vet your story?…
View AllIf Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols…
View AllIf Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols…
View AllResolving Your Past to Own Your Future It’s all in your hands There is a shift that happens within ourselves, when we choose to evolve. As we intend…
View AllYour Karma isn’t personal. Don’t take it that way. Who are your teachers today? My boss was a malicious, and perhaps even evil, man.…
Filling the Void What will go in its place? Do you remember a wonderful time in your life? Perhaps it was a wonderful past…
The triggered Ego Here one moment … gone the next Have you ever had a deep friendship just vanish? Yikes! I worked with a…
You cannot exhaust it. Go ahead and try. I’ll watch. You cannot exhaust Your potential. Has your relationship gone flat? Feeling uninspired? Bored? Tired…
Your SuperHero Cape in the Closet The evolution of who you are The curious thing about our spiritual evolution is that is it a returning…
View AllIf Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols…
Bring your Boat about Set YOUR Course We are entering the new chapters of our human story. And HERE YOU are. You. Who is going to vet your story?…
View AllIf Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols…
View AllIf Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols…
View AllResolving Your Past to Own Your Future It’s all in your hands There is a shift that happens within ourselves, when we choose to evolve. As we intend…
View AllYour Karma isn’t personal. Don’t take it that way. Who are your teachers today? My boss was a malicious, and perhaps even evil, man.…
Filling the Void What will go in its place? Do you remember a wonderful time in your life? Perhaps it was a wonderful past…
The triggered Ego Here one moment … gone the next Have you ever had a deep friendship just vanish? Yikes! I worked with a…
You cannot exhaust it. Go ahead and try. I’ll watch. You cannot exhaust Your potential. Has your relationship gone flat? Feeling uninspired? Bored? Tired…
Your SuperHero Cape in the Closet The evolution of who you are The curious thing about our spiritual evolution is that is it a returning…