Life & Arts
Food Stories
Eat the Ice Cream We are here for the Human experience. What is it like to live life as a human BEing? Life is short … eat the…
Your Happiness and Your Sorrow It is all up to You Your mind is the beginning, and the end, of your happiness and your sorrow. It is a…
Your Happiness and Your Sorrow It is all up to You Your mind is the beginning, and the end, of your happiness and your sorrow. It is a…
View AllYour Free-Will will always approve Your request. What shall it be? You are never stuck. It, perhaps, is just the opposite. Not that you are stuck, but perhaps…
Maybe it is You Who is behind it all? So, imagine you are standing in front of a mirror. Perhaps fresh out of bed. Morning hair and all.…
View AllYour Free-Will will always approve Your request. What shall it be? You are never stuck. It, perhaps, is just the opposite. Not that you are stuck, but perhaps…
View AllYour Free-Will will always approve Your request. What shall it be? You are never stuck. It, perhaps, is just the opposite. Not that you are stuck, but perhaps…
View AllWishing for the Way Things Were? Wishing on a memory Where did the “normal” go? We had a “normal” way back in 2019. Wishing that things become the…
View AllA Timeless Soul … personified Who do you think you are? What if every time you crashed your car, you got a brand new…
The Pinch of the Collective Where does Your Divinity live? There is a rather BIG shift going on. An awakening of sorts. And within…
When Love has You Love loves You Love is a very powerful thing. I have noticed, over the years, that if I talk/write about…
Your Emotions evolve as You evolve There IS a promised land So … do you ever feel stuck? Kind of like … is this…
Your Soul seeks growth. To grow. To evolve. Bend and Stretch For myself, I find it most curious that our egos have the final…
View AllYour Free-Will will always approve Your request. What shall it be? You are never stuck. It, perhaps, is just the opposite. Not that you are stuck, but perhaps…
Maybe it is You Who is behind it all? So, imagine you are standing in front of a mirror. Perhaps fresh out of bed. Morning hair and all.…
View AllYour Free-Will will always approve Your request. What shall it be? You are never stuck. It, perhaps, is just the opposite. Not that you are stuck, but perhaps…
View AllYour Free-Will will always approve Your request. What shall it be? You are never stuck. It, perhaps, is just the opposite. Not that you are stuck, but perhaps…
View AllWishing for the Way Things Were? Wishing on a memory Where did the “normal” go? We had a “normal” way back in 2019. Wishing that things become the…
View AllA Timeless Soul … personified Who do you think you are? What if every time you crashed your car, you got a brand new…
The Pinch of the Collective Where does Your Divinity live? There is a rather BIG shift going on. An awakening of sorts. And within…
When Love has You Love loves You Love is a very powerful thing. I have noticed, over the years, that if I talk/write about…
Your Emotions evolve as You evolve There IS a promised land So … do you ever feel stuck? Kind of like … is this…
Your Soul seeks growth. To grow. To evolve. Bend and Stretch For myself, I find it most curious that our egos have the final…
View AllYour Free-Will will always approve Your request. What shall it be? You are never stuck. It, perhaps, is just the opposite. Not that you are stuck, but perhaps…
Maybe it is You Who is behind it all? So, imagine you are standing in front of a mirror. Perhaps fresh out of bed. Morning hair and all.…
View AllYour Free-Will will always approve Your request. What shall it be? You are never stuck. It, perhaps, is just the opposite. Not that you are stuck, but perhaps…
View AllYour Free-Will will always approve Your request. What shall it be? You are never stuck. It, perhaps, is just the opposite. Not that you are stuck, but perhaps…
View AllWishing for the Way Things Were? Wishing on a memory Where did the “normal” go? We had a “normal” way back in 2019. Wishing that things become the…
View AllA Timeless Soul … personified Who do you think you are? What if every time you crashed your car, you got a brand new…
The Pinch of the Collective Where does Your Divinity live? There is a rather BIG shift going on. An awakening of sorts. And within…
When Love has You Love loves You Love is a very powerful thing. I have noticed, over the years, that if I talk/write about…
Your Emotions evolve as You evolve There IS a promised land So … do you ever feel stuck? Kind of like … is this…
Your Soul seeks growth. To grow. To evolve. Bend and Stretch For myself, I find it most curious that our egos have the final…