Life & Arts
Food Stories
Any Color You Like It is your reflection Draw your measure. Claim your bounty. There is a new player in the thinking game. It is that of AI…
The Other Side of the Soul You are a Soul having a Human experience So, perhaps, I can assume it is your ego reading this sentence. And this…
The Other Side of the Soul You are a Soul having a Human experience So, perhaps, I can assume it is your ego reading this sentence. And this…
View AllIs Life happening by You or to You? Karma can shift your perspective What if … you were born on the other side of the planet? In a…
Are you waiting for God to answer you? Ring … Ring … So you have said your prayers. Done! Just waiting for God to answer them now. tick…
View AllIs Life happening by You or to You? Karma can shift your perspective What if … you were born on the other side of the planet? In a…
View AllIs Life happening by You or to You? Karma can shift your perspective What if … you were born on the other side of the planet? In a…
View AllAre You on God’s side? Best be on the “safe” side When we are on a spiritual journey or quest, we want to come out on the “right”…
View AllYour Freedom and Your Feelings are related. Do You want more Freedom? My life was being pinched off. I felt it but I didn’t…
Are You stuck at the Stop sign? When will you be ready to go … again? Have you ever had your life turned on…
To walk out of the Karmic Storms Your subconscious decides how much your environment influences you We posture with reality. At least until we…
Learning to Run When the training wheels comes off When you start to get some traction, walking in step with your heart and soul,…
Who will You become? At your current trajectory. If you were to continue to live your life, how you are living it right now,…
View AllIs Life happening by You or to You? Karma can shift your perspective What if … you were born on the other side of the planet? In a…
Are you waiting for God to answer you? Ring … Ring … So you have said your prayers. Done! Just waiting for God to answer them now. tick…
View AllIs Life happening by You or to You? Karma can shift your perspective What if … you were born on the other side of the planet? In a…
View AllIs Life happening by You or to You? Karma can shift your perspective What if … you were born on the other side of the planet? In a…
View AllAre You on God’s side? Best be on the “safe” side When we are on a spiritual journey or quest, we want to come out on the “right”…
View AllYour Freedom and Your Feelings are related. Do You want more Freedom? My life was being pinched off. I felt it but I didn’t…
Are You stuck at the Stop sign? When will you be ready to go … again? Have you ever had your life turned on…
To walk out of the Karmic Storms Your subconscious decides how much your environment influences you We posture with reality. At least until we…
Learning to Run When the training wheels comes off When you start to get some traction, walking in step with your heart and soul,…
Who will You become? At your current trajectory. If you were to continue to live your life, how you are living it right now,…
View AllIs Life happening by You or to You? Karma can shift your perspective What if … you were born on the other side of the planet? In a…
Are you waiting for God to answer you? Ring … Ring … So you have said your prayers. Done! Just waiting for God to answer them now. tick…
View AllIs Life happening by You or to You? Karma can shift your perspective What if … you were born on the other side of the planet? In a…
View AllIs Life happening by You or to You? Karma can shift your perspective What if … you were born on the other side of the planet? In a…
View AllAre You on God’s side? Best be on the “safe” side When we are on a spiritual journey or quest, we want to come out on the “right”…
View AllYour Freedom and Your Feelings are related. Do You want more Freedom? My life was being pinched off. I felt it but I didn’t…
Are You stuck at the Stop sign? When will you be ready to go … again? Have you ever had your life turned on…
To walk out of the Karmic Storms Your subconscious decides how much your environment influences you We posture with reality. At least until we…
Learning to Run When the training wheels comes off When you start to get some traction, walking in step with your heart and soul,…
Who will You become? At your current trajectory. If you were to continue to live your life, how you are living it right now,…