The Power of an Idea Honoring the Vision of your Soul We are living in such exciting times. This lifetime, this one right now, has a unique opportunity to it. How are you going to live your life? Day in and day out we can get comfortable in a sense of normalcy or predictability. The ego can really like knowing what will happen next. The unknown can feel unsettling and unsure. And for many of us, there is so much energetic upheaval within us. We are going though some big energetic shifts. The universe is upgrading us energetically. We are coming out of old energy. Old paradigms. Old stories of possibilities. And our mythology cannot show us what is next. For perhaps the first time in aeons of time, the next chapter of our human story is going into COMPLETELY new ground. Enter the notion of a Soul. Your Soul…
Your Soul has a vision for your life (In memory of Dr. Martin Luther King) We are the current storyline of countless generations that have gone before us. Billions of Souls have incarnated on this planet for eons of time. And here we are … right now. What are we going to bring about in the future that lies before us now? Quantum Mechanics, Law of Attraction, Sacred Geometry, Epigenetics, Conscious Creating and Divine Love. All topics that we have discussed in depth here at New Human Living. Through our blogs, like this one, and also through our many radio show interviews. Do you believe? It is done unto You as You believe. If asked ( O.K. I’ll ask you ), How likely is it that your life purpose will be fulfilled completely? How likely will the vision of your Soul come true? In other words … do you ACTUALLY…
The Vision of Your Soul What is the plan? Your ego is assigning value to each one of these words, right here, right now… But what about the vision of your Soul? What is the plan for THIS life of yours? What are the core life lessons for this time around? This incarnation? This life of yours? Your body is the canvas on which you feel your karma. Where you feel your life. Feelings… (cue the music… 😉 Nothing more than feelings… lol God/Goddess does not have a plan for you. Wait… what? God/Goddess does not have a plan for your life that they will force on you. God/Goddess DOES have a vision, a possibility, for what your life could look like. But there is this free-will thing. Your free will TRUMPS God/Goddess’s desires for your life. Your ego is the boss. Your ego is the Big Cheese! Your ego’s…
The Vision of Your Soul Different Goals for Different Souls The curious thing about this karmic soup we are all living in, is just how thick it is. Our karma, here on Earth, is some of the thickest karma around. And you, yes you, are a soul that chose to incarnate in the first ripples of our re-awakening. Just take a moment and imagine a planet that has lived in such torment and struggle, for eons of time, that is now, just now, starting to come out of the darkness. If you consider the scale of human consciousness, it is a logarithmic scale. The energy of (your) consciousness is exponential. Although we cannot directly sense, with our five senses, the raw power behind this consciousness, we CAN derive some understanding of it. Just like electricity. We cannot see electricity. But we can develop an understanding of it. So imagine someone…
What are you karmically connected to? Karma is a curious thing for me to write about. It seems like karma has not been on peoples’ radar for a very long time. But karma HAS been involved in every single aspect of their lives. If, indeed, human consciousness is the most powerful substance on the planet, then karma must also be very powerful too. Powerful because it removes your connection with your infinite Divine potential. Just take a look at society. There are people who are planning the colonization of another planet. Getting very specific about how one million people will be living on Mars. And then there is the homeless person panhandling at the corner, barely getting through the day. Does that show any contrast? Your karma IS where your Divine potential can get tied up. All Souls are born with the same potentials. And then we start to take…
Bring your Soul front and center in your everyday life. Why are you here? Tell yourself the answer before you continue. Please. The simple fact that you exist means there is a Divine idea of You. The first part of your soul’s purpose is fulfilled just by your sheer existence. And part two. Well, there is a LOT of wiggle-room to part two. There are many perspectives we can take regarding the meaning of your life. The idea of karmic lessons. Then there is the idea that you are the face of the Divine. That God creates through the personification of the Divine. Which describes you to a T. You are God-consciousness making choices. You are the creator, the one from the beginning of all time, personified as you. Once you clean up your ego and karma, the only consciousness left is Divinity itself. (Your ego and karma are Divine…
It is your Soul, trying to inspire You. There was a plan for your life from the very beginning. What is the BEST dream you can Dream? What does it look like, when you see yourself actually living it out? You are on your way to the airport. But there is one stop to be made along the way. You have something you are going to set into motion now. You walk through the large wooden doors. Everyone in the room is smiling. They have all looked forward to today. Once the ink dries, a thousand forklifts will start setting the vision into motion. Materials that will be used to build the vision. A project that will touch the four corners of the earth. And it all came to you one day, many moons ago. And today, this day, it starts getting created by your hand. You sit down and…
What would You prefer? Is God behind the curtain creating the future for us? Are we simply the folks that watch it happen? Where is the Divine in the planning of the future? When will God get it right? Plenty of prayers are laying around, and if God would act on JUST ONE prayer, we would be out of the woods. There are plenty of ideas about the future. Here in the United States, the changing of our President has created so much change going on in many different arenas. For many people, the direction(s) we are going have plenty for them to be concerned about. Certainly, it can seem like we are headed in the wrong direction. When will this storyline turn around? Enter God. Cue God … Now would be good …crickets … Where the hell is God? I thought we had him locked in. What is to…
Taking the time to stop and appreciate who we are today Who are You? Why are You here? What are You here to be? Sometimes on our spiritual journey, we always have the future in our sights. Sure enough, that is a good way to be conscious of what you ARE creating. But what have you already created? Who is this You, that is reading these words? What have you experienced in your life so far? What are the karmic lessons you are here to learn? You are re-connecting. You are becoming more aware of your higher self. You are remembering who you really are. Getting glimpses of your Soul. That REALLY BIG You. Like your own personal best friend. A part of you that always sees you with Loving eyes. With confidence in your future. Knowing that there is more of You to discover, explore and manifest. Your age…
Creation takes ongoing intention There is a pacing to consciousness. The further we have gone into the darkness or shadow, the more disconnected we become from our power to create. When we chose to go so far into the darkness, we chose to disconnect from our most powerful aspects of ourselves. I mean, really, how can we have a mythology about kings AND peasants, if we were all very powerful? If we all embodied our Divinity, we couldn’t play out these stories that fill the pages of our human history. With that said, we are all on our way back home. We are on our way back to our truth. We are ALL very powerful Divine personas, once we re-embody our own truth. As we come out of our own karmic imprinting, we are reconnecting with our Divine yet personal power. That Divine spark within us now. As we shed…
Harvesting the fruits of our efforts We, the people, have reached a curious crossroad. On one end we are collectively emerging from eons of human struggle. So much struggle, suffering, domination and control. And yet on the other end of the spectrum, there are individuals who are moving completely out of that paradigm and moving into the Light. BEing able to embody the Divine Light within. When we are feeling the pain of a difficult path, we can be motivated to take the easiest road out. That is certainly understandable. Sometimes taking that easy path is how you survive. And in our collective culture, there are so many of us who are seeking the better life. If you take a big step back, and then maybe even another big step back, you can see the perspective of our souls. There were these really brave souls that chose to go far…