


What is Your Life Purpose? Honoring your power and your purpose. Who are you? Why are you here? What is your life purpose? What plans have you laid for its fulfillment? Don’t tell me, tellyou. You have so much potential inside of you now. I remember the first time I wrote a book. It took me 6 years. And then I threw it all out. What the??? I was apparently warming up to the notion that I was to be an author. I had written many sections of the book over a 6-year period. And the whole time I was actively and aggressively cleaning up my karma. Practicing new concepts that came into my understanding. I would contemplate the nature of karma, and then I would develop ways to test it to see the effect. And I learned a lot. But during those 6 years, my language changed. I was…

Leaving fear behind you Peace can be found in every aspect of life. There is a place of knowing that affords a sense of peace within your own sense of self, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey. For many of us, we were born into a paradigm of struggle and pain. Some of the stories of our humanity can seem very difficult to understand, including the “why” of it all. But when we take a step back and look at it from our own soul’s perspective, it is that very struggle that can act as our own alarm clock. If you think about the collective consciousness, there is little in our mainstream media that talks about the truth. And that would be Truth with a capital ‘T’. To be able to get a grip on the truth, and then become able to embody it, is the trademark…

Creating as you are inspired to You are the thing itself. The creative process of our human nature happens through the human experience. Exactly like your experience. The creative process IS happening in you. All of our human history is about people just like you. Every story about humanity that has unfolded throughout time is a mirror of what you are living out right now. You hold the reins. You are the artist. You are creating right now.To become conscious of that, and then to consciously engage that, is to fulfill the vision of your own heart. Self-love is the doorway to the most incredible life. Love seeks expansion. Expansion through you. Love as you. As you purify your own heart, you open up the floodgates of love within you now. Infinite love is present as source. Source consciousness has created the universe, and is still seeking expansion. The universe has given us trillions…

Following the vision of your heart and soul To master the art of fulfilling your human potential is to tap into that infinite well of joy deep within you now. It is God’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. We all have equal access to the source of all creation. That source of all creation is found deep within you now. You are the creator incarnate. But to be able to actually convert that simple truth into a vibrant and fulfilling life can be a journey in  and of itself. The vast and expansive kingdom is held in escrow awaiting your desire of it. When you decide to honor that inner impulse, you become the vessel of creation itself, the Divine spark of creation personified as you. As we are living in a culture where that kind of living is not very common, you can be a point of presence,…