


Finding the Divine Within We are all on a journey. Each one is unique. Yet the destination is always the same. Each and every one of us has a unique story. A unique purpose. There is a propensity to life. We, as humans, tend to live in patterned behavior. Karma, by its very nature, implies conditioned response. A karmic propensity. Yet there is something else that is riding along with us on our journey.  And that is the truth. The truth of who we are. We chose to forget. We chose to go into the darkness, letting go of knowing who we really are. The darkness has a gift for us. The struggles of our past have a wonderful benefit. And that is because we, our egos, feel Joy when we move closer to our truth … when we move closer to the Light within us now. The journey home…

Tapping your infinite potential We all have more personal potential to discover about ourselves. It arrives in any one moment. There is this ever-present “now.” Every moment offers an opportunity for a new idea or direction to show up for us. We can take a step back and look at the history of our human experience and see so many different eras and cultures in our human history. And I suggest that we are at the doorway of one of the most incredible yet. From my perspective, this chapter of our human story is without comparison. We are at the curve of an exponential shift in our human story. A shift that will be so vast and so spectacular, that this chapter will be talked about for quite some time to come. The infinite potential of our human nature never dims. Ever. We are all a point of presence in a galactic…

Discovering the Truth of Who You Are How did you end up here in your own life? What is the history of your Soul that has brought you to this moment? Where are your karmic lessons based in this lifetime of yours? What role do you play in the collective unfolding? Can you master the power of Love in this lifetime? We could ask a few hundred more questions about you and still have a hundred more after that. As a soul incarnate, you are more vast than any chapter or book. The truth of you is bigger than language can encompass without serious compromise. All the mythology of our human story can be seen as a history of your own personal potential. The universe does not play favorites. You are here to discover the bigger truth within you now. What can that look like? What are you capable of?…

Harvesting the fruits of our efforts We, the people, have reached a curious crossroad. On one end we are collectively emerging from eons of human struggle. So much struggle, suffering, domination and control. And yet on the other end of the spectrum, there are individuals who are moving completely out of that paradigm and moving into the Light. BEing able to embody the Divine Light within. When we are feeling the pain of a difficult path, we can be motivated to take the easiest road out. That is certainly understandable. Sometimes taking that easy path is how you survive. And in our collective culture, there are so many of us who are seeking the better life. If you take a big step back, and then maybe even another big step back, you can see the perspective of our souls. There were these really brave souls that chose to go far…

Arriving into the knowing We are the Light. Period. In a sense, it is that simple. Yet as our egos go looking for this truth, we tend to focus on the storyline that is happening outside of us. The Light comes from within us. We all still have some baggage from our past. Some karmic momentum. Some junk in our trunk. I like the visual of an old-style coat rack. In the center is the pole that holds everything up. And for this visual, imagine that that pole is a super-bright light. As we start to hang coats on the rack, we start to cover up the light. Those coats represent our own karma. In the simplest sense, karma is everything that isn’t pure white light. For us as individuals, our karma can be thought of as a density. Denseness. To draw another visual, imagine putting on long underwear. And…

You were born with it There is happiness present within you now. You are enlightened now. You are a precious Soul right now … no matter your condition or past. These are inherent attributes that all of us possess. We can lose track of who we think we are. Our ego can become attached to judgment of ourselves. And there is an aspect of our collective media that certainly re-enforces this mindset. There is the notion that those people in the spotlight of the media are in some way “special.” And that we are not. Or perhaps we are not as special. It is important to note, however, that the value we assign to people, conditions and statures is all created in our own minds. The value we assign creates the desire itself. It can be a slippery slope. There is the inner desire. A better paradigm. Perhaps a better…

Casting your vote for the future When we consider the truth of who we really are, we come to a point of personal empowerment. When we reach that point of self-love, then we do not want to participate in anything that doesn’t honor ourselves. When we are talking about an individual, it can be a relatively easy thing to do. Just say “No” to what doesn’t feel right. But on the collective level, things get a little different, because we all have free will. It is not congruent to force a thought or belief on anyone else, just as it is not appropriate for another to do that to you. The idea of personal sovereignty is a place of sacred ground. Personal sovereignty comes into play when we are talking about your own relationship with God/Source/Creation. And no human being can leverage that space without corrupting their personal sovereignty. When…

Fulfilling the vision of our Heart and Soul Truth is. It always has been. Long before language or religion, the truth existed by its very nature. The truth is beyond language. It is beyond what our minds and egos can comprehend. It is impossible to language the truth without severe compromise. We are vast Souls personified in these bodies in which we reside. Where does your DNA come from? Are you Asian? German? Polish? African? Indonesian? Each one of us, as Souls, chose the answer before we were born. Your Soul chooses the situations and conditions of your birth and incarnation. You chose to be here now. The truth of who you are is the doorway to absolute freedom. You cannot die. Ever. The very thing that is animating your body now existed before you were even conceived by your parents. Your Soul chose this lifetime. This one now. For…

Expressing the waves of Joy, Love and Happiness Your own journey through life is counted day by day. Just like this day is counted, right here, right now. When will you find your Happiness? Where will you find your Joy, and the ocean of Love within you now? I don’t want to come across as smug, as I’ve certainly had my share of pain, misery and suffering in this lifetime. But I also don’t want to exclude you either. If my words don’t feel right as I write this, I will not add them. There are oceans of Love just waiting for you to enjoy them. There is so much Happiness reserved just for you that you could never exhaust it all. Ever. The Joy of discovering who you really are will easily last a lifetime … and then some. It can seem like those kinds of thoughts don’t fit with how…

Leaving fear behind you Peace can be found in every aspect of life. There is a place of knowing that affords a sense of peace within your own sense of self, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey. For many of us, we were born into a paradigm of struggle and pain. Some of the stories of our humanity can seem very difficult to understand, including the “why” of it all. But when we take a step back and look at it from our own soul’s perspective, it is that very struggle that can act as our own alarm clock. If you think about the collective consciousness, there is little in our mainstream media that talks about the truth. And that would be Truth with a capital ‘T’. To be able to get a grip on the truth, and then become able to embody it, is the trademark…

Finding your stride … Living your potential It seems like humanity has been searching for the Holy Grail for eons of time. The Holy Grail represents the pinnacle of life itself, providing happiness, eternal youth and a life of abundance. This idea is very intriguing, as if there is a magic “thing” that, once discovered, all struggle will dissolve. The idea of a sweet spot in life has merit. Certainly there must be some type of order, or core principle of life, that can give one an advantage. Like some kind of liberation from the sense of struggle. Certainly many of us have had difficult times in our own lives, often sharing stories of our own individual “train wrecks.” I know I have had my share of difficult chapters in my own life. I suggest there is a vantage point that, once discovered and mastered, gives one a sense of peace…