


The Divine expresses through you, as you How good can you stand it? I mean. If indeed we are the portal of the Divine, expressing as ourselves, then what would heaven look like, to you? There is a pattern that is very common on this planet. And that pattern is the pattern of people awakening. Working through their issues. And most certainly, that is a very good thing. But, there is another chapter coming. Is is just past karma. It is the chapter we start living when we have cleansed our karmic past. Now make no mistake. I am not saying that if you don’t feel like you have any karma left, that there isn’t plenty to be discovered within you. Karma, by design, is mostly subconscious. And by that, nearly impossible to consciously know about. Not with any certainty anyway. Until you actually glow in the dark, like Jesus…

Taking the time to stop and appreciate who we are today Who are You? Why are You here? What are You here to be? Sometimes on our spiritual journey, we always have the future in our sights. Sure enough, that is a good way to be conscious of what you ARE creating. But what have you already created? Who is this You, that is reading these words? What have you experienced in your life so far? What are the karmic lessons you are here to learn? You are re-connecting. You are becoming more aware of your higher self. You are remembering who you really are. Getting glimpses of your Soul. That REALLY BIG You. Like your own personal best friend. A part of you that always sees you with Loving eyes. With confidence in your future. Knowing that there is more of You to discover, explore and manifest. Your age…

What does Love have to offer us? We set ourselves up. We buried treasures to ensure our return. We prepared the way. We, as souls, made agreements for very powerful benevolent BEings to be waiting for us. There are many guides coming forward right now … to remind us of who we really are. You might think that us humans, on this planet Earth, are the struggling BEings. Sure enough, there is plenty of struggle going on in this world. But make no mistake. Through the eyes of those benevolent BEings of Love, WE are the giants. You and me. The Titans. The enormously powerful BEings of Light. Human BEings on planet Earth are living in the MOST powerful times of our human history. Right now. Right here. Those BEings that are here to remind us, are in awe of Us. We are the ones that have taken on the…

Love is a very powerful thing to talk about. Love, play it on me. ~ The Who So here we are. Once again. What’s it going to be? We all have more life to live. Here is some more showing up right now. And here is yet another moment. If indeed we are Divine BEings, how can we tap the Divinity for some real-time leverage in our life? Well, perhaps the question is, how BIG do you want to PLAY on this planet Earth? For there is a definitive process of creation. I mean, who doesn’t notice the Earth we are walking around on? The creator aspect that made the earth is part of who we are right now. Or the endless list to creations that our human ancestors have created? Our Divinity does not sway or error. It is an absolute aspect of us now, awaiting our mastery of…

Nobody warned me I had no idea. Nobody ever told me to be careful. It seemed innocent enough, to just dabble with Love. What could go wrong? I mean, years and years of ouch and tears. Love seemed like a good idea. When I started to play with Love, I didn’t know what it would end up doing to me. And I am pretty sure I can’t go back now. It is done. Love is a most curious thing. When you first start playing around with it, you can always put it down. Take a break. Get outside and stretch and relax. Love was a give-or-take sort of thing. You and it. A choice. A preference. Sometimes you were not in the mood for it. But now, I am telling you so you will know. Be careful, because Love can overwhelm you. It can dissolve any sense of separation. All of…

What are you broadcasting to the Law of Attraction? Your inner chi: Chi = energy. It is your inner energy. It is you casting your vote for the future. Everything happens energetically first. The last thing to happen is that the atoms move. In other words, whatever is to be happening in the near future exists now as an energetic condition. When you build a house you start with an idea. A mental form of energy. The idea of the house exists first as a thought (mental energy). The very last step is to pick up a hammer and build it (atoms moving). The physical world is the last step. Our eyes are only watching the last step happen. (Our physical eyes cannot see the mental and emotional energy of what is shaping our future. Our third eye, or psychic ability, can see the energy shaping our future.) We are…

Discovering the Truth of Who You Are How did you end up here in your own life? What is the history of your Soul that has brought you to this moment? Where are your karmic lessons based in this lifetime of yours? What role do you play in the collective unfolding? Can you master the power of Love in this lifetime? We could ask a few hundred more questions about you and still have a hundred more after that. As a soul incarnate, you are more vast than any chapter or book. The truth of you is bigger than language can encompass without serious compromise. All the mythology of our human story can be seen as a history of your own personal potential. The universe does not play favorites. You are here to discover the bigger truth within you now. What can that look like? What are you capable of?…

True happiness comes from within We all have the happiness gene. All of what we feel comes from within us. And happiness is no different. Feelings are an inside job. Yet happiness can seem elusive. So many people are not very happy with their lives. And yet others are over-the-top delighted with life. Life has no bias of its own. It will gladly accommodate anything you decide, since you are the creator incarnate. You get to decide. The more conditions we put on our happiness, the less of it we have. We can have specific expectations for our own life. And if those expectations are not met, we can feel deprived. Why do I not have what I want? I mean, if it is God’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom of Heaven, where the hell is it? I want it and I want it NOW. lol. The thing to keep in…

Seeing from your Soul’s perspective It can feel odd to laugh at life sometimes. I mean, this is serious … right? When we have been trying to bring change into our life, it can seem like nothing is working. Perhaps we even have thoughts of “what’s the use?” But our Soul has our back. We have the bases covered. In fact, our vibrant and opulent life is held in escrow until we can embody it ourselves. From the higher perspective, we cannot fail. It is only a matter of time. There is only one outcome. All roads (choices) lead to Heaven. We are safe and we are loved. No matter what the circumstances of this moment, you will prevail. There is no other outcome. The only variable is when. Knowing this can bring a sense of relief. The journey can seem hard, as if you are watching a slow-motion movie. There is some comfort in…

You are here for the Human experience Now I am going to go out on a limb here. I am pretty sure you woke up this morning. And chances are good that you are conscious enough to read sentences. And if I asked you how many dogs you could get into a box, you might come back with some questions. How big is the box? How big are the dogs? Why is this question even being presented? So, I would bet your ability to conceive ideas is intact too. It seems like the basic vehicle for our human experience is functioning normally. You are alive. So live. What is it you prefer? What do you enjoy? What moments of time make you pause and take notice? Perhaps it is the sun setting over the ocean? Or the slow swaying of the large soft snowflakes descending on their new home? Or the raindrops…

Finding your stride … Living your potential It seems like humanity has been searching for the Holy Grail for eons of time. The Holy Grail represents the pinnacle of life itself, providing happiness, eternal youth and a life of abundance. This idea is very intriguing, as if there is a magic “thing” that, once discovered, all struggle will dissolve. The idea of a sweet spot in life has merit. Certainly there must be some type of order, or core principle of life, that can give one an advantage. Like some kind of liberation from the sense of struggle. Certainly many of us have had difficult times in our own lives, often sharing stories of our own individual “train wrecks.” I know I have had my share of difficult chapters in my own life. I suggest there is a vantage point that, once discovered and mastered, gives one a sense of peace…