Knowing who you really are Be still. Yet flow. When we consider ourselves as a soul living in this human body, there are some serious benefits from truly knowing who we really are. A soul is beyond any mortal concern. What I mean by that is your soul knows who it is. And in that knowing, it never frets or worries. So why would you? Know that your most authentic self was there before you were born, is here with you now, and will be there after you shed this mortal body. To genuinely know that, not just believe it, but to actually know it … will set you free. No matter what happens in this life of yours, your own Divinity is assured. There is no need for salvation, for you are the thing itself, right now. No matter what happens to your physical body, you are safe. Speaking…
Arriving into the knowing We are the Light. Period. In a sense, it is that simple. Yet as our egos go looking for this truth, we tend to focus on the storyline that is happening outside of us. The Light comes from within us. We all still have some baggage from our past. Some karmic momentum. Some junk in our trunk. I like the visual of an old-style coat rack. In the center is the pole that holds everything up. And for this visual, imagine that that pole is a super-bright light. As we start to hang coats on the rack, we start to cover up the light. Those coats represent our own karma. In the simplest sense, karma is everything that isn’t pure white light. For us as individuals, our karma can be thought of as a density. Denseness. To draw another visual, imagine putting on long underwear. And…
Leaving fear behind you Peace can be found in every aspect of life. There is a place of knowing that affords a sense of peace within your own sense of self, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey. For many of us, we were born into a paradigm of struggle and pain. Some of the stories of our humanity can seem very difficult to understand, including the “why” of it all. But when we take a step back and look at it from our own soul’s perspective, it is that very struggle that can act as our own alarm clock. If you think about the collective consciousness, there is little in our mainstream media that talks about the truth. And that would be Truth with a capital ‘T’. To be able to get a grip on the truth, and then become able to embody it, is the trademark…
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving from New Human Living Does it seem like time is moving faster these days? I wanted to take a moment and thank you! I very much appreciate your part in this journey we call life. We are all very powerful souls who are choosing to wake up our understanding of our own authentic power. The feelings that love brings to us can be so delightful and exciting. Love always seeks expansion. And you are that love personified. To be able to bring love into the everyday experience is the game-changer. Unconditional love is the doorway to Heaven on Earth. Love has so many faces. When I think about how love had taken a different route into my life, I can think of the so called “villains” in my life. There is one particular villain that comes to mind. He was a boss I had pretty…
Seeing from your Soul’s perspective It can feel odd to laugh at life sometimes. I mean, this is serious … right? When we have been trying to bring change into our life, it can seem like nothing is working. Perhaps we even have thoughts of “what’s the use?” But our Soul has our back. We have the bases covered. In fact, our vibrant and opulent life is held in escrow until we can embody it ourselves. From the higher perspective, we cannot fail. It is only a matter of time. There is only one outcome. All roads (choices) lead to Heaven. We are safe and we are loved. No matter what the circumstances of this moment, you will prevail. There is no other outcome. The only variable is when. Knowing this can bring a sense of relief. The journey can seem hard, as if you are watching a slow-motion movie. There is some comfort in…
Creating as you are inspired to You are the thing itself. The creative process of our human nature happens through the human experience. Exactly like your experience. The creative process IS happening in you. All of our human history is about people just like you. Every story about humanity that has unfolded throughout time is a mirror of what you are living out right now. You hold the reins. You are the artist. You are creating right now.To become conscious of that, and then to consciously engage that, is to fulfill the vision of your own heart. Self-love is the doorway to the most incredible life. Love seeks expansion. Expansion through you. Love as you. As you purify your own heart, you open up the floodgates of love within you now. Infinite love is present as source. Source consciousness has created the universe, and is still seeking expansion. The universe has given us trillions…
Walking in step with your Soul We have all had moments when the timing of things just seems to be perfect. Like when we meet the person we were just thinking of … by “accident.” There is a curious thing about how things manifest in our lives. Everything happens energetically first … before the atoms get involved. The future is created on this invisible energetic canvas before anything in the physical world actually moves. Sometimes the events in the energetic realm tell us how to avoid something. On the morning of 9/11 many people missed their train, called in sick or had something else “come up” that kept them from getting to work on time. At the Soul level, everything is known before it actually happens. And at the Soul level, it can be decided whether we actually participate in it. This is part of the reason that karma is…
Master the Art of Living in This Day Here we are, living yet another day. Are you feeling satisfied with your life? Do you feel love in your life? Or are you perhaps waiting for something to happen or change? It will only be during today, this day, that you will ever feel your feelings. When we can recognize that this moment now is all there is, we can let go of any need for anything else but our own selves to give us the feelings of happiness and joy. I say happiness and joy because those two feelings are the results of recognizing the truth. The truth is, we are on this temporal train. We are living a timeline of sorts. There was this day that we would call “yesterday.” Did you feel happiness and joy yesterday? Do you think you will feel these emotions tomorrow too? When our…
You are here for the Human experience Now I am going to go out on a limb here. I am pretty sure you woke up this morning. And chances are good that you are conscious enough to read sentences. And if I asked you how many dogs you could get into a box, you might come back with some questions. How big is the box? How big are the dogs? Why is this question even being presented? So, I would bet your ability to conceive ideas is intact too. It seems like the basic vehicle for our human experience is functioning normally. You are alive. So live. What is it you prefer? What do you enjoy? What moments of time make you pause and take notice? Perhaps it is the sun setting over the ocean? Or the slow swaying of the large soft snowflakes descending on their new home? Or the raindrops…
Who is this “You” that is reading this? Nice to meet you. Who is it that I am talking to? Who are you? Who are you over a span of time? What if you were to imagine yourself(s) gathered at a table. Can you picture 4 or 5 versions of you throughout your life, sitting at the same table? Perhaps a young child version of you. A teenager version of you. A young adult version of you. Like snapshots of you throughout this lifetime. Can you imagine the thought process that is going on in each version? What is you as the young child thinking about? Play time? Presents at Christmas? And the you as a teenager. What is going through that young mind of yours? Perhaps some social contemplations? Maybe a little searching for a sense of self? And what about the older versions of you? What are those…
Finding your stride … Living your potential It seems like humanity has been searching for the Holy Grail for eons of time. The Holy Grail represents the pinnacle of life itself, providing happiness, eternal youth and a life of abundance. This idea is very intriguing, as if there is a magic “thing” that, once discovered, all struggle will dissolve. The idea of a sweet spot in life has merit. Certainly there must be some type of order, or core principle of life, that can give one an advantage. Like some kind of liberation from the sense of struggle. Certainly many of us have had difficult times in our own lives, often sharing stories of our own individual “train wrecks.” I know I have had my share of difficult chapters in my own life. I suggest there is a vantage point that, once discovered and mastered, gives one a sense of peace…