Everything we seek can be found within us now It has been said that everything OUTSIDE of us is an illusion. That every thing we see literally is not “real.” Yet there is a truth in our world that we CAN hang our hats on. And that is the experience of the “world” outside of us. There is the idea of the Quantum field. That the Quantum space is a mirror, that reflects us, back to us. Or in other words, we create the world we “see.” When people have had a near-death experience, they talk about the Light. And then there is the description of the creation of all that is. Again, there is the Light. In the beginning, was the Light. When you were born, you did not have an ego. You did not hold any symbols as important. You did not assign value to any thing. Yet,…
Living the Dream The journey of the Soul is such a timeless story. Since perhaps the beginning of time, Souls have looked at opportunities for incarnation. Our recent centuries have held so many varieties of archetypal experiences for us to embody. Very exciting opportunities. Stories of bravery and courage. Of fantastic triumphs and even staggering defeats. What is it that our Souls intended in order to create such a storyline? Why would we actually choose to go so far into the darkness of karma? Did they realize just how much pain and suffering has happened in our human storyline over the generations? What was the point of it all? God would have no problem overcoming all of this karma. Except that, in order to have this experience, God would have to load up on karma. And karma, by its very nature, removes power. In order for God to have the…
Coming out of karma There is a point in our spiritual journey where everything flips over. For most of us, our spiritual journey has been about overcoming our own karma. And certainly that is a very important step. But after that … what happens then? I totally get the notion of fool’s gold behind the thought that we are done with our karma. I have met countless “very spiritual” folks who carry a chip on their shoulder. The idea that the ego can think it has made it home can be an early warning sign that there is much more journey left in our journey. But … there is a place within us, within you and me right now, where there is nothing left to let go of. Where the notion of surrendering to the Divine has nothing left to give up. Perhaps you can think of it as building…
Who are YOU to personify the Divine? Here You are. On your spiritual journey. You have your story. You have your issues. One day at a time. You are living in perhaps the most dynamic time in our human history. And YOUR soul had a vision for you. For THIS lifetime. A storyline that was handpicked just for YOU. Perhaps you have had glimpses of it. In your dreams. In your desires. And then there are the gifts from your past. When we look at the collective storyline, by far the most common story is one of struggle, survival and overcoming our own karma. Yet, if we were to compare our human existence here on this planet with our own truth, it might be said that we are masters of limitations. We, Divine BEings with infinite power, are masters of making creation difficult. Masters of limitations. As if we are…
What does Love have to offer us? We set ourselves up. We buried treasures to ensure our return. We prepared the way. We, as souls, made agreements for very powerful benevolent BEings to be waiting for us. There are many guides coming forward right now … to remind us of who we really are. You might think that us humans, on this planet Earth, are the struggling BEings. Sure enough, there is plenty of struggle going on in this world. But make no mistake. Through the eyes of those benevolent BEings of Love, WE are the giants. You and me. The Titans. The enormously powerful BEings of Light. Human BEings on planet Earth are living in the MOST powerful times of our human history. Right now. Right here. Those BEings that are here to remind us, are in awe of Us. We are the ones that have taken on the…
Life gets better when you are consciously creating more of it Your karma is your choice, in two different ways. First of all, it was your Soul that chose to take on your particular flavor(s) of karmic imprinting. And second, it can be your ego, right now, that decides how you experience your karma. Karma does not care either way. And your emotions are really quite impersonal too. That’s right. You have some say in all of it. Starting right now. You get to decide, and re-decide, how you feel. Your emotions are just messengers. They only want to deliver a message to you. And that is how you feel about what is going on in the present moment. Your feelings change as you grow your own sense of self. You can emotionally evolve out of “bad” emotions. And you can master the ability to feel the really good ones…
Finding the Divine Within We are all on a journey. Each one is unique. Yet the destination is always the same. Each and every one of us has a unique story. A unique purpose. There is a propensity to life. We, as humans, tend to live in patterned behavior. Karma, by its very nature, implies conditioned response. A karmic propensity. Yet there is something else that is riding along with us on our journey. And that is the truth. The truth of who we are. We chose to forget. We chose to go into the darkness, letting go of knowing who we really are. The darkness has a gift for us. The struggles of our past have a wonderful benefit. And that is because we, our egos, feel Joy when we move closer to our truth … when we move closer to the Light within us now. The journey home…
You are where you will find God The traditional model of several “World” religions is that there is a God out there,perhaps somewhere up in the clouds. Awaiting your “return” so that you can be judged based on how you chose to live your life. And then the “sentencing” follows. LOL. Indeed, certainly the idea of God/Goddess being here now is not that common of a belief. Even the spiritual seekers are often looking “outward” to find the Divine. I don’t want to paint a picture that the Divine is in hiding. There are major cultures in the Eastern religions that affirm that God is to be found within ourselves. You can even mentally understand that you are a point of presence to the Divine right now. That there is in you now, a God/Goddess essence, that is the source of All That Is. Mentally you can get that. But…
Co-creating Heaven on Earth Humanity is at such a powerful place in our human evolution. A big part of that is based on where we have been. On this planet, we are coming out of the age of darkness … where egos have tried to create their “wealth” from the exploitation of others. War, slavery and exploitation fill the pages of the past. But now, this now, we have reached a huge turning point. We are standing at the doorway to the greatest expansion of our human potential that perhaps we have ever experienced in our human storyline. Every single person is an infinite point of potential. And billions of us are wakening to that truth. We are waking up … waking up to our true potential. I could have called this blog “Living Your Potential.” But I would have been missing something about the nature of the universe. Where two or more have gathered ……
Trusting the Divinity of Your Life So many sages and mystics have told us of the God/Goddess within us now. You are God/Goddess now. Well cool. Then I don’t have to do anything then … right? Well, don’t stop buying food just yet. Sure, there are infinite possibilities for your life available to you right now. But that doesn’t mean you will be able to experience them right this minute. Indeed, I am always careful with my language to ensure that I do not dictate what, or how, the Divine can show up in any one moment. Typically, there is never a COMPLETE re-arranging of life circumstances. Sure, there can be moments of full immersion of the Divine Light. But typically, there is a continuation of a relative life pattern. I say typically, in order to allow being proven wrong. We are here for the journey. As a journey, there…
Knowing who you really are Be still. Yet flow. When we consider ourselves as a soul living in this human body, there are some serious benefits from truly knowing who we really are. A soul is beyond any mortal concern. What I mean by that is your soul knows who it is. And in that knowing, it never frets or worries. So why would you? Know that your most authentic self was there before you were born, is here with you now, and will be there after you shed this mortal body. To genuinely know that, not just believe it, but to actually know it … will set you free. No matter what happens in this life of yours, your own Divinity is assured. There is no need for salvation, for you are the thing itself, right now. No matter what happens to your physical body, you are safe. Speaking…