


That place of ease has information for you Karma has layers to it. Karma has a multitude of elements that make up your overall vibe. For most of us, we never come “all the way out” of our thoughts and feelings. The thing is, as long as we are engaged in a karmic pattern, we are not completely at ease. That makes it harder to receive. It also masks our own karmic tendencies too. To be still, is to be in the place from which we watch our own demeanor. And there is another aspect to the stillness of ease. That is where we find Peace and Love too. Peace and Love are a field. They do not require sentences. They were there before there were even sentences. Before the ego existed. Before any ego existed. Ever. Take a deep breath. And now take another, only slower. And one more,…

Life gets better when you are consciously creating more of it Your karma is your choice, in two different ways. First of all, it was your Soul that chose to take on your particular flavor(s) of karmic imprinting. And second, it can be your ego, right now, that decides how you experience your karma. Karma does not care either way. And your emotions are really quite impersonal too. That’s right. You have some say in all of it. Starting right now. You get to decide, and re-decide, how you feel. Your emotions are just messengers. They only want to deliver a message to you. And that is how you feel about what is going on in the present moment. Your feelings change as you grow your own sense of self. You can emotionally evolve out of “bad” emotions. And you can master the ability to feel the really good ones…

Where ARE you going? Are we there yet? Have we “awakened?” Are we stuck in nirvana? Overwhelmed with bliss? When I look at people’s energy, one of the most common energies I feel is an anxiousness. A sense of angst about the moment. Well, it isn’t really about this moment, but rather, what might happen next. Perhaps it is a desire to reach “fulfillment” or “happiness.” Anywhere but here and any time but now. Like there is something coming from the future that will put all the pieces of the puzzle together. I am not “there” yet. I am not “where” I want to be … yet. OK. Let’s wait. Let’s stand down and let this future moment come to us. Sometimes I see a mindset in social media that says I have given my heart to God. Maybe it sounds like this … I surrender to your will Oh…

Finding that place of nirvana within Life can seem like it has a rigid pacing to it. Like the time it takes for us to create what we want. For so many of us, it can seem as if this takes a long time too. But there is a place within us where the creative force is powerful and expanded beyond anything we have experienced. And then we bring in the idea that all of us have more of that creative effect to discover … which can bring a genuine sense of excitement. As it should, for the evolution of consciousness is a very powerful journey to be on. The creative impulse that started this whole universe/galaxy thing exists within you now. The impulse to create is woven into consciousness itself. When you make it a practice to expand your own consciousness, you are changing the “rate of change” itself…

Love is the path to your return to grace All of us are spot-on. We are perfect in our own right. The way(s) we choose IS our path. No matter what. You cannot choose wrong. You cannot fall from grace. No matter what your storyline is, you are perfect, whole and complete, now and always. The truth of you is absolute. The truth of you is out of reach from our human intentions. Nobody has broken a karmic law. Ever. You are free to choose yet again. But what about sin? What about falling from grace? What about that time I did the unthinkable? Certainly THAT has some consequences? Well sure. It does have consequences. But only from the ego’s perception. The soul will not make a choice that is incongruent with its own truth. Yet we see souls playing out the tyrant and the villain’s roles. What gives? What…

Who do You think you are? We had a lot to give up. As very powerful souls, we had to let go of a large portion of our potential in order to have the experience of feeling the darkest of the dark. You couldn’t play out any roles as the victim unless you felt powerless. How could a powerful soul even get to the point of playing out the role of feeling the victim unless the vast majority of your truth was somehow hidden from you? Enter karma. Karma is where we “put” our personal power in order to experience the full range of human paradigms. The karma we create is what makes the journey possible. It is a very elegant design. The laws of karma are perfect. It can seem that the darker side of our human potential is somehow skewed toward a negative bias towards us. But the…

Get to the point … of living Love is in the air. The birds are singing. The flowers are flowering. The sun is shining. And you are … Love expressing. We could say that Love is the fabric of the universe. Certainly there are substantial grounds for such dialogue. But when we look through our human eyes, we can see evidence of something else. Yet the mystics and sages of the past talk about One Mind. The notion that there is only one mind in all of creation. The idea that we are all part of the one consciousness of God/Goddess. So which one is it? Do our eyes deceive us? IS the pain and suffering we see something other than Love itself? The notion of unconditional Love holds the answer. In the scale of human consciousness there is a place where unconditional Love resides. This scale of our human…

Creating your own Heaven on Earth Think about it. You are here NOW. You have chosen to participate in the most transformational time in perhaps all of our human history. This lifetime is exceptional on many levels. And here you are, now, front and center in it all. All of human creation is an example of what lies before you now. The creation of the universe has no end. The creator didn’t have an end-game in mind. There isn’t going to be a day when it is all done. There is always another chapter in our human story. But what about THIS chapter? This story? It is all here for you. The universe would not be complete without you. You are here now. You are here. You have a ticket. You are part of the story. The universe can see itself through your eyes. Your experiences. Your feelings. Life loves…

Trusting the Divinity of Your Life So many sages and mystics have told us of the God/Goddess within us now. You are God/Goddess now. Well cool. Then I don’t have to do anything then … right? Well, don’t stop buying food just yet. Sure, there are infinite possibilities for your life available to you right now. But that doesn’t mean you will be able to experience them right this minute. Indeed, I am always careful with my language to ensure that I do not dictate what, or how, the Divine can show up in any one moment. Typically, there is never a COMPLETE re-arranging of life circumstances. Sure, there can be moments of full immersion of the Divine Light. But typically, there is a continuation of a relative life pattern. I say typically, in order to allow being proven wrong. We are here for the journey. As a journey, there…

What are you broadcasting to the Law of Attraction? Your inner chi: Chi = energy. It is your inner energy. It is you casting your vote for the future. Everything happens energetically first. The last thing to happen is that the atoms move. In other words, whatever is to be happening in the near future exists now as an energetic condition. When you build a house you start with an idea. A mental form of energy. The idea of the house exists first as a thought (mental energy). The very last step is to pick up a hammer and build it (atoms moving). The physical world is the last step. Our eyes are only watching the last step happen. (Our physical eyes cannot see the mental and emotional energy of what is shaping our future. Our third eye, or psychic ability, can see the energy shaping our future.) We are…

What is Your Life Purpose? Honoring your power and your purpose. Who are you? Why are you here? What is your life purpose? What plans have you laid for its fulfillment? Don’t tell me, tellyou. You have so much potential inside of you now. I remember the first time I wrote a book. It took me 6 years. And then I threw it all out. What the??? I was apparently warming up to the notion that I was to be an author. I had written many sections of the book over a 6-year period. And the whole time I was actively and aggressively cleaning up my karma. Practicing new concepts that came into my understanding. I would contemplate the nature of karma, and then I would develop ways to test it to see the effect. And I learned a lot. But during those 6 years, my language changed. I was…