


We live in a sea of Divinity, yet what does our mind see? Don’t look now, but God is here. With a well-trained eye, one can see the Divine right here, right now. The universe is not divided against itself. It is a whole. Complete. Inclusive. Now. But what about our “journey back home?” Are we not “going” back to heaven? What did the last signpost say? Is heaven this way? The idea that the universe is a giant hologram suggests we are already there. Or perhaps, we are already Divine. Yet if we are living with some sense of desire, then we do not feel complete. The paradigm might be to see the Divinity of it all, WHILE we are still in the journey back. There is a curious thing about enlightenment. It can “happen” right here, right now. Enlightenment is a discovery of an already existing truth. There…

What is your relationship with creation itself? When we consider the notion that we are the creator incarnate, it can seem like we are just “part” of creation. I mean, there is this “me” and then there is the world and the universe outside of me. Therefore I am just “part” of creation. But I suggest there is a more authentic way to look at it. You are the creator. You are the thing itself. You are the consciousness of creation personified. And there is no separation between you and it. You are one with it, as it. Creation itself. All that is … is a mirror of you. Mind the gap. Mind your relationship with ALL of creation. Is there part of creation that you dis-own? Those pesky terrorists? Those evil ones? Those “bad” words and deeds that we avoid in order to stay in favor with righteousness? The…

Get to the point … of living Love is in the air. The birds are singing. The flowers are flowering. The sun is shining. And you are … Love expressing. We could say that Love is the fabric of the universe. Certainly there are substantial grounds for such dialogue. But when we look through our human eyes, we can see evidence of something else. Yet the mystics and sages of the past talk about One Mind. The notion that there is only one mind in all of creation. The idea that we are all part of the one consciousness of God/Goddess. So which one is it? Do our eyes deceive us? IS the pain and suffering we see something other than Love itself? The notion of unconditional Love holds the answer. In the scale of human consciousness there is a place where unconditional Love resides. This scale of our human…

Playing the Divine Hand There are all kinds of measures of success. Whole arenas of shared collective values that can decide if you have “made it” or not. Images from the tribe that “show” if you have made it or not. Are you a genuine man? What is on the cover of GQ magazine? Are you an authentic woman? Which magazine are you on the cover of? What icons are associated with your “success”? Perhaps it is that PhD or a position on the board of directors. Or maybe an Emmy or Oscar sitting on the mantle. What are you going to use to see if you are honoring your true potential? When we are raised, we are imprinted with our values. Those values were to become the measuring stick of what we accomplish with our life … if we let them. There is no problem at all with this…

Nobody warned me I had no idea. Nobody ever told me to be careful. It seemed innocent enough, to just dabble with Love. What could go wrong? I mean, years and years of ouch and tears. Love seemed like a good idea. When I started to play with Love, I didn’t know what it would end up doing to me. And I am pretty sure I can’t go back now. It is done. Love is a most curious thing. When you first start playing around with it, you can always put it down. Take a break. Get outside and stretch and relax. Love was a give-or-take sort of thing. You and it. A choice. A preference. Sometimes you were not in the mood for it. But now, I am telling you so you will know. Be careful, because Love can overwhelm you. It can dissolve any sense of separation. All of…

Harvesting the fruits of our efforts We, the people, have reached a curious crossroad. On one end we are collectively emerging from eons of human struggle. So much struggle, suffering, domination and control. And yet on the other end of the spectrum, there are individuals who are moving completely out of that paradigm and moving into the Light. BEing able to embody the Divine Light within. When we are feeling the pain of a difficult path, we can be motivated to take the easiest road out. That is certainly understandable. Sometimes taking that easy path is how you survive. And in our collective culture, there are so many of us who are seeking the better life. If you take a big step back, and then maybe even another big step back, you can see the perspective of our souls. There were these really brave souls that chose to go far…

You were born with it There is happiness present within you now. You are enlightened now. You are a precious Soul right now … no matter your condition or past. These are inherent attributes that all of us possess. We can lose track of who we think we are. Our ego can become attached to judgment of ourselves. And there is an aspect of our collective media that certainly re-enforces this mindset. There is the notion that those people in the spotlight of the media are in some way “special.” And that we are not. Or perhaps we are not as special. It is important to note, however, that the value we assign to people, conditions and statures is all created in our own minds. The value we assign creates the desire itself. It can be a slippery slope. There is the inner desire. A better paradigm. Perhaps a better…

What’s in your heart? We have gone to the very edge of darkness. And now we are on the journey back home. The return to Love. What will we feel when we re-discover this Love? To the ego it feels like joy and ecstatic delight. Tears flowing down your cheeks. A deep sense of peace. Of belonging. The end of suffering. The end of separation. The return to the Oneness of all of life. From that place of Oneness, you can vision. You can take that tireless well of inspiration and capture a vision of the desires of your own heart and soul. As the seed for your future, that vision is the beginning of the creation process itself. The first step in co-creation with life itself. You have been here since the beginning, and you will also be at the end. For life is holographic over time and space. Where,…

Where are you going? What are you looking for? You have arrived. You are perfect, whole and complete now. There is nothing to gain to “improve” your worth. Your Divinity is absolute. Without you, the universe would not be whole. Your existence is the evidence of your Divinity, as all consciousness comes from the One. The Father and I are One … Now. The Mother and I are One. (Divinity embodies both the masculine and feminine.) Father God and Mother God are both within you now. The first step into duality was the root of all of creation. The first duality was into the Masculine/Feminine. All of creation has this fundamental aspect within it. And both of those (masculine/feminine) exist in you. As such, you have access to the root of all of creation within you now. That is how powerful you are! How does that sit with you? How…

True happiness comes from within We all have the happiness gene. All of what we feel comes from within us. And happiness is no different. Feelings are an inside job. Yet happiness can seem elusive. So many people are not very happy with their lives. And yet others are over-the-top delighted with life. Life has no bias of its own. It will gladly accommodate anything you decide, since you are the creator incarnate. You get to decide. The more conditions we put on our happiness, the less of it we have. We can have specific expectations for our own life. And if those expectations are not met, we can feel deprived. Why do I not have what I want? I mean, if it is God’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom of Heaven, where the hell is it? I want it and I want it NOW. lol. The thing to keep in…

Walking in step with your Soul We have all had moments when the timing of things just seems to be perfect. Like when we meet the person we were just thinking of … by “accident.” There is a curious thing about how things manifest in our lives. Everything happens energetically first … before the atoms get involved. The future is created on this invisible energetic canvas before anything in the physical world actually moves. Sometimes the events in the energetic realm tell us how to avoid something. On the morning of 9/11 many people missed their train, called in sick or had something else “come up” that kept them from getting to work on time. At the Soul level, everything is known before it actually happens. And at the Soul level, it can be decided whether we actually participate in it. This is part of the reason that karma is…