There is a gift awaiting your desire for it I remember when my kids were first learning to play soccer. The game was won by whomever’s team had a kid that figured out the principle of making a goal. Most of the kids didn’t know or care what the objective was. The goalie would be making grass huts and actually be offended if the ball came too close to his new “village.” Our experience of being a human being can be the same way, since the vast majority of humans on the planet are entrenched in karma. We can spend a lot of our own energy just getting through the day, often arriving home mentally and emotionally wiped out. But there is another way. It can take some considerable effort. It has to do with cleansing your own karma … cleaning out your subconscious karmic imprinting. And if you do…
Co-creating Heaven on Earth Humanity is at such a powerful place in our human evolution. A big part of that is based on where we have been. On this planet, we are coming out of the age of darkness … where egos have tried to create their “wealth” from the exploitation of others. War, slavery and exploitation fill the pages of the past. But now, this now, we have reached a huge turning point. We are standing at the doorway to the greatest expansion of our human potential that perhaps we have ever experienced in our human storyline. Every single person is an infinite point of potential. And billions of us are wakening to that truth. We are waking up … waking up to our true potential. I could have called this blog “Living Your Potential.” But I would have been missing something about the nature of the universe. Where two or more have gathered ……
Discovering the Truth of Who You Are How did you end up here in your own life? What is the history of your Soul that has brought you to this moment? Where are your karmic lessons based in this lifetime of yours? What role do you play in the collective unfolding? Can you master the power of Love in this lifetime? We could ask a few hundred more questions about you and still have a hundred more after that. As a soul incarnate, you are more vast than any chapter or book. The truth of you is bigger than language can encompass without serious compromise. All the mythology of our human story can be seen as a history of your own personal potential. The universe does not play favorites. You are here to discover the bigger truth within you now. What can that look like? What are you capable of?…
Knowing who you really are Be still. Yet flow. When we consider ourselves as a soul living in this human body, there are some serious benefits from truly knowing who we really are. A soul is beyond any mortal concern. What I mean by that is your soul knows who it is. And in that knowing, it never frets or worries. So why would you? Know that your most authentic self was there before you were born, is here with you now, and will be there after you shed this mortal body. To genuinely know that, not just believe it, but to actually know it … will set you free. No matter what happens in this life of yours, your own Divinity is assured. There is no need for salvation, for you are the thing itself, right now. No matter what happens to your physical body, you are safe. Speaking…
Expressing the waves of Joy, Love and Happiness Your own journey through life is counted day by day. Just like this day is counted, right here, right now. When will you find your Happiness? Where will you find your Joy, and the ocean of Love within you now? I don’t want to come across as smug, as I’ve certainly had my share of pain, misery and suffering in this lifetime. But I also don’t want to exclude you either. If my words don’t feel right as I write this, I will not add them. There are oceans of Love just waiting for you to enjoy them. There is so much Happiness reserved just for you that you could never exhaust it all. Ever. The Joy of discovering who you really are will easily last a lifetime … and then some. It can seem like those kinds of thoughts don’t fit with how…
Creating as you are inspired to You are the thing itself. The creative process of our human nature happens through the human experience. Exactly like your experience. The creative process IS happening in you. All of our human history is about people just like you. Every story about humanity that has unfolded throughout time is a mirror of what you are living out right now. You hold the reins. You are the artist. You are creating right now.To become conscious of that, and then to consciously engage that, is to fulfill the vision of your own heart. Self-love is the doorway to the most incredible life. Love seeks expansion. Expansion through you. Love as you. As you purify your own heart, you open up the floodgates of love within you now. Infinite love is present as source. Source consciousness has created the universe, and is still seeking expansion. The universe has given us trillions…
Is there ACTION to your inspirations? There is a place where you can grow bigger by the moment. You might experience a time warp too, in that that place where you are so immersed in concentration that time gets away from you. There is a bit of transcendence to it as well when we have tuned in to a thread of thought, from which inspiration flows. The inspiration is the first step. Taking the time to capture our own inspiration is the entry point of our higher wisdom showing up in our own life. In order to capture that wisdom, we need to get out of our ego/mind. And better yet, we can learn to not judge what ideas are coming into our thoughts. When we are able to make a quantum jump in our own inspiration, it can come from allowing our thoughts the freedom to step out of our…
You are the source of your own desires So often we can be seeking fulfillment through external things. People, things, titles and such. But all things external to us are temporary, such as seasons in our lives, for instance. Many times we can hang our happiness on those external relationships. But in order to have a place of lasting fulfillment we need only to look within ourselves. So often we can find ourselves living in our minds, having an ongoing conversation with ourselves, from a place of the ego. This mind of ours wants a sense of security and trust in the process of life. It can want a place to call home. For so many of us, we put this place in the care of another, especially in personal relationships with our spouses or our lovers. Often I will ask engaged couples how they feel about getting married. And…
Following the vision of your heart and soul To master the art of fulfilling your human potential is to tap into that infinite well of joy deep within you now. It is God’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. We all have equal access to the source of all creation. That source of all creation is found deep within you now. You are the creator incarnate. But to be able to actually convert that simple truth into a vibrant and fulfilling life can be a journey in and of itself. The vast and expansive kingdom is held in escrow awaiting your desire of it. When you decide to honor that inner impulse, you become the vessel of creation itself, the Divine spark of creation personified as you. As we are living in a culture where that kind of living is not very common, you can be a point of presence,…
Getting your ego on-board We all have a higher wisdom within us, an innate intelligence that transcends any paradigm, struggle or worry. Indeed, it is our own heart that holds so much power. But there is something that needs to happen to get that authentic power online, for it is our ego that dictates what can really happen. So often we can find ourselves living out a repetitive pattern. One day like the next. With no real change happening. Living in a karmic rut of sorts. It starts out as our ego keeping our life “safe.” And certainly it can be for good reason, at least initially. For many of us, our karmic lessons started so early in our life that we had no choice but to choose survival. From the perspective of a child, often we observed the powerful emotions of adults wreaking havoc in our own household, which then…