


Celebrating the Christ Within The Kingdom of Heaven is Within (You Now) Wishing You and Yours a very Merry Christmas!The great spiritual geniuses, whether it was Moses, Buddha, Plato, Socrates, Jesus, or Emerson….. have taught man to look within himself to find God. ~ Ernest Holmes.The celebration of the Christ, is the celebration of the Christ Consciousness…. when Jesus was spending his last days on Earth, he was nowhere close to “saving humanity.” The Roman Empire was expanding its intentions of war. The suffering of humanity was expanding. Jesus didn’t even come close to “saving mankind.” He never intended to be the (sole) savior of humanity.Enter You (and me)…. you will do everything that I have done, and more. ~ JesusIf Jesus (ever) intended to “save humanity,” it was through the awakening of the Divine within us all. Yet, for the organized religions that come from Jesus’s time on Earth,…

The Many Flavors of Heaven You are here to BE you So what will heaven look like? What are the dreams of our ancestors? Where are we going as a human race? In the same way that God, with a big G, will not descend from the heavens and directly change humanity … God, with a big G, will not be the one experiencing heaven. You will. Of course, we could say, that God with a big G, IS heaven. O.K. Sure… But if we were to embody the Divine, to the point of (re)turning ourselves into pure Light, there would be no “me.” There was a moment in my life, where my Soul took me to “heaven.” It was a very profound experience. Very hard to describe in words. But the gist of it was going to that place within us, where our Divinity is present. So imagine taking all…

Growing Your Sense of Self Creating what you really want You are sitting in the best seat in the house … so to speak. But indeed, your life, right now, IS the time to enjoy the process of life itself. The only time you can feel anything … is right now. So, what DO you want to feel? Safe? Loved? Happy? Enlightened? Abundant? When we talk about our human experience, especially on this planet, there are two distinct arenas of living. Healing ourselves, and fulfilling ourselves. Kind of like a teeter-totter. Humanity, as a whole, is coming out of the dark ages. Karmically speaking, there is a huge swath of humanity that just wants life to be easier. To be able to feel better. The healing side of humanity. It isn’t like there is no joy in life until you completely heal. There can be joy and happiness all along…

I Am … This. I Am … That. It is done unto you as You believe. We all do it. We all have described our lives to others with such statements of … I Am. I am happy. I am sad. I am rich. I am broke. I am mad. I am glad… When it comes to the unraveling of our past, it would serve us well to watch our language. Very carefully. We can think that who is talking, with this internal dialogue, is our ego. But it is … and it isn’t … just our egos talking. We have talked about the holographic nature of consciousness. We have talked about past-life regression. And the notion of talking with the future. All of it. All of what we talk about is Divine consciousness itself. Every point of presence, is Divine consciousness expressing. It is actually God/Goddess talking. There is…

What are you karmically connected to? Karma is a curious thing for me to write about. It seems like karma has not been on peoples’ radar for a very long time. But karma HAS been involved in every single aspect of their lives. If, indeed, human consciousness is the most powerful substance on the planet, then karma must also be very powerful too. Powerful because it removes your connection with your infinite Divine potential. Just take a look at society. There are people who are planning the colonization of another planet. Getting very specific about how one million people will be living on Mars. And then there is the homeless person panhandling at the corner, barely getting through the day. Does that show any contrast? Your karma IS where your Divine potential can get tied up. All Souls are born with the same potentials. And then we start to take…

The time has come to live your Divine potential The villains have been revealed. The desires for change have been heard. There is a strong yearning for Peace, Justice, Prosperity and a renewed sense of Community. The beginnings of Heaven on Earth. Cue the Super Hero (You!). You have been to wardrobe. (That cape really makes the color of your eyes shine 😉 You have been to makeup, but your radiant shine made all of that unnecessary. You started reading your script but you threw it away, deciding to “Just Wing It.” (The sign of an expert Super Hero.) Your life up to now has helped you shape your own desires. What you prefer. You know your favorite foods. And the soundtrack? It plays all of your favorites. The scene is set in this exact spot. You have taken all of the “karma classes” that have prepared you for the…

You were born with it There is happiness present within you now. You are enlightened now. You are a precious Soul right now … no matter your condition or past. These are inherent attributes that all of us possess. We can lose track of who we think we are. Our ego can become attached to judgment of ourselves. And there is an aspect of our collective media that certainly re-enforces this mindset. There is the notion that those people in the spotlight of the media are in some way “special.” And that we are not. Or perhaps we are not as special. It is important to note, however, that the value we assign to people, conditions and statures is all created in our own minds. The value we assign creates the desire itself. It can be a slippery slope. There is the inner desire. A better paradigm. Perhaps a better…

True happiness comes from within We all have the happiness gene. All of what we feel comes from within us. And happiness is no different. Feelings are an inside job. Yet happiness can seem elusive. So many people are not very happy with their lives. And yet others are over-the-top delighted with life. Life has no bias of its own. It will gladly accommodate anything you decide, since you are the creator incarnate. You get to decide. The more conditions we put on our happiness, the less of it we have. We can have specific expectations for our own life. And if those expectations are not met, we can feel deprived. Why do I not have what I want? I mean, if it is God’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom of Heaven, where the hell is it? I want it and I want it NOW. lol. The thing to keep in…

Thoughts, feeling and beliefs are an inside job So often we can think that we are responsible for how others think, feel and believe. But those attributes come from the inside of each of us. Others have no domain in those arenas. Thoughts, feelings and beliefs are all an inside job. When I ask people who are engaged to be married if they are excited about it, one of the more common responses I often hear is, “They make me so happy.” Some attribute of their partner elicits a feeling of happiness within them. So what happens if that partner finds some dark inner feelings that they haven’t processed, and spends several weeks processing and healing that inner pain? Where does that happiness go? To be able to be real and authentic is to own your own feelings, period. In order to truly integrate and thus heal your past, you need to…