


We pray to a BIG God but … Do you see things happening in our humanity that are painful to think about? Is there suffering on this planet that you would prefer to be rid of? Who do you think is going to “fix” it? God, the BIG guy, will not do a thing about it. Nope. Sure, we pray to a BIG god. But he is chill’n. There will be no Divine intervention… Wait… stop. Why would we be talking about what we don’t want? After all, WE are the face of creation. We are creators. We create. If we look at the situations of the world, the most powerful thing we can do about it is to create. What we focus on expands. There is also the element of frequency or vibration. The act of creation is the powerful tool we have as individuals. You can change the…

Embodying the Light of Love Love is a very curious thing. For many of us, Love is the basis of our intimate relationships. The arena of spouses, lovers and beloveds. We experience a deep sense of Love with our chosen ones. Love can feel so juicy, euphoric and powerful. Yet there is a much bigger story going on with Love. When you open yourself to Love, over and over again, something happens to you. Something happens in you. There is a melding of sorts. There is a place where you connect with Love in a different way. Sure, certainly, the act of Love with our beloveds is held in a most sacred space. A place where we can see into each others’ heart and soul. But Love is only serenading us there. It is as if we are hardwired for that intimate Love. Perhaps some of the reasons for that…

Everything we seek can be found within us now It has been said that everything OUTSIDE of us is an illusion. That every thing we see literally is not “real.” Yet there is a truth in our world that we CAN hang our hats on. And that is the experience of the “world” outside of us. There is the idea of the Quantum field. That the Quantum space is a mirror, that reflects us, back to us. Or in other words, we create the world we “see.” When people have had a near-death experience, they talk about the Light. And then there is the description of the creation of all that is. Again, there is the Light. In the beginning, was the Light. When you were born, you did not have an ego. You did not hold any symbols as important. You did not assign value to any thing. Yet,…

Fear has no power of its own There is nothing to fear. But yet, we can live in fear. We can find ourselves worrying about everything that is going on. How can you find a place of happiness when the world itself might seem like it is all falling apart? How can you find happiness if your life in in ruins? How can you find happiness if you have lost what was the happiest part of your life? Know the truth. The more you know the truth of who you really are, the less your ego frets over what is. The consciousness behind you is timeless. It is actually God consciousness. Indeed, every thought, every where, is God consciousness. There is no separation. Ever. All that is, is a part of the Divine. But what about those terrorists? All God. What? Yes, all God. Fear needs consciousness to exist. Fear…

Living the Dream The journey of the Soul is such a timeless story. Since perhaps the beginning of time, Souls have looked at opportunities for incarnation. Our recent centuries have held so many varieties of archetypal experiences for us to embody. Very exciting opportunities. Stories of bravery and courage. Of fantastic triumphs and even staggering defeats. What is it that our Souls intended in order to create such a storyline? Why would we actually choose to go so far into the darkness of karma? Did they realize just how much pain and suffering has happened in our human storyline over the generations? What was the point of it all? God would have no problem overcoming all of this karma. Except that, in order to have this experience, God would have to load up on karma. And karma, by its very nature, removes power. In order for God to have the…

Coming out of karma There is a point in our spiritual journey where everything flips over. For most of us, our spiritual journey has been about overcoming our own karma. And certainly that is a very important step. But after that … what happens then? I totally get the notion of fool’s gold behind the thought that we are done with our karma. I have met countless “very spiritual” folks who carry a chip on their shoulder. The idea that the ego can think it has made it home can be an early warning sign that there is much more journey left in our journey. But … there is a place within us, within you and me right now, where there is nothing left to let go of. Where the notion of surrendering to the Divine has nothing left to give up. Perhaps you can think of it as building…

The Time Has Come You have been watching it happen from the day you were born. The process of creation happening. Right before your eyes. People taking inspired, intentional actions in their lives to make things happen. But, perhaps what was missing was that you didn’t know the karmic circumstances behind each story that you watched playing out. The karmic momentum behind everyone who was in your life in any significant way. That the stories behind the people with whom they grew up had a lot of karmic momentum to them. And the other thing they didn’t tell you was that the universe will create ANY story you present to it with equal vigor. It has always been up yo you to decide what happens, or not. And, perhaps you were never taught about your own karmic disposition. Well, now that can be fixed. When we think of all the…

Bring your Soul front and center in your everyday life. Why are you here? Tell yourself the answer before you continue. Please. The simple fact that you exist means there is a Divine idea of You. The first part of your soul’s purpose is fulfilled just by your sheer existence. And part two. Well, there is a LOT of wiggle-room to part two. There are many perspectives we can take regarding the meaning of your life. The idea of karmic lessons. Then there is the idea that you are the face of the Divine. That God creates through the personification of the Divine. Which describes you to a T. You are God-consciousness making choices. You are the creator, the one from the beginning of all time, personified as you. Once you clean up your ego and karma, the only consciousness left is Divinity itself. (Your ego and karma are Divine…

It is your Soul, trying to inspire You. There was a plan for your life from the very beginning. What is the BEST dream you can Dream? What does it look like, when you see yourself actually living it out? You are on your way to the airport. But there is one stop to be made along the way. You have something you are going to set into motion now. You walk through the large wooden doors. Everyone in the room is smiling. They have all looked forward to today. Once the ink dries, a thousand forklifts will start setting the vision into motion. Materials that will be used to build the vision. A project that will touch the four corners of the earth. And it all came to you one day, many moons ago. And today, this day, it starts getting created by your hand. You sit down and…

What would You prefer? Is God behind the curtain creating the future for us? Are we simply the folks that watch it happen? Where is the Divine in the planning of the future? When will God get it right? Plenty of prayers are laying around, and if God would act on JUST ONE prayer, we would be out of the woods. There are plenty of ideas about the future. Here in the United States, the changing of our President has created so much change going on in many different arenas. For many people, the direction(s) we are going have plenty for them to be concerned about. Certainly, it can seem like we are headed in the wrong direction. When will this storyline turn around? Enter God. Cue God … Now would be good …crickets … Where the hell is God? I thought we had him locked in. What is to…

The flow of creation itself What is the end game of living? Where are we going? How can we tell when we get “there”? When we set out on our spiritual journey, as seekers, we are looking for something that we desire to have. Perhaps we are looking for the truth. Or perhaps we would like to meet God. Or perhaps we are looking for our life purpose. Seeking is looking. Looking to discover something. Sure enough. From our human perspective there is a bigger picture to life. Perhaps we feel it when we look up at the stars in the sky at night. Or perhaps we feel it when we see a flower bloom. Or perhaps we experience it with the miracle of a baby being born. What IS this thing that we are all experiencing? For the vast majority of humanity, we are coming out of the darkness.…