


Creation takes ongoing intention There is a pacing to consciousness. The further we have gone into the darkness or shadow, the more disconnected we become from our power to create. When we chose to go so far into the darkness, we chose to disconnect from our most powerful aspects of ourselves. I mean, really, how can we have a mythology about kings AND peasants, if we were all very powerful? If we all embodied our Divinity, we couldn’t play out these stories that fill the pages of our human history. With that said, we are all on our way back home. We are on our way back to our truth. We are ALL very powerful Divine personas, once we re-embody our own truth. As we come out of our own karmic imprinting, we are reconnecting with our Divine yet personal power. That Divine spark within us now.  As we shed…

Finding the Divine Within We are all on a journey. Each one is unique. Yet the destination is always the same. Each and every one of us has a unique story. A unique purpose. There is a propensity to life. We, as humans, tend to live in patterned behavior. Karma, by its very nature, implies conditioned response. A karmic propensity. Yet there is something else that is riding along with us on our journey.  And that is the truth. The truth of who we are. We chose to forget. We chose to go into the darkness, letting go of knowing who we really are. The darkness has a gift for us. The struggles of our past have a wonderful benefit. And that is because we, our egos, feel Joy when we move closer to our truth … when we move closer to the Light within us now. The journey home…

What is your relationship with creation itself? When we consider the notion that we are the creator incarnate, it can seem like we are just “part” of creation. I mean, there is this “me” and then there is the world and the universe outside of me. Therefore I am just “part” of creation. But I suggest there is a more authentic way to look at it. You are the creator. You are the thing itself. You are the consciousness of creation personified. And there is no separation between you and it. You are one with it, as it. Creation itself. All that is … is a mirror of you. Mind the gap. Mind your relationship with ALL of creation. Is there part of creation that you dis-own? Those pesky terrorists? Those evil ones? Those “bad” words and deeds that we avoid in order to stay in favor with righteousness? The…

Creating your own Heaven on Earth Think about it. You are here NOW. You have chosen to participate in the most transformational time in perhaps all of our human history. This lifetime is exceptional on many levels. And here you are, now, front and center in it all. All of human creation is an example of what lies before you now. The creation of the universe has no end. The creator didn’t have an end-game in mind. There isn’t going to be a day when it is all done. There is always another chapter in our human story. But what about THIS chapter? This story? It is all here for you. The universe would not be complete without you. You are here now. You are here. You have a ticket. You are part of the story. The universe can see itself through your eyes. Your experiences. Your feelings. Life loves…

What are you broadcasting to the Law of Attraction? Your inner chi: Chi = energy. It is your inner energy. It is you casting your vote for the future. Everything happens energetically first. The last thing to happen is that the atoms move. In other words, whatever is to be happening in the near future exists now as an energetic condition. When you build a house you start with an idea. A mental form of energy. The idea of the house exists first as a thought (mental energy). The very last step is to pick up a hammer and build it (atoms moving). The physical world is the last step. Our eyes are only watching the last step happen. (Our physical eyes cannot see the mental and emotional energy of what is shaping our future. Our third eye, or psychic ability, can see the energy shaping our future.) We are…

What’s in your heart? We have gone to the very edge of darkness. And now we are on the journey back home. The return to Love. What will we feel when we re-discover this Love? To the ego it feels like joy and ecstatic delight. Tears flowing down your cheeks. A deep sense of peace. Of belonging. The end of suffering. The end of separation. The return to the Oneness of all of life. From that place of Oneness, you can vision. You can take that tireless well of inspiration and capture a vision of the desires of your own heart and soul. As the seed for your future, that vision is the beginning of the creation process itself. The first step in co-creation with life itself. You have been here since the beginning, and you will also be at the end. For life is holographic over time and space. Where,…

Finding the Joy of Living Today There won’t be a moment when it is over, this journey of your soul. It is a timeless story. As Joseph Campbell described it … it is the Hero’s Journey. It is the illusion of leaving the light to travel into the darkness and then finding our way back home. We choose, as souls, to leave the light of our truth, and journey into the darkness of separation … disconnecting ourselves from knowing our own truth. The truth cannot be destroyed, ever. It exists now, and now, and now … as does Heaven. But oftentimes we can lose site of that which we seek, which is the very essence of who we are. There is no moment when we are done. Life is a timeless expression. As we transform who we are, moment by moment, we are in the act of creation itself. It is only…