
who are you


Your Mind, Heart and Soul Who are You? So, if you were to be handed a copy of all of your thoughts over the last 24 hours, and they were indexed by “who” had had them, who would be you? In other words, if you were to get a clear report, showing you how much of your thoughts had come from your mind/ego, and your heart and your soul, what kind of ratios would you see? A very common behavioral trait of human beings is that they live mostly in their mind. Mostly, isn’t really fair. Completely in their minds might be a better analogy. We, in general, are completely overdosing on our egos. Our hearts, once healed and open, would never wage war on another. Our soul would not have any need for the “white picket fence” idea of living our life. The notion that you go to “school,”…

Little You. BIG You. Who are You? Did you ever shuffle your feet across the carpet to build up a static charge, and then touch the light switch to watch the little spark? Before you started shuffling your feet, you didn’t have a charge. Before you were born, you didn’t have an ego. Who is this “You”? Who is this you, reading this sentence? Who? You did have a soul, the day you were born. Before you were born, your soul took great effort to choose who “you” would be. Or perhaps could be. At least the environment for the new “you” to be created in. And then you were born. A bit of the “roll the dice” vibe here. Because once your ego was up and running, several years into your life, a new “wild card” was introduced into your narrative, or trajectory. That wild card was your ego.…

The Evolution of Your Soul Got Soul? So here we are. Well, I mean … I am over “here.” And You are … ??? Well, which “You?” Are you evolving your sense of Self? It is quite common for folks to have a list of identities, ready to dispense them as soon as they meet someone who asks them, “Tell me about yourself.” “Well, I work in the TV industry as an engineer. I have three kids and a grandchild. I design computer and electronic circuits, etc.” What would your list be? And indeed, you are correct. All well-defined and established. Nice. This is the identity of your ego. But then there is your Soul. When it comes to evolution, anyone standing still, is moving backwards. In other words, if you are not evolving your sense of Self, then you are staying in the past. It is not like we…

Well, Here you are! I See You Do you see you? Who are you? What would bring you what you desire most? There are no requirements. None. That’s what Free Will really means. As YOU wish. So what will it be? More of the same? Back to the old ways? Maybe some more of … that! As you wish. Do you wish? Do you have desires? Is there something that gets you excited about your life? Sometimes we can paint ourselves into a corner. Where we have decided and chosen preferences that don’t really serve us. We can choose our preferences that really keep ourselves predictable. Keep our egos “safe.” Keep our life predictable. We can build up “reasons” to always choose one way or another. For example … I got my heart broken, I don’t want to go there again. Don’t (ever) go there again. Check. We are “safe”…

How Dare You? Who do you think you are? Somebody is getting too big for their britches. You do not realize just how bad what you are doing is. Come on. Stop it now. We all know what you are doing is wrong. So once again, tell me why you keep doing it. Your Soul can dream in unimaginable realms. Are you going to be available, to walk in step with your soul, as the big dreams fulfill? Or is the first barking dog going to shut you down? You have a savior. Well, several excellent saviors. The wisdom is available. Follow Jesus. Follow Buddha. Follow whomever you wish, or follow your own heart and soul. That’s the one I’m down for. That’s the wake I suggest. So, take a bold test. What is the biggest dream you can imagine for yourself? Now double it. And again. Repeat. That is…

Where is Your Sense of Self? Who do you think you are? So let’s mangle “reality” a bit. Shall we? So, if we asked one thousand people to answer a few questions … Say like, is the world safe or is it dangerous? Is life happening to you, or can you change anything about your life? Is Love easy or hard? Does God hold my salvation? The questions, per se, are not the information we are looking for. But rather, the answers. As we would, metaphorically, read through the results, we could soon see that there are thousands of different viewpoints, attitudes and beliefs, all being experiences … by an ego. One by one. Each “reality” unique yet very “real.” So, how about your ego? Let’s take a jump back, to the day you were born. Just a newborn little baby. Ohhh my … nice butt! On this “birth”day ……

Who do You think You are? There is no measuring stick We live in a world of symbols and definitions. What is that? That is a table. “Table” is a string of common symbols that have nothing to do with the actual table. Well, except if you use that particular string of common symbols, well then, we know what you are talking about. Who are You? The “who” that would have answered this question, didn’t exist the day you were born. In other words, the “who” that would have answered this question is your ego. Yet, the day you were born, you didn’t have an ego (to speak of). Think of your ego when you were, perhaps, 10 years old. Who were you “then?” Fast forward a decade or so, and who were you then? Probably quite different answers. Yet, here “You” are. Fast forward, from this day, perhaps a…