


Assume that whatever you Dream will come true Where are we going? Where will we end up? Assuming there was an end … Humanity is going through some very big changes. There is an upheaval of sorts going on. The collective consciousness is redefining itself. And what will it become? What will the collective consciousness embrace? There is a journey, of sorts, for all of us. The journey of our Soul. We, as individual Souls, chose to go into the shadow. We chose to load ourselves up with karma, until we couldn’t recognize the truth within us. We disconnected so completely from our truth, that we thought ourselves mere mortals. But your Soul is actually timeless. The journey back to our truth, to our wholeness, is the journey back to our own Divine potentials. To our powerful personas. Not powerful like one seeking dominance over another. That is the paradigm(s)…

Riding the Waves Where are our emotions taking us? So how long does it take you to experience an emotional re-action? When you feel emotionally upset, how long does it take to go all the way through the emotional wave? There are all kinds of variations to that notion. If you spill the milk or you go through the heartache of losing a loved one, you tend to have emotional re-actions to all kinds of events in our lives. I know there is quite a difference between those two examples. But it is still something to consider. Emotions have energy behind them. The energy of those emotions comes from our own consciousness. When we emotionally re-act to our experiences, we create very similar re-sults. A karmic momentum of sorts. Our emotions are a reflection of ourselves. They can be thought of as messengers. Messengers that have information for us. Our…

As It Is Learning to Love all that is … as it is We are here as creators. It is a role we cannot “do without.” The process of creation is always active. Consciousness has its effect. Your freedom is more important than what others are thinking or doing. Often we can observe something that is happening in the collective storyline, and find ourselves offended or upset. When we think about “who” it is that is being offended, we find ourselves pointing to our ego. To the expectations we hold for what should, or should not, be happening. In the journey to master the art of creation, is to be able to stay centered in the field of Unconditional Love at the core of our BEing. Your relationship with your POWER to create is your relationship with ALL that has been created. Even the “bad” stuff. When we look with…

Dream. Big. Co-create with the creator. How do you go from a peasant to a king? From a seeker to the Divine itself? From a mere mortal to the immortal consciousness of the Divine? I am not suggesting anything about you, the reader. This is a metaphorical conversation. Who are we? Really. A simple question. If we consider who it is that is reading this sentence … who is the answer. Sure, your ego is taking the symbols, the characters and words, and assigning meaning to them. Creating your own understanding of what they mean. But your ego is so … single lifetime consciousness. Your Soul is here too. And your Soul has been through so many different lifetimes. Your Soul has been through so many different archetypes too. Perhaps your Soul has played out the peasant and royalty, the sinner and the saint, the cop and the criminal, the…

You are the Face of the Creator There is a rumor that God created the Heavens and the Earth. Certainly there was a whole galaxy of creation that allowed the Earth to form and then for the DNA to show up to create vehicles of expression. Your DNA is the blueprint for your Soul’s vehicle for this lifetime. But who created all the other stuff? Like air conditioning, motion pictures, and ice cream? There are those who think that God will handle everything. And She will. But not as some glowing orb, in the middle of the night. No deity will descend from the heavens. No savior that has passed will reach over our shoulders to make anything happen. Sometimes you have to sprinkle flour on the kitchen floor to “catch” who is sneaking a snack in the middle of the night. If there are tracks left in the morning,…

New Chapter, New Game We are entering a whole new paradigm There were so many centuries of the old-school living. The 3D world of our past. But now we are entering a whole new paradigm, in so many ways. There is a whole new “set of rules” to live your life by. Not rules in shoulds and shouldn’ts. But rather, new ways in which we experience the world around us. We all have an Akashic record. We all have a lineage of sorts. Kind of like a genetic history of our past. But it is really even more than that. There is an etheric history of us. Personally. We all have a history of our past. And even our future history. What we knew, or will know. There are lifetimes where our bodies knew how to repair anything “wrong” with us. There are lifetimes when we had overcome every single…

Taking the time to stop and appreciate who we are today Who are You? Why are You here? What are You here to be? Sometimes on our spiritual journey, we always have the future in our sights. Sure enough, that is a good way to be conscious of what you ARE creating. But what have you already created? Who is this You, that is reading these words? What have you experienced in your life so far? What are the karmic lessons you are here to learn? You are re-connecting. You are becoming more aware of your higher self. You are remembering who you really are. Getting glimpses of your Soul. That REALLY BIG You. Like your own personal best friend. A part of you that always sees you with Loving eyes. With confidence in your future. Knowing that there is more of You to discover, explore and manifest. Your age…

Life gets better when you are consciously creating more of it Your karma is your choice, in two different ways. First of all, it was your Soul that chose to take on your particular flavor(s) of karmic imprinting. And second, it can be your ego, right now, that decides how you experience your karma. Karma does not care either way. And your emotions are really quite impersonal too. That’s right. You have some say in all of it. Starting right now. You get to decide, and re-decide, how you feel. Your emotions are just messengers. They only want to deliver a message to you. And that is how you feel about what is going on in the present moment. Your feelings change as you grow your own sense of self. You can emotionally evolve out of “bad” emotions. And you can master the ability to feel the really good ones…

Love is the path to your return to grace All of us are spot-on. We are perfect in our own right. The way(s) we choose IS our path. No matter what. You cannot choose wrong. You cannot fall from grace. No matter what your storyline is, you are perfect, whole and complete, now and always. The truth of you is absolute. The truth of you is out of reach from our human intentions. Nobody has broken a karmic law. Ever. You are free to choose yet again. But what about sin? What about falling from grace? What about that time I did the unthinkable? Certainly THAT has some consequences? Well sure. It does have consequences. But only from the ego’s perception. The soul will not make a choice that is incongruent with its own truth. Yet we see souls playing out the tyrant and the villain’s roles. What gives? What…

We all have more potential to discover about ourselves Who are you? Where did you come from? Where are you going? As humans we tend to have arenas of thoughts, feelings and beliefs in which we live. If you were to summarize the core aspects of your life, what is the end game that you are living for? Survival? Contentment? Fun? Or perhaps enlightenment? It can almost seem like two different worlds … the life that you are experiencing now, and that which you desire. Many of us long for a change in our condition. We want to be successful, wealthy or healthy. Or perhaps to fall in Love. Those dreams and desires are the place on the map that we are heading toward.They decide where we place the rudder of our life. Setting a direction for our future. The “goal” or “destination” of our current desires. Sometimes we are…

Who do You think you are? We had a lot to give up. As very powerful souls, we had to let go of a large portion of our potential in order to have the experience of feeling the darkest of the dark. You couldn’t play out any roles as the victim unless you felt powerless. How could a powerful soul even get to the point of playing out the role of feeling the victim unless the vast majority of your truth was somehow hidden from you? Enter karma. Karma is where we “put” our personal power in order to experience the full range of human paradigms. The karma we create is what makes the journey possible. It is a very elegant design. The laws of karma are perfect. It can seem that the darker side of our human potential is somehow skewed toward a negative bias towards us. But the…