The Cadence of Your Karma Where there is motion, there is change Ka ka karma … it starts with … consciousness. Your consciousness. So how are you doing? How do you feel about your life? You situation(s)? Your karma? There is a momentum of sorts, embedded in the effect that karma has on our psyche. Where we are each having our own personal experience of karma. The mechanism or physics of karma is impersonal. Indifferent. Karma, like gravity, doesn’t really care how you experience it. But karma has a realm, or spectrum, of possibilities. Possibilities of what you might experience, as far as your own personal experience of karma. In other words, you could look laterally at other people, who are experiencing a quite different karma. Where their life, as a karmic experience, is very different from yours. When we first bump up against our karma, in a conscious way,…
Chop the Wood, Carry the Water Life after Enlightenment Are you on a spiritual journey? Are you looking to evolve your own spirituality? Which way is Heaven? There is a notion, that once you “become” enlightened, that all of your worries fade away. The journey to enlightenment is not a creation. You do not add anything to yourself to “become” enlightened. You are enlightened now. We all are. I guess it could be said that the notion of “becoming enlightened” is the idea of your ego, becoming aware of the Light that has always been inside of you at your core. Perhaps to become enlightened is to become aware. The Light is and always has been at your core. There is still the laundry to do. Enlightenment doesn’t change that. When you discover the Light at your core, there are still the daily tasks that need to be done. Chop…
Karma has a Cadence. What is your Karma’s Cadence? What is the Cadence of your Karma? Cadence of Karma? What? There are several ways this could be taken. How fast/slow we take on karma. How fast/slow we can make changes in our life. And if a tortoise and karma were in a race … ;- ) What we will be noodling in this blog is the second one. How fast/slow we can make changes in our lives. I guess you could also think of it as how “attached” you are with the archetypes you are playing out in your life. Perhaps you have been playing out the “victim” archetype. And now you are tired of it. OK, well, change it. Or rather, change YOU. Ready … set … GO! (Here is where the cadence of your karma comes in.) How quickly or slowly can you make changes to your life?…
Good Emotions Bad Emotions How do You feel? So where are you? Where are you on the emotional scale? Emotional scale? What is the emotional scale? When we bump up against “reality,” we get a reflection of sorts. An emotional radar, you might say. We project our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes up against the “reality” before us and what comes back is our “emotional” echo. It is those thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that decide where we are on this metaphorical emotional scale. Life isn’t fair. It’s not my fault. They won’t let me. I can’t. These types of thoughts and beliefs are anchored in a victim mentality. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford We are all experiencing a form of karmic momentum. A karmic collage of experiences. We build up our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes as we go through our life. The…
Karmic Concrete Where is your Spiritual Trajectory taking You?? There is a trajectory, or perhaps a velocity, to our spiritual journey. No, it is not a race. But if your life isn’t changing, I mean evolving, then you are stuck in a karmic concrete of sorts. The only constant in life is change. ~ Heraclitus My life was slowly getting pinched off. It was collapsing in on me. In other words, my choices, that I preferred and thus chose … that arena of choices was getting smaller and smaller. I was shutting myself down in a way. Right before I got cracked open, with an unexpected release of emotions, I was boxing myself in regarding my subconscious emotions. In hindsight, it was really a mental karmic stigma. If I were to rate my spiritual trajectory, or perhaps my spiritual velocity back then, I was coming to a stop. A dead…
Every day is Election day You vote with your attention Today, you are “voting” on your tomorrow. The mechanics of creation are “on” all the time. Election day is every day. We have perfectly crafted our lives, up to this minute, this now, from all of our attention from our past, by what we have elected to put our attention on, day after day. The momentum effect, the momentum of our karma, is largely a product of our subconscious. It is really a very graceful thing. It is a mechanism that says … if you haven’t learned the karmic lesson, all of the energy of your refusal to witness, and accept … what is, all of that energy will be pushed into your subconscious. This energy will “contribute” to this now, this moment, until you resolve it. There is the notion of a standing wave. A wave that is present…
The Ever-Evolving You! Without End You are never stuck. Well, unless you think you are. And even then, you can always re-decide. We are souls well-established on our journeys. We have loaded up our psyches with karma from our past. And this karma creates a momentum of sorts. A consistency of sorts in our everyday experiences. A lot of this momentum is found in our subconscious. You can imagine a huge supertanker out in the ocean. Laden with cargo. Riding low in the water. The top speed is quite slow. If this immense amount of mass wanted to just turn around, it might take an hour. And a mile of space in which to do it. Loaded up. Lots of inertia. The last moment similar to this moment. In a lot of ways, this metaphor is similar to ourselves. At least collectively. We have loaded up our psyches with karma.…
Your Happiness and Your Sorrow It is all up to You Your mind is the beginning, and the end, of your happiness and your sorrow. It is a most curious thing. Our mind/ego is the decider. Well … kind of. How many people have created a vision board, and religiously chanted their daily affirmations, only to find that years later … nothing (of significance) has changed? If those things, affirmations and vision boards, are the creation and intent of the mind/ego, how can I say that the mind/ego is the decider? We take on karma when we posture with what is. That posturing is initiated by the mind/ego. At least, most of the time. There are times when the mind/ego doesn’t get to decide. For example, a young soldier going into battle for the first time. The shock and horror of carnage can trigger the body to protect itself. It…
Out with the Old … In with the New Shifting into the New Year The winds of change are upon us. Nobody has to be told that the world is changing. Humanity is going though more change(s) than perhaps any time in our history. And here we are. So, what’s it going to be? There is a bit of an opportunity here. If, metaphorically, everything has been turned on its head, then you too can completely redesign yourself. (You always can.) But the notion I want to look at closer is your authentic preferences. You really didn’t have an ego, to speak of, the day you were born. No sentencing, no preferences, per se. And it was in your family of origin that your ego was created. Your ego, by its very nature, is a creature of habits or patterns. You could say we installed a groundwork of habits and…
This too … will pass There are no permanent markers We are never stuck. We are (eternally) free. It just doesn’t seem that way when we are marching on a linear timeline. There have been many people sharing with me lately how their life is in despair. But this too … will pass. There is nothing that can impede our journey, at least not forever. It might seem a little silly, but we get a “master reset” when we transition. If you lost a leg, in a previous life from perhaps a WWI mishap, poof, you get a new one in this life. How cool is THAT? The idea that when the ego tires of the back-to-back challenges of this life and takes on a “this life is finished” attitude, is a short-term temporal notion. There is ALWAYS another lesson. Another chapter of sorts in your life. But to be…
Living YOUR Authentic Life There is not a “single” template to Heaven Who are You? Can you tell when you are BEing your most authentic? Can you tell when you are sculpting who you are in order to fit in or meet someone else’s expectation(s)? Can you hear the desires of your heart and soul? Moment to moment? Do you honor your heart and soul’s inspirations … moment to moment? There is no template to heaven. Not in the sense that you have to be more “righteous” in order to “get into heaven.” There is not a single attribute that is “required” for you to experience Heaven, except perhaps, Love. And more specifically, Self-Love. Unconditional Self-Love. Heaven or Hell is always experienced in this now. There are millions of people who will experience Hell today. Right now. And likewise there are millions of people who are experiencing Heaven today, right…