


You push the large, heavy wooden doors open and walk into the room. All eyes land on you. Your inspirations have brought you to this day. This moment. Today is the result of you following your inspiration. It was you honoring your potential that made your dreams come true. As you take your place you remember the journey that has brought you here, a journey that at one point in your life you never thought possible. Yet here you are. When the idea had first come to you it seemed improbable. Impossible. But you gave yourself the permission, the power, to hope. As you look back over the journey you see the stepping stones, the incremental growth that changed who you are. That personal growth brought you into alignment with the very idea, the very dream you had, in that beginning moment. You trusted in yourself even through the darkness,…

Who are you dancing with? We, as souls, observed our choices. We, as souls, looked at the options we had for how we could incarnate. There were groups of souls that made a plan together. Repeating the intentions of many lifetimes before. And this time around we, as souls, knew that this time around would hold literally infinite possibilities. Where the environment on Earth would have enough opportunities to learn the truth within a single lifetime. We made a vision for what our life COULD be. We set ourselves up with the proper lessons early in our life path. We chose family dynamics to set ourselves up to learn the lessons that were next in our soul’s journey. With careful planning all wrapped up … we incarnated … The day came and we were born. Our DNA defined the vessel our soul was to use to experience life as a…

The Divine expresses through you, as you How good can you stand it? I mean. If indeed we are the portal of the Divine, expressing as ourselves, then what would heaven look like, to you? There is a pattern that is very common on this planet. And that pattern is the pattern of people awakening. Working through their issues. And most certainly, that is a very good thing. But, there is another chapter coming. Is is just past karma. It is the chapter we start living when we have cleansed our karmic past. Now make no mistake. I am not saying that if you don’t feel like you have any karma left, that there isn’t plenty to be discovered within you. Karma, by design, is mostly subconscious. And by that, nearly impossible to consciously know about. Not with any certainty anyway. Until you actually glow in the dark, like Jesus…

The Time Has Come You have been watching it happen from the day you were born. The process of creation happening. Right before your eyes. People taking inspired, intentional actions in their lives to make things happen. But, perhaps what was missing was that you didn’t know the karmic circumstances behind each story that you watched playing out. The karmic momentum behind everyone who was in your life in any significant way. That the stories behind the people with whom they grew up had a lot of karmic momentum to them. And the other thing they didn’t tell you was that the universe will create ANY story you present to it with equal vigor. It has always been up yo you to decide what happens, or not. And, perhaps you were never taught about your own karmic disposition. Well, now that can be fixed. When we think of all the…

Bring your Soul front and center in your everyday life. Why are you here? Tell yourself the answer before you continue. Please. The simple fact that you exist means there is a Divine idea of You. The first part of your soul’s purpose is fulfilled just by your sheer existence. And part two. Well, there is a LOT of wiggle-room to part two. There are many perspectives we can take regarding the meaning of your life. The idea of karmic lessons. Then there is the idea that you are the face of the Divine. That God creates through the personification of the Divine. Which describes you to a T. You are God-consciousness making choices. You are the creator, the one from the beginning of all time, personified as you. Once you clean up your ego and karma, the only consciousness left is Divinity itself. (Your ego and karma are Divine…

It is your Soul, trying to inspire You. There was a plan for your life from the very beginning. What is the BEST dream you can Dream? What does it look like, when you see yourself actually living it out? You are on your way to the airport. But there is one stop to be made along the way. You have something you are going to set into motion now. You walk through the large wooden doors. Everyone in the room is smiling. They have all looked forward to today. Once the ink dries, a thousand forklifts will start setting the vision into motion. Materials that will be used to build the vision. A project that will touch the four corners of the earth. And it all came to you one day, many moons ago. And today, this day, it starts getting created by your hand. You sit down and…

Awakening the Giant in You Who are You? Why are you here? Where are you going? When we take a look at the common stories in our human history, we can see a trend of a relatively slow personal evolution. When we would go through an entire lifetime and not have much change in the level of our own personal consciousness. It is the idea that you are born into a genre, and you die in the same genre. Born blue collar, die blue collar. There is no wrong here. And your journey might not be about genres either. Also, I am not talking about personal evolution as some kind of a race, or that anything specifically is required of you. Because it isn’t. You are free. Totally free to choose as you prefer. And there is no value to try to force your evolution. In fact, I would suggest…

Taking the time to stop and appreciate who we are today Who are You? Why are You here? What are You here to be? Sometimes on our spiritual journey, we always have the future in our sights. Sure enough, that is a good way to be conscious of what you ARE creating. But what have you already created? Who is this You, that is reading these words? What have you experienced in your life so far? What are the karmic lessons you are here to learn? You are re-connecting. You are becoming more aware of your higher self. You are remembering who you really are. Getting glimpses of your Soul. That REALLY BIG You. Like your own personal best friend. A part of you that always sees you with Loving eyes. With confidence in your future. Knowing that there is more of You to discover, explore and manifest. Your age…

What are you to do now? These elections have shown us some of our deeper and hidden feelings that have come out. What would have been a fringe social dialogue, has become front and center of our media. There are so many feelings and beliefs that are being weighed in on. It can be difficult to care for your country very deeply, yet watch it shaken to its very core. What IS it that we can do as citizens to help bring back a peaceful and prosperous America? The future is decided energetically first. We actually vote the LOUDEST by the silent energy emanating from us. We are voting by how we feel, think, and believe. Everything happens energetically first. And how you cast your vote is determined by the energy that you have created, are creating, and will create. The flow of creation involves understanding the various elements within…

What IS Love all about? When we talk about Love, there can be quite a variety of reactions. Love, by itself, is a very powerful topic. Sometimes people avoid it. Or hold it at arm’s length. We can remember times when our heart was broken falling out of Love. But Love, unconditional Love, is something that heals. How can it be? Does Love hurt or heal? Enter Karma. Like Darth Vader, walking out of hiding. Karma holds the pain. Love, itself, does not hurt. But the karma we pick up along the way is where we get a painful feeling to Love. When we first come into this earthly plane, we are innocent. Then we start up the karmic momentum. Our karmic posturing with what is. Karma itself is a sort of posturing with the present moment. It is only in this NOW that we can change our karmic disposition.…

The time has come to live your Divine potential The villains have been revealed. The desires for change have been heard. There is a strong yearning for Peace, Justice, Prosperity and a renewed sense of Community. The beginnings of Heaven on Earth. Cue the Super Hero (You!). You have been to wardrobe. (That cape really makes the color of your eyes shine 😉 You have been to makeup, but your radiant shine made all of that unnecessary. You started reading your script but you threw it away, deciding to “Just Wing It.” (The sign of an expert Super Hero.) Your life up to now has helped you shape your own desires. What you prefer. You know your favorite foods. And the soundtrack? It plays all of your favorites. The scene is set in this exact spot. You have taken all of the “karma classes” that have prepared you for the…