


As It Is Learning to Love all that is … as it is We are here as creators. It is a role we cannot “do without.” The process of creation is always active. Consciousness has its effect. Your freedom is more important than what others are thinking or doing. Often we can observe something that is happening in the collective storyline, and find ourselves offended or upset. When we think about “who” it is that is being offended, we find ourselves pointing to our ego. To the expectations we hold for what should, or should not, be happening. In the journey to master the art of creation, is to be able to stay centered in the field of Unconditional Love at the core of our BEing. Your relationship with your POWER to create is your relationship with ALL that has been created. Even the “bad” stuff. When we look with…

For the Joy of Loving How do you make Love? What are the ingredients? Where do you look to find Love? Love is the root of consciousness itself. More specifically, Unconditional Love. So imagine this… The automotive engineer has been working on a new design. For a new suspension system for a car. She has been dreaming of how well she can make a car hug the road in a sharp turn. How solid could it feel? How tight could it turn and still feel solid? A passionate pursuit of perfection. So imagine this… The race car driver has been looking for ways to do it better. Looking for a way to race at an even higher performance level. Where can the new possibilities be found? What is possible? The car itself is a vehicle. A vehicle of Love. 😉 It is a physical vessel of Love to be carried…

The Divine Idea of You The sweet spot of living your Divine potentials Here we are. Another day on planet Earth. Another day in your life. Another moment of eternity. So … What is the point? Where are we “going?” How will we know when we have arrived? What IS the Divine idea of BEing a human BEing? I find it curious to listen to people as they share what is front and center in their everyday living. For so many of us it is about healing. Or success, or prosperity. Or perhaps Love. And, of course, perhaps countless other arenas of focus. But where does it end? Where ARE we going? What is all this for anyway? Well … You. You are a point of presence of Divinity right now. What do YOU desire right now? What You desire. That might seem like a cop-out. Like the answer is…

The Touch of Love When two Souls hold each other in Love The stories of our human past can have such stories of heartache and emotional anguish. Who hasn’t cried their eyes out because of painful feelings? Yet, there is another part of living. And that is a place of Love. Unconditional Love. Where two Souls have loved each other within the storm. This Love isn’t always obvious. Until, perhaps, it is gone. Who in your life has touched you at a very deep level? This can be anyone who has spent time with you. Perhaps within a family dynamic. Perhaps in the workplace. Perhaps just as friends. Those people who “get you.” Who understand you. Who see you, perhaps at a deeper level than others in your life. When two Souls choose to share a human path together. When two Souls choose to be there for each other, during…

Dream. Big. Co-create with the creator. How do you go from a peasant to a king? From a seeker to the Divine itself? From a mere mortal to the immortal consciousness of the Divine? I am not suggesting anything about you, the reader. This is a metaphorical conversation. Who are we? Really. A simple question. If we consider who it is that is reading this sentence … who is the answer. Sure, your ego is taking the symbols, the characters and words, and assigning meaning to them. Creating your own understanding of what they mean. But your ego is so … single lifetime consciousness. Your Soul is here too. And your Soul has been through so many different lifetimes. Your Soul has been through so many different archetypes too. Perhaps your Soul has played out the peasant and royalty, the sinner and the saint, the cop and the criminal, the…

The Power of an Idea Honoring the Vision of your Soul We are living in such exciting times. This lifetime, this one right now, has a unique opportunity to it. How are you going to live your life? Day in and day out we can get comfortable in a sense of normalcy or predictability. The ego can really like knowing what will happen next. The unknown can feel unsettling and unsure. And for many of us, there is so much energetic upheaval within us. We are going though some big energetic shifts. The universe is upgrading us energetically. We are coming out of old energy. Old paradigms. Old stories of possibilities. And our mythology cannot show us what is next. For perhaps the first time in aeons of time, the next chapter of our human story is going into COMPLETELY new ground. Enter the notion of a Soul. Your Soul…

Popping New Neurons Feeling new sensations arriving We are here for the human experience. How does it feel to be human? There are a vast array of feelings that are possible for us to experience. There are the tactile feelings. Feelings that we feel through our body. The cool coastal breeze. The smell of coffee in the morning. The cozy soft feeling of our bed. The loving touch of a lover. Then there are the feelings that all happen inside of us. The grateful feelings we feel when perhaps our parents look at us with adoration, pride, or love. The feeling of excitement when a new possibility becomes more probable. The flash of a new idea in our head. Setting a new direction in our life path. New. New sensations. New possibilities. New directions. We are creators. In every moment, the act of creation is happening. The infinite field of…

The Vision of Your Soul What is the plan? Your ego is assigning value to each one of these words, right here, right now… But what about the vision of your Soul? What is the plan for THIS life of yours? What are the core life lessons for this time around? This incarnation? This life of yours? Your body is the canvas on which you feel your karma. Where you feel your life. Feelings… (cue the music… 😉 Nothing more than feelings… lol God/Goddess does not have a plan for you. Wait… what? God/Goddess does not have a plan for your life that they will force on you. God/Goddess DOES have a vision, a possibility, for what your life could look like. But there is this free-will thing. Your free will TRUMPS God/Goddess’s desires for your life. Your ego is the boss. Your ego is the Big Cheese! Your ego’s…

The Vision of Your Soul Different Goals for Different Souls The curious thing about this karmic soup we are all living in, is just how thick it is. Our karma, here on Earth, is some of the thickest karma around. And you, yes you, are a soul that chose to incarnate in the first ripples of our re-awakening. Just take a moment and imagine a planet that has lived in such torment and struggle, for eons of time, that is now, just now, starting to come out of the darkness. If you consider the scale of human consciousness, it is a logarithmic scale. The energy of (your) consciousness is exponential. Although we cannot directly sense, with our five senses, the raw power behind this consciousness, we CAN derive some understanding of it. Just like electricity. We cannot see electricity. But we can develop an understanding of it. So imagine someone…

Embody Your Soul Feeling good never felt better Your soul had a vision for your life before you were born. Yet, your ego can keep all your thoughts in check. There is a wisdom of your soul that your ego cannot even comprehend. How do we get the soul moved into our everyday thoughts, feelings and actions? What is your relationship with all that is? Everything? What parts of life do you accept? And what parts of life are you totally against? You are the creator. Not only as an individual, but also as a point of presence of THE creator. The BIG guy. Well, actually equally, the God … and the Goddess. How do you feel about what has already been created? Your relationship with your ability to create and your relationship with everything that has been created, will decide how you can, or cannot, show up in your…

Desire as the Root of Creation Your desires are a Divine attribute When Divine Goddess first had the idea of creation, before handing it over to Divine Masculine to bring it into form, there was no end. There was no specific intent. Like once the world became a particular way, it would be done. We are on a galactic timeline here. Thousands of billions of years. All for what? What is the goal? The end game? It is for you. It is for me. The act of creation has happened from the beginning of all that is. And the act of creation is happening right now. You are a creator incarnate. You are THE creator, incarnate. You are a personification of Source-consciousness. And just by your consciousness, you are Divinity itself, creating. When you get an impulse of desire, that is the very same impulse as the one that started…