Unraveling Our Past To re-unite with our Soul It does actually take conscious effort. Left unchecked, the ego will chase shadows until the end of time. It was, at least for a substantial part, our egos that loaded up our subconscious in the first place. You are infinite potential, in human form. But, so what? If you don’t do anything to e-x-p-a-n-d your sense of self, then, perhaps, you are just your ego looking for fulfillment in the reflection of the quantum mirror. In other words, looking for a deeper understanding of yourself, by chasing people, circumstances and a sense of validation from those external factors of your everyday life. The “world” you see outside of you, is a reflection of what is inside of you. Everything that pisses you off, is a reflection of unresolved parts of yourself on the inside of you that you have not resolved. Everything.…
Walk This Way What is the “right” way to live? Where are you going? What do you intend to experience in the future? Who do you want to be? We are all on a journey … of sorts. I find it quite curious, this notion of ourselves. Who am I? Who are You? As we progress through our lives, we have so many opportunities to change. Some of us are living quite intentional lives. With a clear sense of direction. And others are seeking a firm path to walk on. A clearer sense of who they really are. Nobody had an ego the day they were born. In a sense … there was nobody home. And then we grew an ego. We grew a sense of self. And if we all took a moment and wrote down how we viewed life, we would have many very different views of what…
Healing self. Creating Self. Living an intentional life. Are you bi-polar? Are there two of You? Often when I write (and I do write often) I type the word self in two different ways. self and Self. self: Your ego. The “little” you. The ego that you have created. Self: Your Soul. The Divine consciousness within you now. The “BIG” You. On this planet, at this time, there is a prime objective of sorts. And that is to heal ourselves. Indeed. Yes. Let’s do just that. To heal ourselves is perhaps the most important thing there is for billions of people. In this context, when I say heal, I mean “to become enlightened.” To heal our karma. To end our personal suffering. And certainly this can directly relate to our bodies as well. The dis-ease of our body is a reflection of the dis-ease within our own consciousness. I think…
In the Flow … Creation comes from the inside … OUT! So, chances are pretty good that you will eventually walk up and down stairs yet again. Not giving it a second thought. Pretty simple … right? Well there was a time that just to walk was a challenge. That gravity had you crawling around. So, chances are that you can create whatever you want. Yet there was a time, perhaps, that you watched the world around you and pretty much ignored the inspiration coming from within you. “Cell phone dis-ease” is a condition where our egos consume our consciousness. Pretty much ALL of it. Or perhaps … social media. Same symptoms. Same effect. Ego overdose. Yet your heart and soul have a vision for your life. Well, actually they have multiple tiers of visions … IF you actually show up to fulfill them. Our heart and soul dangle dreams…
Sages, Mystics and Alchemists … Oh My! Who are You going to become? Does Your wand work? Are You powerful? Can You own Your power? Is there someone else on the planet that deserves to own the power of their Divinity more than You? Does God/Goddess play favorites? I am sorry (no, I am not 😉 if you think you can keep reading these blogs and yet still consider yourself a mere mortal. That you might still see yourself as a seeker of the truth. That you are not here for a Divine purpose. That there is immense Power in Your purpose. At some point … You need to own it to honor it. You can’t poke at your Divinity with a stick, and think that you are honoring your life purpose. Sure … wait. And wait again … still waiting? Still waiting to own Your Divinity? Your dreams are…
It Is All For You You have the best seat in the house We can find ourselves looking for it. Looking for a better experience. Perhaps we see other people enjoying themselves. Or we read something that makes us long for a particular experience. Or perhaps we just want to feel better. But you are it. You are sitting in the BEST seat in the house. What you want to experience is totally possible. It is the journey through time that will bring it about. And when you “get there” it will be in the moment that you feel it. In the body that you are living in right now. Indeed, everything that you will experience will be felt in the body you are in now. What will you feel today? What did you feel yesterday? To get more mindful of our present environment is to hone our ability to…
IF You Start Now… You just might scratch the surface Who is driving your life? Who is the one making decisions in your life? Who? Why it is ME … of course? Really? Have you ever had a co-worker that was difficult, only to meet them outside of work and find them to be totally different? OR to catch yourself dreaming of a most incredible life for yourself? Like you just won the lottery? Or what if… You are an infinite consciousness. Without end. Your Soul was the one that chose this life-path BEFORE you were born. And it will do it again before your next incarnation too. Your Soul has an endless, without end, stream of inspiration, handcrafted, just for you. But, and this is a BIG but, IF you cannot fully engage the process of harvesting that inspiration … well then … life will most likely be ……
Finding the Light Within Where the journey of the seeker … ends For myself, there was an episode where my own soul showed me the Light of Source. I had not expected it. Yet it would become a reference point for me to understand the Divine Light within each of us, and how we are to relate to our inner Light as human beings. It was then that I could actually experience what it was like to be only Light. It was in that moment, where I could not sense any “thing.” No time or space. No here or there. No me or you. No directions. No up or down. No symbols. No meaning. No objects of any kind. Nothing but Light. It was a very profound and all-encompassing event. And the journey there and back gave me a glimpse into the underpinnings of creation itself. Part of what motivates…
Unplugged Did you try unplugging it? Did you ever have something stop working? You tried giving it a good smack? Just when you thought it was a lost cause… … and then you unplugged it … and it started working again? Did you ever fret and worry about something in your life… wringing your hands over it, and it just wouldn’t go away? We are the creators of our experience(s). What we focus on … expands. Our emotions are waves of energy (inner chi) that are broadcast out into the universe. And the Law of Attraction kicks in and brings us more of the same. You cannot create abundance, love, joy, happiness, etc. while focusing on lack, fear, hate, etc. Try unplugging yourself. Try imagining that you are just observing the situation. That what you are witnessing is not yours. Your karma is not personal. Wait … what? The principles…
Who ARE You … really? When your Soul was born … you had no karma. And you had no relationships with any-thing. No experiences to hone your own personal preferences. A rookie to the human experience… Fast forward through a few hundred or even thousands of lifetimes incarnate. Now you have karma. And you have relationships too. You have a personality of preferences as well. By Divine plan. You, in flesh and bones, are the Creator incarnate. The Creator incarnate. You are a point of presence of the Divine. God Consciousness with flesh and bones. We are here for the human experience. You have to have a ticket. Your ticket is your body. This whole holodeck of Divine consciousness is for the experiences of BEing. It is God’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom of Heaven. In fact, you already ARE it. Heaven exists within you now. Right Now.…
What is Your True Divine Potential? What is your measuring stick? How do you compare yourself with your true Divine potentials? What is REALLY possible in this physical form? … have you noticed … I ask a lot of questions?! Why it that? lol The curious thing is how we compare ourselves. How do we compare? … to what? We are Divinity incarnate. We are Source Consciousness personified. It is virtually impossible to describe your potential with words… Ever. Using ALL the words there are. The really powerful thing about living on Earth right now is knowledge. It really wasn’t that long ago when the notion of knowing your own Divinity was unheard of. Where the power of Divine consciousness wasn’t known by the masses. When, if you wanted to communicate with someone in a foreign land, you wrote your correspondence on a piece of paper and gave it to…