
personal power


From Light into Shadow. From Shadow into Light. Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love. ~ Rumi There is a real elegance to karma. It is a beautiful design. WTF! Les, there is so much suffering on this planet. Karma sucks. What if, in an imaginary world, you spent your entire life in an incubator of sorts. It was a very nice incubator, with all the latest delights. But the incubator made sure it was always 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21º Celsius). What if the temperature never changed? And then I asked you … what does cold feel like? Huh? What is “cold?” Source Consciousness (God), it seems, is in an eternal quest to know more about itself. It seems that everything in nature is in a cycle of sorts. Day/Night. Summer/Winter. Fast/Slow. Light/Dark. Birth/Death. Within the journey of a Soul, there is a cycle of sorts as well.…

We came here for the Human experience What would it be like to … Nature, by its very nature, is never done. Ever. You are that nature expressing itself. The white picket fence idea that we were raised on (get an education, and a job, and now retire) is blasphemy at its finest. Institutionalized blasphemy. Your age is none of your business. You, as a soul incarnate, have no need for an assigned “age.” Your soul doesn’t ever reach a point where it “retires.” Unless perhaps, when we (completely) return to Source Consciousness. The narrative of the collective, that reduces the importance of people as they age, is perhaps a contributor to our folly. We are re-debating such fundamental aspects of BEing a human being. We have so much wisdom in our society, that is “offline.” I say this for two reasons. One, for the consideration of how we see…

The Pinch of the Collective Where does Your Divinity live? There is a rather BIG shift going on. An awakening of sorts. And within that shift, there is you. You. The collective narrative is unraveling itself. It is experiencing a bit of a collapse. And this is a very good thing. The many different prophecies have proclaimed a Golden Era. A Dawn of a New Beginning for humanity. We are evolving out of the herd mentality. Out of the narrative of our own history. The notion of the Castle on the Hill (where the King and Queen live). The notion of royalty. Of agencies and institutions that “decide” the direction of humanity. Where, perhaps, there was a pyramid of sorts. The rulers at the top, and the masses at the bottom. Although this style of modeling our culture around a few, that dictates the choices of us all, has been…

Your Emotions evolve as You evolve There IS a promised land So … do you ever feel stuck? Kind of like … is this all there is? There is a thing about karma … a quagmire of sorts. As we, as timeless souls, load up our psyches with karma … everything slows down. You might even think of it kind of like temperature and water. Niagara Falls is a pretty impressive sight. So many tons of water, crashing on the rocks. But there are photographs of Niagara Falls frozen solid. An immense amount of power … frozen. Held “captive” by the cold temperature. That is kind of like our karma. Zap! Poof! Zang! Ka-Powee! When we completely cleanse our karma, out of our timeless persona, we will manifest in the moment. Jesus could manifest things out of thin air, in the moment. A very powerful persona. And he promised that…

Where Is Your Nirvana? You ARE sitting in the best seat in the house What are you looking for? What will it feel like when you get it?If you are wanting something that will not fulfill you, then perhaps you don’t really want fulfillment. Don’t get me wrong. You can want whatever you want. But then again, if what you want isn’t bringing a sense of fulfillment, then you don’t have the grounds to complain about not feeling fulfilled.The ego gets to choose. There are no requirements.But Nirvana. Wow. What would that feel like?You are sitting in the best seat in the house. I mean … really, nice booty! ;- )Millions of people are drowning in the mundane. With no sense of fulfillment in their lives. As it is their choice to choose, you too have fierce free will to choose whatever you want.So, maybe, it really comes down to what do you want?…

Going Up … Going Down The Evolution of Consciousness From the Light, into the shadow, and then the return to Light. A timeless journey. From the Light. In the beginning … was the Light. And it was without form. There was no duality, or form. If you were to go to the absolute core of yourself, you would find the Light. A non-local field of Source Consciousness. And if I were to do the same, I would find the Light as well. It is not like we would both be there, but rather, there would be no “us” there. We would be One. As I have shared before, my Soul dragged my ego there. To show me the total realm of human consciousness. The Light is beyond the description of words (symbols). You can (kind of) get a sense for this if you were to look at a light bulb,…

The Goddess and the God And that would be YOU! Divine Mother and Divine Father are relaxing in bed, after having the best whoopee they have ever had. And Divine Father leans over smiling and says, “Well THAT was the best it has ever been! What else is possible?” Divine Mother, smiling,  closes her eyes, and goes into a dream … about to fetch the vision for the next chapter of creation. There is a natural and balanced flow to creation. From (Divine) Feminine in-spiration, then out into (Divine) Masculine manifestation. Without end. There is a karmic hierarchy. Brilliant really. Tiered levels of manifestation. In order to manifest at the higher levels of consciousness, you have to be the embodiment of Love. The “bad guys” can’t turn water into wine. Or raise the dead. Or heal the sick, etc. This is by design. The ability to operate at the higher…

Playing our roles in this BIG Event For many of us in this group, we are the old Souls. If you are on this mailing list, chances are very good that you are interested in a much bigger picture of what is going on. You are an Old Soul that is waking up to our bigger truths. But that doesn’t make your journey predefined. In fact, there is a much bigger influence in how your life plays out. And that is your ego. What? An ego trumps a Soul? Yup. Sure thing. For many of us, we chose, as souls, to come down here as a member of a soul group. Souls who perhaps have spent many lifetimes together. Who have taken turns playing out the villain and the victim with each other. Many lifetimes spent learning the many different ways it feels to be a human being. Yet, although…

Co-creating Heaven on Earth Humanity is at such a powerful place in our human evolution. A big part of that is based on where we have been. On this planet, we are coming out of the age of darkness … where egos have tried to create their “wealth” from the exploitation of others. War, slavery and exploitation fill the pages of the past. But now, this now, we have reached a huge turning point. We are standing at the doorway to the greatest expansion of our human potential that perhaps we have ever experienced in our human storyline. Every single person is an infinite point of potential. And billions of us are wakening to that truth. We are waking up … waking up to our true potential. I could have called this blog “Living Your Potential.” But I would have been missing something about the nature of the universe. Where two or more have gathered ……

Tapping your infinite potential We all have more personal potential to discover about ourselves. It arrives in any one moment. There is this ever-present “now.” Every moment offers an opportunity for a new idea or direction to show up for us. We can take a step back and look at the history of our human experience and see so many different eras and cultures in our human history. And I suggest that we are at the doorway of one of the most incredible yet. From my perspective, this chapter of our human story is without comparison. We are at the curve of an exponential shift in our human story. A shift that will be so vast and so spectacular, that this chapter will be talked about for quite some time to come. The infinite potential of our human nature never dims. Ever. We are all a point of presence in a galactic…