What ARE you looking for? … to get clear about what you REALLY want. What is it that you want? Do you feel like there is a “better” place/feeling/condition/relationship for you? There is such a busy world “out there.” So many things that compete for our attention. Our egos can get in a mode, where we are just looking for the better feeling … and soon. I notice it at the grocery store. When folks hurry over to the checkout station that just opened up. There is this underlying feeling that hurry is going to get us where we “really” want to be. You can see it in traffic too. Perhaps any time we are in a situation where we are waiting in some form of line. … take a break. Just stand down and relax. Take three long deep breaths … and relax. There is an ocean of peace…
Where Is Your Nirvana? You ARE sitting in the best seat in the house What are you looking for? What will it feel like when you get it?If you are wanting something that will not fulfill you, then perhaps you don’t really want fulfillment. Don’t get me wrong. You can want whatever you want. But then again, if what you want isn’t bringing a sense of fulfillment, then you don’t have the grounds to complain about not feeling fulfilled.The ego gets to choose. There are no requirements.But Nirvana. Wow. What would that feel like?You are sitting in the best seat in the house. I mean … really, nice booty! ;- )Millions of people are drowning in the mundane. With no sense of fulfillment in their lives. As it is their choice to choose, you too have fierce free will to choose whatever you want.So, maybe, it really comes down to what do you want?…
Going Up! Raising Your Consciousness Where are you going? What do you want out of your life? What gets you excited about your future? There is an awakening going on. An entire planet is awakening at some level. There are those people on this planet that will experience a complete and total transformation of themselves. And there are no limits to what that can look like. We are awakening to our own Divinity. Awakening to the Divine Consciousness within us now. To really honor that, takes some daydreaming. It takes some serious silly-ness. Silly? Well … Yes. We have been told what life is about. For the most part, it is all a story. A story of one single possibility. Single in the sense that the world we were raised on is just ONE example of what is possible. Our history has very large institutions that have spanned many generations.…
The root of creation itself In the beginning was the Light. Light. There is nowhere to hide in a hologram. All elements are “online.” And within each point in a hologram, all points are present. This idea re-enforces the notion that God, with a big G, is within you now. Well, that is only half correct. God suggests Masculine. In order for true Power to be present, we need to balance that out with Feminine. Goddess is within you now as well. God and Goddess are within you now. Hmmm. We are still using symbols (God/Goddess) to “define.” Light. There … much better. In the beginning, of all that is, there was only Light. And within that Light, which had no form, was the potential of all form(s) of creation. That very same Light is within you now. You ARE the Creator incarnate. Quite literally. We could bring in the…
What Do You Desire? Desire is an inside journey What is it that you desire? What would you change about your life? What would it feel like to have your desires fulfilled? There is a curious concept. The notion that God Divine doesn’t have any plan for humanity. That we are on our own. God, the Big Guy, does not interfere with our human preferences. Something about that just seems a little off. I mean, the Big God, doesn’t have any desires for us? Really? It has been shown over countless centuries that man can go as far into the darkness as MAN desires. We can wage war til the end of time. And God does not intervene. At least not as some powerful force that overrides our own free will. We are here for the human experience. HUMAN experience. Flesh and bones. Whether man experiences peace on earth, or…
That place of ease has information for you Karma has layers to it. Karma has a multitude of elements that make up your overall vibe. For most of us, we never come “all the way out” of our thoughts and feelings. The thing is, as long as we are engaged in a karmic pattern, we are not completely at ease. That makes it harder to receive. It also masks our own karmic tendencies too. To be still, is to be in the place from which we watch our own demeanor. And there is another aspect to the stillness of ease. That is where we find Peace and Love too. Peace and Love are a field. They do not require sentences. They were there before there were even sentences. Before the ego existed. Before any ego existed. Ever. Take a deep breath. And now take another, only slower. And one more,…
What’s in your heart? We have gone to the very edge of darkness. And now we are on the journey back home. The return to Love. What will we feel when we re-discover this Love? To the ego it feels like joy and ecstatic delight. Tears flowing down your cheeks. A deep sense of peace. Of belonging. The end of suffering. The end of separation. The return to the Oneness of all of life. From that place of Oneness, you can vision. You can take that tireless well of inspiration and capture a vision of the desires of your own heart and soul. As the seed for your future, that vision is the beginning of the creation process itself. The first step in co-creation with life itself. You have been here since the beginning, and you will also be at the end. For life is holographic over time and space. Where,…
Fulfilling the vision of our Heart and Soul Truth is. It always has been. Long before language or religion, the truth existed by its very nature. The truth is beyond language. It is beyond what our minds and egos can comprehend. It is impossible to language the truth without severe compromise. We are vast Souls personified in these bodies in which we reside. Where does your DNA come from? Are you Asian? German? Polish? African? Indonesian? Each one of us, as Souls, chose the answer before we were born. Your Soul chooses the situations and conditions of your birth and incarnation. You chose to be here now. The truth of who you are is the doorway to absolute freedom. You cannot die. Ever. The very thing that is animating your body now existed before you were even conceived by your parents. Your Soul chose this lifetime. This one now. For…
Leaving fear behind you Peace can be found in every aspect of life. There is a place of knowing that affords a sense of peace within your own sense of self, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey. For many of us, we were born into a paradigm of struggle and pain. Some of the stories of our humanity can seem very difficult to understand, including the “why” of it all. But when we take a step back and look at it from our own soul’s perspective, it is that very struggle that can act as our own alarm clock. If you think about the collective consciousness, there is little in our mainstream media that talks about the truth. And that would be Truth with a capital ‘T’. To be able to get a grip on the truth, and then become able to embody it, is the trademark…
Who is this “You” that is reading this? Nice to meet you. Who is it that I am talking to? Who are you? Who are you over a span of time? What if you were to imagine yourself(s) gathered at a table. Can you picture 4 or 5 versions of you throughout your life, sitting at the same table? Perhaps a young child version of you. A teenager version of you. A young adult version of you. Like snapshots of you throughout this lifetime. Can you imagine the thought process that is going on in each version? What is you as the young child thinking about? Play time? Presents at Christmas? And the you as a teenager. What is going through that young mind of yours? Perhaps some social contemplations? Maybe a little searching for a sense of self? And what about the older versions of you? What are those…