


The process of creating starts within us Our eyes can only show us the birthing of the past. What you are seeing in this moment, is already the past. Perhaps the freshest past you have. The past is created in this and every moment. No matter how hard we look, with our human eyes, we cannot ever see the future. We see atoms. Matter. Things. This now is the birthplace of our past. Some of our past is very old. And some of it is as fresh as the previous sentence you just read. But there IS a place within you in which you can “see” the future. Well, not physically see it, but rather, energetically see it. In fact, the energy within you is what CREATES the future. You can think of the energy within you now as the early stages of the creation process of YOUR future. If…

Finding the Divine within you now When we created our ego, there was no outside input. Sure, our parents taught us how to do it. Perhaps not directly. At least my parents did not say, Les, you are growing an ego … It happened much more organically. Teaching us the symbols we would be using in life. That big thing over there is called a tree. Step by step creating a symbol processor. What we would now call our brains, personality and ego. But there is an elephant in the room. Or rather, there is a huge presence within you now. A point of Divine consciousness. The source of ALL of your thoughts. And … the Divine potential to create anything you can imagine. But what decides what we are able, or unable, to create is the imprinting of our past. Our karma. Our own consciousness from the past, influencing…

Embodying the Light of Love Love is a very curious thing. For many of us, Love is the basis of our intimate relationships. The arena of spouses, lovers and beloveds. We experience a deep sense of Love with our chosen ones. Love can feel so juicy, euphoric and powerful. Yet there is a much bigger story going on with Love. When you open yourself to Love, over and over again, something happens to you. Something happens in you. There is a melding of sorts. There is a place where you connect with Love in a different way. Sure, certainly, the act of Love with our beloveds is held in a most sacred space. A place where we can see into each others’ heart and soul. But Love is only serenading us there. It is as if we are hardwired for that intimate Love. Perhaps some of the reasons for that…

The timeless nature of our Human journey Are you excited for your future? Really excited? Does your ego genuinely think that your dreams will come true? Is the vision in your heart something you frequent often? Can you see your life path from your soul’s perspective? Don’t tell me but do tell you. Read those questions again. There is a BIG version of you reading along with you, as you. I would suggest that you are living a lifetime that has been foretold for generations. You are living a life that can actually make the dreams of your family lineage come true. The generations before us had a hope for the future. Humanity as a whole has been praying for a lasting answer to our human struggles. Sure, we can talk about karma and love. Certainly. Perhaps these two aspects can describe most all of our human experiences. But then…

The Divine expresses through you, as you How good can you stand it? I mean. If indeed we are the portal of the Divine, expressing as ourselves, then what would heaven look like, to you? There is a pattern that is very common on this planet. And that pattern is the pattern of people awakening. Working through their issues. And most certainly, that is a very good thing. But, there is another chapter coming. Is is just past karma. It is the chapter we start living when we have cleansed our karmic past. Now make no mistake. I am not saying that if you don’t feel like you have any karma left, that there isn’t plenty to be discovered within you. Karma, by design, is mostly subconscious. And by that, nearly impossible to consciously know about. Not with any certainty anyway. Until you actually glow in the dark, like Jesus…

By their words will you know them There is a scale, of sorts, that maps the levels of consciousness. With one end being Love, with a capital L. A place of immense (Divine) power. And at the other end would be some flavor of hell. On the edge of life itself. A place of powerlessness. And then, in between those two, are all the possible karmic paradigms of humanity. Although this scale is rather abstract, it does have an immense value in understanding where you are in the scheme of our human story. You can think of your life journey as traversing the scale of human consciousness. Either up or down. At some point in our lifetimes on earth we had to be going down, to create such a dark karmic storyline for humanity. We had to have had many lifetimes of suffering, pain and sorrow. And now we are…

God will not change anything except through a Human BEing Sure, there are the Birds and the Bees. Trees and Oceans. And then there is the solar system too. And the night sky full of countless galaxies. God/Goddess has a hand in all of creation. The Divine shows up in all of creation. There is no-thing outside of the Divine. God/Goddess is the root of all that is. There are examples of unconditional Love. Dogs and … OK … cats too. They know how to Love. Love without conditions … well, maybe just dogs. 😉 But dogs and cats have no thoughts about the future. They are not planning months or years out into the future. It is us, the Human Beings, that are able to focus consciousness. We are able to understand the mechanics of creation. We are aware of things like DNA, quantum fields, atoms, cells, electricity, magnetism,…

Who are YOU to personify the Divine? Here You are. On your spiritual journey. You have your story. You have your issues. One day at a time. You are living in perhaps the most dynamic time in our human history. And YOUR soul had a vision for you. For THIS lifetime. A storyline that was handpicked just for YOU. Perhaps you have had glimpses of it. In your dreams. In your desires. And then there are the gifts from your past. When we look at the collective storyline, by far the most common story is one of struggle, survival and overcoming our own karma. Yet, if we were to compare our human existence here on this planet with our own truth, it might be said that we are masters of limitations. We, Divine BEings with infinite power, are masters of making creation difficult. Masters of limitations. As if we are…

The Time Has Come You have been watching it happen from the day you were born. The process of creation happening. Right before your eyes. People taking inspired, intentional actions in their lives to make things happen. But, perhaps what was missing was that you didn’t know the karmic circumstances behind each story that you watched playing out. The karmic momentum behind everyone who was in your life in any significant way. That the stories behind the people with whom they grew up had a lot of karmic momentum to them. And the other thing they didn’t tell you was that the universe will create ANY story you present to it with equal vigor. It has always been up yo you to decide what happens, or not. And, perhaps you were never taught about your own karmic disposition. Well, now that can be fixed. When we think of all the…

What would You prefer? Is God behind the curtain creating the future for us? Are we simply the folks that watch it happen? Where is the Divine in the planning of the future? When will God get it right? Plenty of prayers are laying around, and if God would act on JUST ONE prayer, we would be out of the woods. There are plenty of ideas about the future. Here in the United States, the changing of our President has created so much change going on in many different arenas. For many people, the direction(s) we are going have plenty for them to be concerned about. Certainly, it can seem like we are headed in the wrong direction. When will this storyline turn around? Enter God. Cue God … Now would be good …crickets … Where the hell is God? I thought we had him locked in. What is to…

When the Citizens heal (enlighten) the kingdom will thrive … every time So what is your idea of power? What does “powerful” mean to you? An army? A hurricane? Nuclear power? What is powerful? If you were to imagine the appearance of power, what would that be? Perhaps, from above, it the sight of a valley full of nuclear power plants. So many, in fact, that there is no place left to put one more? Or the view of a hurricane from outer space? That huge circle of clouds that are wreaking havoc on the land below. Or perhaps we would bump it up a bit. God. I mean … God. The creator of all that is. That’s got to surpass anything. Right? I mean … God. Let’s get to the point here.What’s bigger than God? Right? Hold on a minute. History show some troubling truths.  For example … God…