You always have more to discover about yourself There are not very many people who are exceptional examples of what human beings can accomplish. If you think about it, if our academic arena were able to effectively tap the power of an individual, there should be legions of rock-stars or super-stars in our culture. The infinite potential of our human nature never dims. Those are just words unless we can create an effect from them … where we can create lasting change from the power of those simple words. Enter karma. The lesson itself. The only thing between you and your dreams coming true. How many years have you been on your spiritual path seeking enlightenment or the truth? Or if spirituality isn’t your cup of tea, how many ideas have you followed through into completion? How effective are you about capturing a vision from your heart and soul, and…
What’s in your heart? We have gone to the very edge of darkness. And now we are on the journey back home. The return to Love. What will we feel when we re-discover this Love? To the ego it feels like joy and ecstatic delight. Tears flowing down your cheeks. A deep sense of peace. Of belonging. The end of suffering. The end of separation. The return to the Oneness of all of life. From that place of Oneness, you can vision. You can take that tireless well of inspiration and capture a vision of the desires of your own heart and soul. As the seed for your future, that vision is the beginning of the creation process itself. The first step in co-creation with life itself. You have been here since the beginning, and you will also be at the end. For life is holographic over time and space. Where,…
Casting your vote for the future When we consider the truth of who we really are, we come to a point of personal empowerment. When we reach that point of self-love, then we do not want to participate in anything that doesn’t honor ourselves. When we are talking about an individual, it can be a relatively easy thing to do. Just say “No” to what doesn’t feel right. But on the collective level, things get a little different, because we all have free will. It is not congruent to force a thought or belief on anyone else, just as it is not appropriate for another to do that to you. The idea of personal sovereignty is a place of sacred ground. Personal sovereignty comes into play when we are talking about your own relationship with God/Source/Creation. And no human being can leverage that space without corrupting their personal sovereignty. When…
True happiness comes from within We all have the happiness gene. All of what we feel comes from within us. And happiness is no different. Feelings are an inside job. Yet happiness can seem elusive. So many people are not very happy with their lives. And yet others are over-the-top delighted with life. Life has no bias of its own. It will gladly accommodate anything you decide, since you are the creator incarnate. You get to decide. The more conditions we put on our happiness, the less of it we have. We can have specific expectations for our own life. And if those expectations are not met, we can feel deprived. Why do I not have what I want? I mean, if it is God’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom of Heaven, where the hell is it? I want it and I want it NOW. lol. The thing to keep in…
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving from New Human Living Does it seem like time is moving faster these days? I wanted to take a moment and thank you! I very much appreciate your part in this journey we call life. We are all very powerful souls who are choosing to wake up our understanding of our own authentic power. The feelings that love brings to us can be so delightful and exciting. Love always seeks expansion. And you are that love personified. To be able to bring love into the everyday experience is the game-changer. Unconditional love is the doorway to Heaven on Earth. Love has so many faces. When I think about how love had taken a different route into my life, I can think of the so called “villains” in my life. There is one particular villain that comes to mind. He was a boss I had pretty…
Seeing from your Soul’s perspective It can feel odd to laugh at life sometimes. I mean, this is serious … right? When we have been trying to bring change into our life, it can seem like nothing is working. Perhaps we even have thoughts of “what’s the use?” But our Soul has our back. We have the bases covered. In fact, our vibrant and opulent life is held in escrow until we can embody it ourselves. From the higher perspective, we cannot fail. It is only a matter of time. There is only one outcome. All roads (choices) lead to Heaven. We are safe and we are loved. No matter what the circumstances of this moment, you will prevail. There is no other outcome. The only variable is when. Knowing this can bring a sense of relief. The journey can seem hard, as if you are watching a slow-motion movie. There is some comfort in…
Walking in step with your Soul We have all had moments when the timing of things just seems to be perfect. Like when we meet the person we were just thinking of … by “accident.” There is a curious thing about how things manifest in our lives. Everything happens energetically first … before the atoms get involved. The future is created on this invisible energetic canvas before anything in the physical world actually moves. Sometimes the events in the energetic realm tell us how to avoid something. On the morning of 9/11 many people missed their train, called in sick or had something else “come up” that kept them from getting to work on time. At the Soul level, everything is known before it actually happens. And at the Soul level, it can be decided whether we actually participate in it. This is part of the reason that karma is…
How do you experience your karma? We all have our own karma. Karma that decides how we experience life itself. Our karma has such a personal aspect to it. Although we are living in the same world, how we each experience it varies dramatically, just like our own personal storyline playing out in each of our own minds. At the same time, Karma is impersonal, so to speak, and simple karmic principles have been playing out since the beginning of time itself. Your relationship to your karma is a choice. Often we take on karma when we resist what we experience in life. You do realize that resistance is futile, don’t you? The more you resist the experiences on which you place judgement, the more karma you create. Karma is indifferent to what you choose, meaning that it has no bias. It is you who decides your relationship to your…
Heaven awaits your arrival The journey home can seem like a myth. Every day we find ourselves living out a familiar story. Our sense of self is intact as we manage those elements of our lives, trying to create a deeper understanding of who we really are. Life is constantly expressing yet another new idea or inspiration. We can wonder where to look for our best view of our own truth. There is no one but ourselves. Nobody can take us on the journey to the last mile home. No sage, mystic, priest, pope, president or deity can give us our truth. There is a moment during our journey home where we leave the teacher, and discover the answer within ourselves, only to discover it was there all along. Religion can be a vehicle, but it cannot hold the answer. Nothing will be given to you to complete the journey.…
Getting your ego on-board We all have a higher wisdom within us, an innate intelligence that transcends any paradigm, struggle or worry. Indeed, it is our own heart that holds so much power. But there is something that needs to happen to get that authentic power online, for it is our ego that dictates what can really happen. So often we can find ourselves living out a repetitive pattern. One day like the next. With no real change happening. Living in a karmic rut of sorts. It starts out as our ego keeping our life “safe.” And certainly it can be for good reason, at least initially. For many of us, our karmic lessons started so early in our life that we had no choice but to choose survival. From the perspective of a child, often we observed the powerful emotions of adults wreaking havoc in our own household, which then…