Stuck in the Mud Nowhere to go From the Light … Into the darkness … How we take our selves offline. So then … imagine. Imagine a super-muddy mud puddle. And then crawling in and rolling around in the mud. Loading up your clothes with mud. And then laying in the sun and letting it all dry. Crusty muddy clothes. Now imagine getting bigger clothes and putting them on over your already muddy clothes. And going right back into the mud. Imagine doing this for many iterations. Where you have so many layers of clothes on, all loaded up with mud. And then lying in the sun until it all dries up and is rigid and stiff. There you are, lying on the ground, perhaps stuck. Stuck in the mud. Not having the strength to move. Not even a budge. This is a metaphor for karma. How many people on…
The Power of Love What does Love have to offer us? What does Love have for us? How good can you stand it? How much Love can you embody? Let’s look “down” the karmic scale. This is an imagined example … So, a child that has lived in the most horrid conditions its whole life comes into your life. From a life where everything was volatile. Food, clothing, shelter … the basics of life were an everyday struggle. Certainly this planet has countless arenas of such suffering. And Poof! The child is elevated to your lifestyle. Everything changes when the child enters your lifestyle. You have food. You have shelter. You have everything you need to sustain your life. You offer the child fresh, clean water. Food abounds. The richness of your life is such an unimaginable experience to a child that had never known such a way to live…
Going Up! Raising Your Consciousness Where are you going? What do you want out of your life? What gets you excited about your future? There is an awakening going on. An entire planet is awakening at some level. There are those people on this planet that will experience a complete and total transformation of themselves. And there are no limits to what that can look like. We are awakening to our own Divinity. Awakening to the Divine Consciousness within us now. To really honor that, takes some daydreaming. It takes some serious silly-ness. Silly? Well … Yes. We have been told what life is about. For the most part, it is all a story. A story of one single possibility. Single in the sense that the world we were raised on is just ONE example of what is possible. Our history has very large institutions that have spanned many generations.…
Your Karmic Connection Your past showing up in the present When we all incarnated onto this Earth we entered a karmic classroom. Perhaps like no other classroom around this galaxy. The collective story that is playing out right now is the current chapter of this moment in our human history. This moment. Now. What makes this lifetime so unique? You do. Well, it potentially offers you an opportunity for this lifetime to be like no other. The likelihood of your reading material, like this blog, is mostly non-existent in the past. In other words, the availability for humans to find conversations about our Divine potentials, was quite rare in the past. Unless you had access to sacred text, with only the original copy in existence, located at a single location on the Earth, then you would most likely never find out about your true Divine potentials. But now, consciousness is…
I Am … This. I Am … That. It is done unto you as You believe. We all do it. We all have described our lives to others with such statements of … I Am. I am happy. I am sad. I am rich. I am broke. I am mad. I am glad… When it comes to the unraveling of our past, it would serve us well to watch our language. Very carefully. We can think that who is talking, with this internal dialogue, is our ego. But it is … and it isn’t … just our egos talking. We have talked about the holographic nature of consciousness. We have talked about past-life regression. And the notion of talking with the future. All of it. All of what we talk about is Divine consciousness itself. Every point of presence, is Divine consciousness expressing. It is actually God/Goddess talking. There is…
The Light of the Shadow Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love ~ Rumi No-thing can cast a shadow. If there is nothing there, no shadow. In other words, non-duality has no thing(s). In the beginning was the Light. And the Light was without form. No form. No-thing. Although this is very abstract languaging … it does give us a glimpse about the nature of consciousness without form or shadow. Then we jump into duality. With the metaphorical … Big Bang. Fast forward a few billion years … and there is this planet orbiting a sun in this solar system. It takes quite a long time before sentences start to show up on the cosmic canvas of creation. I mean, you have to make atoms. And big-ass mass (planets and other celestial bodies). And from that cosmic dirt, the creation of life. Self-animated life. Which implies DNA and…
Is Your Consciousness Expanding? It is not an automatic thing Perhaps it sounds like something out of the hippie movement. Expand Your Consciousness Man … Groovy! But there is something about expanding your consciousness. Like a vibrational signature, the vibration of our consciousness decides so much about our everyday life. We can look at it through the Law of Attraction. LOA. What are we attracting? For so many of us, we have MUCH more energy lodged in our own subconscious, than all of our “conscious” energy that we are aware of. For myself, I spent decades attracting angry people into my life, even though I didn’t show any sort of anger. (That is the first sign ;-). I had attracted an angry boss into my life. Like a karmic pro, I attracted to me the perfect teacher to show me my own SUBCONSCIOUS karma. Sure, I could be pursuing my…
The Vision of Your Soul Different Goals for Different Souls The curious thing about this karmic soup we are all living in, is just how thick it is. Our karma, here on Earth, is some of the thickest karma around. And you, yes you, are a soul that chose to incarnate in the first ripples of our re-awakening. Just take a moment and imagine a planet that has lived in such torment and struggle, for eons of time, that is now, just now, starting to come out of the darkness. If you consider the scale of human consciousness, it is a logarithmic scale. The energy of (your) consciousness is exponential. Although we cannot directly sense, with our five senses, the raw power behind this consciousness, we CAN derive some understanding of it. Just like electricity. We cannot see electricity. But we can develop an understanding of it. So imagine someone…
Embody Your Soul Feeling good never felt better Your soul had a vision for your life before you were born. Yet, your ego can keep all your thoughts in check. There is a wisdom of your soul that your ego cannot even comprehend. How do we get the soul moved into our everyday thoughts, feelings and actions? What is your relationship with all that is? Everything? What parts of life do you accept? And what parts of life are you totally against? You are the creator. Not only as an individual, but also as a point of presence of THE creator. The BIG guy. Well, actually equally, the God … and the Goddess. How do you feel about what has already been created? Your relationship with your ability to create and your relationship with everything that has been created, will decide how you can, or cannot, show up in your…
Love Without End The Divine manifesting through You Are you feeling it? Are you getting glimpses of e-x-p-a-n-s-i-o-n? Is the vision of your life growing? It takes some surrender. OK, perhaps a lot of surrender. Fair enough. Total surrender. Alright, total embodiment! LOL Love has no end. And You are One and the same. Love without end. You cannot break it. You cannot escape it. It is woven into the fabric of all that you are. The so very cool thing about Love is how it feels. Or rather, how it CAN feel. Love is a multidimensional energy behind all of creation. If you peel back the symbol that your mind has assigned to those “things” you see, you would find the Light of Love. Love is a field. Like a magnetic field that influences its surroundings. Even that description comes up short. That’s why those who have found the…
Revealing Your Divine Potential As an infinite BEing … What’s possible for YOU? What would heaven look like for you? What would your life look like, if you had the power to create whatever you wanted? Certainly this can seem like wishful thinking. Kind of a mantra of self-help gurus. But yet … here we are. For so many of us, we can find that the journey isn’t much different day in and day out. It seems like you can do daily affirmations without end, and yet … here we are. What gives? Where is the sweet spot? When does it all turn around? What I really like about being the host of the New Human Living radio show is that I have interviewed hundreds of guests, from pretty much every modality there is. I just love bringing guests on the show and really drilling down into the core of…