


What good can you harvest from your shadow? Both Light and Shadow … are the Dance of Love. ~ Rumi There is a momentum that is created by the untrained ego. An accumulation of “programming” that will install itself if we are not careful. Fast forward a few decades, and we can find ourselves very stuck in a sense of normalcy. There is nothing wrong here. If you want … more of the same. Normal, by its very nature, means more of the same. Normal won’t “fix” anything. I want to hang with the abby-normal folks. I want to explore the not-normal aspects of life. For it is there, where we will find the “new” outcomes. The new narratives. The new possibilities. Groovy man. Far out! Did you guess what we will look at next? We will look at the shadow side of a entire culture. In the 60’s and…

The Last Mile is All You! The Kingdom of Heaven is within You … now. If we take a big step back and look at what it means to have the human experience, from a much bigger perspective, we can see that the “karmic rules” of life are rather subjective. If you think of a brand new Soul, incarnating for the first time, there is a bit of an indifference of sorts. In other words, the younger the Soul, as far as the number of incarnations, the simpler the experiences. Just like traditional education, the first day in kindergarten is intended to go over the basics. Whereas an experienced student, shooting for their Ph.D., is immersed in a sea of information. A very challenging level of new information to learn and integrate into their own personal education. Pushing their skills to the limit. As we incarnate, over the many lifetimes…

Power is measured as Energy Pure Authentic You! How is it that electricity evaded our awareness for so many centuries? And then there is the elephant in the room, consciousness. Perhaps more specifically, human consciousness. Why would I say that human consciousness is an undiscovered (elephant in the room) source of power? Isn’t God the elephant in the room? Well, yes and yes. You, as human consciousness, are Source, or God Consciousness Incarnate. There is no consciousness outside of God Consciousness. The universe is not divided. The notion of “All That Is” as a (single) hologram of Source, or God Consciousness. With that in mind, human consciousness IS God Consciousness. The Father and I are one … now. No separation. God, with a big G, does not interfere with free will. God, with a big G, will not descend from the heavens, and reach over our shoulder to make corrections…

Shedding Your Past Once the lessons are learned You are free. There is a momentum that karma can bring into our lives. Like a wave coming onto shore. It is the result(s) of unresolved energies within our own personal energy persona. Yet, we are never stuck. Ever. As a timeless Soul, we always have another moment … another now. There is a notion, that is anchored in 3D thinking. My past is part of who I am. Well, sure  … well, maybe … well, no. Not really. OK, it can be “true” in this moment, but it isn’t cast in concrete. This may seem like it is baloney. If it happened, well then, it happened. Right? Yes, and no. We are a collage of energies that we have (karmically) accumulated over our many lifetimes. These energies create a momentum of sorts. In that, until we release and cleanse the energies…

The Goddess and the God And that would be YOU! Divine Mother and Divine Father are relaxing in bed, after having the best whoopee they have ever had. And Divine Father leans over smiling and says, “Well THAT was the best it has ever been! What else is possible?” Divine Mother, smiling,  closes her eyes, and goes into a dream … about to fetch the vision for the next chapter of creation. There is a natural and balanced flow to creation. From (Divine) Feminine in-spiration, then out into (Divine) Masculine manifestation. Without end. There is a karmic hierarchy. Brilliant really. Tiered levels of manifestation. In order to manifest at the higher levels of consciousness, you have to be the embodiment of Love. The “bad guys” can’t turn water into wine. Or raise the dead. Or heal the sick, etc. This is by design. The ability to operate at the higher…

By becoming empty … you become … Mirror Mirror There is a dichotomy of sorts. It is through the ego that many of us “see” ourselves. And the ego is the realm of symbols. Or labels. I am this. I am that. Certainly, there can be value to that. For example, perhaps we are trying to conquer a big challenge. To become a doctor, leader, or such. It can help to tell ourselves … I got this. I can do it. But, from a much bigger perspective, holding on to symbols does not have any value. In other words, our soul has no need for symbols. If you think of holding a static image of yourself, by claiming certain attributes as your identity, you are actually diluting the quantum field in each moment. But … I AM a doctor. OK. Got it. There is a curious thing, in the mechanics…

If I do your homework for you … you will never… You chose to come here at this time Imagine, if you will, if you never got past gravity. What I mean is that you never learned how to walk. To stand upright. To run, skip or dance. Gravity didn’t care about the outcome. You could have chosen either way. Karma is a lot like that too. The principles of karma are timeless. Timeless and impersonal. Just think about it … there are over seven billion variations of karma playing out on the planet right now. Seven billion people, each with their own unique karmic disposition. And karma, as a whole, doesn’t care how any of it turns out. Karma, by its very nature, has a momentum to it. A propensity, if you will. A probability that a particular type of outcome will play out. You might think of karma…

Calibrate your BS detector There is the obvious and not so obvious There is a massive movement of sorts going on. A transformation of our human condition. Thank God ;- ) As part of our spiritual evolution, we can bump up against the truth. The BIG Truth, with a Capital T, and billions of little truths. … it is done unto you as you believe. That statement is truth with a big T. It is true for each and every one of the 7 billion people on the planet. So, how many “truths” are there? And … are they all really true? There has been war on this planet for so many generations. That is the truth. But … is it a truth that we want or that serves us? It is a little truth. In other words, it is a creation of our human demeanor. Our own human beliefs.…

Emotional Freedom The (re) integration of your subconscious So … what’s in your sub-conscious? The very notion of “sub-conscious” is that we are not conscious of it. Off our radar. Yet our subconscious can “shut down” whole arenas of choices. Without our awareness that it is happening. How can we consider ourselves powerful if there are aspects of ourselves that we are not aware of? So, what is the difference between a very powerful person and, perhaps, a homeless person that is having a tough time just trying to get through the day? The curious thing about working with consciousness … is that it is ethereal. Undetectable by our five senses. We can’t see our own thought processes as we go throughout our day. We can’t “see” what factors our subconscious is weighing with our every choice. This can be a very big deal. Epic really. If, indeed, we are…

Emotional Freedom The (re) integration of your subconscious So … what’s in your sub-conscious? The very notion of “sub-conscious” is that we are not conscious of it. Off our radar. Yet our subconscious can “shut down” whole arenas of choices. Without our awareness that it is happening. How can we consider ourselves powerful if there are aspects of ourselves that we are not aware of? So, what is the difference between a very powerful person and, perhaps, a homeless person that is having a tough time just trying to get through the day? The curious thing about working with consciousness … is that it is ethereal. Undetectable by our five senses. We can’t see our own thought processes as we go throughout our day. We can’t “see” what factors our subconscious is weighing with our every choice. This can be a very big deal. Epic really. If, indeed, we are…

What did You get out of 2020? There are always gifts woven within the struggles First things first … Happy New Year!!! 2020 did provide bountiful harvests … for those who had the courage to do the work. What if … 2020 was just like 2019? Would that have been “better?” We would not be on the trajectory of change that we are on now. We would be quite a bit more unconscious. Our trajectory would not have anywhere near the freedom and awareness that the real 2020 has brought us. When I say “freedom and awareness” what I am talking about is You. The thing is … when things are “easy” we tend to ignore ourselves. We tend to ignore our subconscious tendencies. We would be thinking about  vacations, sports teams, social gatherings, movies and such. And these things typically do not bring about (deep) change. If we are…