


Healing self. Creating Self. Living an intentional life. Are you bi-polar? Are there two of You? Often when I write (and I do write often) I type the word self in two different ways. self and Self. self: Your ego. The “little” you. The ego that you have created. Self: Your Soul. The Divine consciousness within you now. The “BIG” You. On this planet, at this time, there is a prime objective of sorts. And that is to heal ourselves. Indeed. Yes. Let’s do just that. To heal ourselves is perhaps the most important thing there is for billions of people. In this context, when I say heal, I mean “to become enlightened.” To heal our karma. To end our personal suffering. And certainly this can directly relate to our bodies as well. The dis-ease of our body is a reflection of the dis-ease within our own consciousness. I think…

In the Flow … Creation comes from the inside … OUT! So, chances are pretty good that you will eventually walk up and down stairs yet again. Not giving it a second thought. Pretty simple … right? Well there was a time that just to walk was a challenge. That gravity had you crawling around. So, chances are that you can create whatever you want. Yet there was a time, perhaps, that you watched the world around you and pretty much ignored the inspiration coming from within you. “Cell phone dis-ease” is a condition where our egos consume our consciousness. Pretty much ALL of it. Or perhaps … social media. Same symptoms. Same effect. Ego overdose. Yet your heart and soul have a vision for your life. Well, actually they have multiple tiers of visions … IF you actually show up to fulfill them. Our heart and soul dangle dreams…

IF You Start Now… You just might scratch the surface Who is driving your life? Who is the one making decisions in your life? Who? Why it is ME … of course? Really? Have you ever had a co-worker that was difficult, only to meet them outside of work and find them to be totally different? OR to catch yourself dreaming of a most incredible life for yourself? Like you just won the lottery? Or what if… You are an infinite consciousness. Without end. Your Soul was the one that chose this life-path BEFORE you were born. And it will do it again before your next incarnation too. Your Soul has an endless, without end, stream of inspiration, handcrafted, just for you. But, and this is a BIG but, IF you cannot fully engage the process of harvesting that inspiration … well then … life will most likely be ……

I can’t get no satisfaction When our ego goes looking for satisfaction When we go looking for satisfaction, we can struggle to keep the feeling sustained. Oftentimes the ego puts the feeling of satisfaction on things or events. Getting married. Or a promotion at work. Or perhaps a new car. Oftentimes, we will postpone the feeling when we are trying to accomplish something. Perhaps graduating from college or winning an Emmy. I am not putting down the pursuit of accomplishments. But rather, on hanging our sense of self on anything outside of us. Everything in our life has a season. Every thing, be it a person, place or thing, is a season of experiences. In truth, the only thing that does not have a season is ourselves. Our own point of presence. Our own consciousness itself. You are an eternal well of consciousness. Your ego does not create the consciousness…

Get Your EGO On Board Who is driving your life? You didn’t have an ego when you were born. Yet, through the desires of their egos is how most people navigate life. Your ego can decide, by not letting go, how your life will go. If your ego dominates ALL of your consciousness… Well, it would be easier to get a freight train through the eye of a needle … than for you to discover who you really are. ;- ) And the universe goes on. Time will wait forever. Although the universe has so much love for you, the love of the universe has no conditions. Do you want to descend into hell? Sure thing. Do you want to (re)connect with the Source Consciousness within you now? Sure thing. You will choose everything that you do. Either consciously choosing it, or subconsciously choosing it. Your ego typically has a…

Wet Cleanup …  Isle 5 Who made this mess anyway? The store paging system crackled yet another request for … wet cleanup … Isle 5. Someone had made a BIG mess. Time to clean it up. … Fresh out of the birthing process… as a newborn baby, just moments old… You open your virgin eyes… You take a look around… and suddenly realize… What the Hell? Who sent me HERE? It can seem as if life is hard. And certainly from the ego’s perspective it can feel that way. There are many humans on this planet who are struggling to find their way through life. But you? You remember. You remember that you are a timeless Soul. Having a human experience. A Soul that cannot die. A Soul that has an infinite field of potential to tap into. A field of “miracles” to the untrained mind. As an immortal Soul,…

Flex Your Creative Muscles Capturing the inspirations of the moment Your body is the vehicle of your Soul. That is to say, your Soul has no physical attributes of its own, at least not until it incarnates into form. Your body is the vehicle of your Soul. Your body is running automatically. Your ego does not have to think about digesting your food, telling your heart to have another beat, or taking your next breath. Just like the breath you are taking right now. It is kind of like a self-driving car. But wait … too late … crash. Our self-living body has a driver too. Well, at least a driver’s seat. Our body can be driven by our Soul, or it can be “taken over” by our ego. Your body did not have an ego driving when you were born. Your Soul was driving your body on day one.…

The Power of Love What does Love have to offer us? What does Love have for us? How good can you stand it? How much Love can you embody? Let’s look “down” the karmic scale. This is an imagined example … So, a child that has lived in the most horrid conditions its whole life comes into your life. From a life where everything was volatile. Food, clothing, shelter … the basics of life were an everyday struggle. Certainly this planet has countless arenas of such suffering. And Poof! The child is elevated to your lifestyle. Everything changes when the child enters your lifestyle. You have food. You have shelter. You have everything you need to sustain your life. You offer the child fresh, clean water. Food abounds. The richness of your life is such an unimaginable experience to a child that had never known such a way to live…

Love Is Looking For Volunteers You do have free will Love is looking. Looking for volunteers. I find it curious how Love will leave you alone. Well, not alone. You ARE Love now. There is no-thing outside of Love. Love is the fabric of the universe. But back to you. Love will leave you alone. Like … not bother you. Like, let you wander around in the arena of ego until the end of time. Even if your Soul chose a life-path of you being an ambassador to Love. Once you incarnate … and forget everything … your ego is given a choice. Always a choice. Your ego can decide to abandon your life-path. How curious is that? Your Soul stocks your Divine escrow with everything you will need. Your angels and guides have the map in front of them. Ready to guide you throughout your entire life. And ……

Who ARE You … really? When your Soul was born … you had no karma. And you had no relationships with any-thing. No experiences to hone your own personal preferences. A rookie to the human experience… Fast forward through a few hundred or even thousands of lifetimes incarnate. Now you have karma. And you have relationships too. You have a personality of preferences as well. By Divine plan. You, in flesh and bones, are the Creator incarnate. The Creator incarnate. You are a point of presence of the Divine. God Consciousness with flesh and bones. We are here for the human experience. You have to have a ticket. Your ticket is your body. This whole holodeck of Divine consciousness is for the experiences of BEing. It is God’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom of Heaven. In fact, you already ARE it. Heaven exists within you now. Right Now.…

The Enlightened Ego Where ARE we all going? Can you make Love to Yourself? Can you fall in Love with Yourself? Can you fall in Love with All that Is? The practice of Love is a curious journey. You could say that the journey to enlightenment is Your relationship with Your ability, or in-ability, to Love … All that Is. Sure, certainly, the practice of BEing of empty mind is a very good practice. But it is a practice. Not the end of the journey, No-mind is a good place to Live. Yes, we can go into a cave, close our eyes, and search until we find the Heaven within. But still. Here we are. Heaven does exist within you now. Right now. But the intention of the Creator to create all that is, hasn’t magically ended, once we find the ocean of bliss within us. We are here to…