


Everything we seek can be found within us now It has been said that everything OUTSIDE of us is an illusion. That every thing we see literally is not “real.” Yet there is a truth in our world that we CAN hang our hats on. And that is the experience of the “world” outside of us. There is the idea of the Quantum field. That the Quantum space is a mirror, that reflects us, back to us. Or in other words, we create the world we “see.” When people have had a near-death experience, they talk about the Light. And then there is the description of the creation of all that is. Again, there is the Light. In the beginning, was the Light. When you were born, you did not have an ego. You did not hold any symbols as important. You did not assign value to any thing. Yet,…

Coming out of karma There is a point in our spiritual journey where everything flips over. For most of us, our spiritual journey has been about overcoming our own karma. And certainly that is a very important step. But after that … what happens then? I totally get the notion of fool’s gold behind the thought that we are done with our karma. I have met countless “very spiritual” folks who carry a chip on their shoulder. The idea that the ego can think it has made it home can be an early warning sign that there is much more journey left in our journey. But … there is a place within us, within you and me right now, where there is nothing left to let go of. Where the notion of surrendering to the Divine has nothing left to give up. Perhaps you can think of it as building…

God wants to play. Deal the Divine into Your life. So what would a Divine day look like? Or perhaps where would your life be after a Divine Year? What would “Over the Top” look like for you? There is a Divine spark located deep within you. And within that Divine spark lies all of the possibilities that ever were. Possibilities that can be tapped into by those who choose to do so. Those who choose to Love. Who choose to Love themselves with such complete and total abandon. Without merit or measure. In other words, to do so unconditionally. Enter Karma. What the hell? Who let karma into this dialogue? Don’t fret. Don’t worry. The karma has a gift for you. The experience of karma. By choice. By the wisdom of your own soul. Karma as a preferred path. Who the hell would actually intentionally choose Karma. Isn’t karma…

Playing our roles in this BIG Event For many of us in this group, we are the old Souls. If you are on this mailing list, chances are very good that you are interested in a much bigger picture of what is going on. You are an Old Soul that is waking up to our bigger truths. But that doesn’t make your journey predefined. In fact, there is a much bigger influence in how your life plays out. And that is your ego. What? An ego trumps a Soul? Yup. Sure thing. For many of us, we chose, as souls, to come down here as a member of a soul group. Souls who perhaps have spent many lifetimes together. Who have taken turns playing out the villain and the victim with each other. Many lifetimes spent learning the many different ways it feels to be a human being. Yet, although…

You are where you will find God The traditional model of several “World” religions is that there is a God out there,perhaps somewhere up in the clouds. Awaiting your “return” so that you can be judged based on how you chose to live your life. And then the “sentencing” follows. LOL. Indeed, certainly the idea of God/Goddess being here now is not that common of a belief. Even the spiritual seekers are often looking “outward” to find the Divine. I don’t want to paint a picture that the Divine is in hiding. There are major cultures in the Eastern religions that affirm that God is to be found within ourselves. You can even mentally understand that you are a point of presence to the Divine right now. That there is in you now, a God/Goddess essence, that is the source of All That Is. Mentally you can get that. But…

Taking the “Big Picture” approach We are all on our own journey. No two look alike. Yet the principles behind our human experience are timeless and impersonal. When we can get the bigger picture, we can start to make choices that are more effective at returning us to our own authentic truth. What I really enjoy about my own journey is how it hinges around power. Not the dictator type of power (that would be force) but rather the power of Love. And the scale of human consciousness is a vast exponential scale of the power of Love. And in this spectrum of human consciousness, we are able to leverage that Love on the darkest of dark collective consciousness. This opportunity will not be available to have as a human experience on THIS planet for thousands of years. Because the darkness is returning to the light. Already, the collective has…

Nobody warned me I had no idea. Nobody ever told me to be careful. It seemed innocent enough, to just dabble with Love. What could go wrong? I mean, years and years of ouch and tears. Love seemed like a good idea. When I started to play with Love, I didn’t know what it would end up doing to me. And I am pretty sure I can’t go back now. It is done. Love is a most curious thing. When you first start playing around with it, you can always put it down. Take a break. Get outside and stretch and relax. Love was a give-or-take sort of thing. You and it. A choice. A preference. Sometimes you were not in the mood for it. But now, I am telling you so you will know. Be careful, because Love can overwhelm you. It can dissolve any sense of separation. All of…

Knowing who you really are Be still. Yet flow. When we consider ourselves as a soul living in this human body, there are some serious benefits from truly knowing who we really are. A soul is beyond any mortal concern. What I mean by that is your soul knows who it is. And in that knowing, it never frets or worries. So why would you? Know that your most authentic self was there before you were born, is here with you now, and will be there after you shed this mortal body. To genuinely know that, not just believe it, but to actually know it … will set you free. No matter what happens in this life of yours, your own Divinity is assured. There is no need for salvation, for you are the thing itself, right now. No matter what happens to your physical body, you are safe. Speaking…

Seeing from your Soul’s perspective It can feel odd to laugh at life sometimes. I mean, this is serious … right? When we have been trying to bring change into our life, it can seem like nothing is working. Perhaps we even have thoughts of “what’s the use?” But our Soul has our back. We have the bases covered. In fact, our vibrant and opulent life is held in escrow until we can embody it ourselves. From the higher perspective, we cannot fail. It is only a matter of time. There is only one outcome. All roads (choices) lead to Heaven. We are safe and we are loved. No matter what the circumstances of this moment, you will prevail. There is no other outcome. The only variable is when. Knowing this can bring a sense of relief. The journey can seem hard, as if you are watching a slow-motion movie. There is some comfort in…

Love is for your enjoyment For many of us, we can remember a time in our life when our heart has been broken. Perhaps this involved a painful chapter (or chapters) when the act of loving someone had brought us a very deep painful experience. And those memories can keep us from returning to the idea of loving again. But the love within our “self” at a very deep level is always ready to love again. It is when we have acquired self-judgment that we can be setting ourselves up for a painful experience of love. Self-judgment in the form of guilt or shame are the emotions that can cut the deepest. These emotions prevent us from letting love in. When we have patterns of avoiding loving our self we create a vacuum of sorts. A feeling of emptiness. And that is when the love from another can give us a…

How do you experience your karma? We all have our own karma. Karma that decides how we experience life itself. Our karma has such a personal aspect to it. Although we are living in the same world, how we each experience it varies dramatically, just like our own personal storyline playing out in each of our own minds. At the same time, Karma is impersonal, so to speak, and simple karmic principles have been playing out since the beginning of time itself. Your relationship to your karma is a choice. Often we take on karma when we resist what we experience in life. You do realize that resistance is futile, don’t you? The more you resist the experiences on which you place judgement, the more karma you create. Karma is indifferent to what you choose, meaning that it has no bias. It is you who decides your relationship to your…