


The Divine Idea of You The sweet spot of living your Divine potentials Here we are. Another day on planet Earth. Another day in your life. Another moment of eternity. So … What is the point? Where are we “going?” How will we know when we have arrived? What IS the Divine idea of BEing a human BEing? I find it curious to listen to people as they share what is front and center in their everyday living. For so many of us it is about healing. Or success, or prosperity. Or perhaps Love. And, of course, perhaps countless other arenas of focus. But where does it end? Where ARE we going? What is all this for anyway? Well … You. You are a point of presence of Divinity right now. What do YOU desire right now? What You desire. That might seem like a cop-out. Like the answer is…

Dream. Big. Co-create with the creator. How do you go from a peasant to a king? From a seeker to the Divine itself? From a mere mortal to the immortal consciousness of the Divine? I am not suggesting anything about you, the reader. This is a metaphorical conversation. Who are we? Really. A simple question. If we consider who it is that is reading this sentence … who is the answer. Sure, your ego is taking the symbols, the characters and words, and assigning meaning to them. Creating your own understanding of what they mean. But your ego is so … single lifetime consciousness. Your Soul is here too. And your Soul has been through so many different lifetimes. Your Soul has been through so many different archetypes too. Perhaps your Soul has played out the peasant and royalty, the sinner and the saint, the cop and the criminal, the…

The Power of an Idea Honoring the Vision of your Soul We are living in such exciting times. This lifetime, this one right now, has a unique opportunity to it. How are you going to live your life? Day in and day out we can get comfortable in a sense of normalcy or predictability. The ego can really like knowing what will happen next. The unknown can feel unsettling and unsure. And for many of us, there is so much energetic upheaval within us. We are going though some big energetic shifts. The universe is upgrading us energetically. We are coming out of old energy. Old paradigms. Old stories of possibilities. And our mythology cannot show us what is next. For perhaps the first time in aeons of time, the next chapter of our human story is going into COMPLETELY new ground. Enter the notion of a Soul. Your Soul…

The Vision of Your Soul What is the plan? Your ego is assigning value to each one of these words, right here, right now… But what about the vision of your Soul? What is the plan for THIS life of yours? What are the core life lessons for this time around? This incarnation? This life of yours? Your body is the canvas on which you feel your karma. Where you feel your life. Feelings… (cue the music… 😉 Nothing more than feelings… lol God/Goddess does not have a plan for you. Wait… what? God/Goddess does not have a plan for your life that they will force on you. God/Goddess DOES have a vision, a possibility, for what your life could look like. But there is this free-will thing. Your free will TRUMPS God/Goddess’s desires for your life. Your ego is the boss. Your ego is the Big Cheese! Your ego’s…

Embody Your Soul Feeling good never felt better Your soul had a vision for your life before you were born. Yet, your ego can keep all your thoughts in check. There is a wisdom of your soul that your ego cannot even comprehend. How do we get the soul moved into our everyday thoughts, feelings and actions? What is your relationship with all that is? Everything? What parts of life do you accept? And what parts of life are you totally against? You are the creator. Not only as an individual, but also as a point of presence of THE creator. The BIG guy. Well, actually equally, the God … and the Goddess. How do you feel about what has already been created? Your relationship with your ability to create and your relationship with everything that has been created, will decide how you can, or cannot, show up in your…

Love Without End The Divine manifesting through You Are you feeling it? Are you getting glimpses of e-x-p-a-n-s-i-o-n? Is the vision of your life growing? It takes some surrender. OK, perhaps a lot of surrender. Fair enough. Total surrender. Alright, total embodiment! LOL Love has no end. And You are One and the same. Love without end. You cannot break it. You cannot escape it. It is woven into the fabric of all that you are. The so very cool thing about Love is how it feels. Or rather, how it CAN feel. Love is a multidimensional energy behind all of creation. If you peel back the symbol that your mind has assigned to those “things” you see, you would find the Light of Love. Love is a field. Like a magnetic field that influences its surroundings. Even that description comes up short. That’s why those who have found the…

Expressing Your Creativity Expanding the portal of your Soul So often we can live in our heads. Mentally processing our entire day. But there is a way we can step aside and let our Soul come through us. A kind of expression where there is no thought. The brain is just observing. A place where we slip into an effortless expression of our Soul. When we do this, we are creating at a much more authentic level. Our Soul conspires for our happiness. Where we feel so wonder-full. It comes through expressing the desires of our Soul … in real-time. By default, our minds are most likely to repeat yesterday. Not completely, but for the most part, we change very little day to day. Our expectations for our life don’t change that much. When we live in our minds, we stay in the outer world. Our attention is focused on…

Pull Over and Let Your Soul Drive Your Ego wants off the hook… Happy Happy Joy Joy What is awaiting your surrender? What would your life look like, if your Soul had total say in what would happen next? Our ego was never designed to navigate life. Our ego is a symbol-processor. It quantifies and assigns value to all the symbols that come streaming into our every-moment consciousness. Your Soul already knows about next week and next month. Your Soul can look ahead, seeing the future clearly. Able to line up synchronistic opportunities for you. Able to know WHEN the time is right for every action. And able to know when our ego tends to do things “just to get them done.” Timing is everything. Everything in its own Divine Time. When you cleanse and purify your own personal energy persona, you allow the embodiment of your Soul. When that…

Keep your future open The ego is a curious thing. There are over 7 billion flavors on the planet and no two are exactly the same. And then there is your ego. Where did your ego come from? Who “gave” it to you? Who taught you how to think? Who taught you all the symbols in your mind, and perhaps more important, the value behind each one of them? The ego can posture in a moment. Perhaps it is a moment of insult or disgust. Or perhaps you were offended by the words or deeds of another. Or perhaps it was a feeling that overwhelmed you when you saw a picture or image of something overwhelming. Easy now. Don’t bring it with you. Be careful not to accumulate karmic posturing along the way. If indeed you want to find genuine freedom, the freedom that opens up your future on a…

I mean … we ALL want to get to Heaven … Right? There is a very common mindset on this planet. A very established and old mindset of “right and wrong.” Indeed, it does have some merit to it. But then again … where did all these heroes come from? Are we not living out a most exceptional span of human history? Are we not coming out of some of the darkest consciousness in perhaps the whole galaxy? Are there countless stories from our very own mythology that talk about the end of times, or perhaps language about the apocalypse? Didn’t the Western mind make a nuclear arsenal that would wipe out all of life on this planet? How can I even type these sentences without being in total shock… These are very dark mindsets. Enter Love. And more specifically, unconditional Love. Power beyond measure. I suggest that Love is…

Who are you dancing with? We, as souls, observed our choices. We, as souls, looked at the options we had for how we could incarnate. There were groups of souls that made a plan together. Repeating the intentions of many lifetimes before. And this time around we, as souls, knew that this time around would hold literally infinite possibilities. Where the environment on Earth would have enough opportunities to learn the truth within a single lifetime. We made a vision for what our life COULD be. We set ourselves up with the proper lessons early in our life path. We chose family dynamics to set ourselves up to learn the lessons that were next in our soul’s journey. With careful planning all wrapped up … we incarnated … The day came and we were born. Our DNA defined the vessel our soul was to use to experience life as a…