


The triggered Ego Here one moment … gone the next Have you ever had a deep friendship just vanish? Yikes! I worked with a very dear friend for a decade. He felt like a brother to me. We were very dear friends. We both worked in a TV station accomplishing big projects and having the times of our lives. And his wife was throwing him a surprise birthday party. Cool! I’m there! … or so I thought. I asked her where it was, and she said … YOU are not invited? What? Why! She hardly even knew me. We had met briefly perhaps several years prior. Why is this happening? I actually got angry. Why the hell can’t I come to his surprise party? I KNOW he would love to have me there… Didn’t matter. No. Well … it went downhill from there. Now he is “not allowed” to talk…

You cannot exhaust it. Go ahead and try. I’ll watch. You cannot exhaust Your potential. Has your relationship gone flat? Feeling uninspired? Bored? Tired of the chaos? … which “relationship(s)” came to mind, when I didn’t put a context to the question? Was it with your spouse? Or perhaps your kids? Or maybe work has been difficult lately? But what about your relationship with … You? How similar will today be, compared to yesterday? Or, perhaps, compared to yesterday, and the day before. What I am getting at, is that we can easily fall into a norm. And one norm, after another, can make for a very unfulfilled life. You have an infinite well of inspiration at your disposal … if you actually choose to tap into it. Nature, by its very nature, is never “done.” It is always there with another variation. Another new creation. You are that very…

Don’t run with scissors … throw them … overhand Life is a daring adventure There is an inherent part of consciousness that wants to express. Over and over. Just look at nature. Never really done creating new expressions. The many types of flowers and their beautiful blossoms. Or all the creatures in the seas. Then there is … you. As an aspect of nature, you have an inherent part of you that wants to express … more. Sometimes we don’t really feel very fulfilled. We can get into a bit of a rut. Certainly, the last couple of years has had many people kind of stop their normal life and go into a holding pattern. There is so much change going on in the world outside of you. But there is a part of you, on the inside, that is not worried. The truth of you cannot be touched by…

Going Up … Going Down The Evolution of Consciousness From the Light, into the shadow, and then the return to Light. A timeless journey. From the Light. In the beginning … was the Light. And it was without form. There was no duality, or form. If you were to go to the absolute core of yourself, you would find the Light. A non-local field of Source Consciousness. And if I were to do the same, I would find the Light as well. It is not like we would both be there, but rather, there would be no “us” there. We would be One. As I have shared before, my Soul dragged my ego there. To show me the total realm of human consciousness. The Light is beyond the description of words (symbols). You can (kind of) get a sense for this if you were to look at a light bulb,…

Living Your Passion Opening the floodgates of your Soul’s expressions In the beginning … Divine Mother and Divine Father were having an inspired moment… What if … … and in that first intention, the universe was created. OK. That might be the short story of creation. But the point is … our inspiration is the seeds of all new things. INspiration is the portal of our own Soul. It isn’t a common everyday thing to be totally tuned IN to the constant stream of inspiration from our own Soul. Those people who are tuned in seem charismatic and vibrant to others. There is an excitement around them. A walking creation-machine in motion. I would suggest, one of the key factors in making these vibrant souls so electric, is the nature of their ego. For so many of us, our ego really runs the show. In other words, so many human…

What Do You Expect? What do you expect to happen in your life? When you wake up in the morning … what do you expect … To happen? To change? To have meaning? If I were to ask you … are you going to fulfill the vision of your soul in this lifetime … would you have an answer? Would it have been something that was already on your mind recently? For many of us, one day is very much like the day before. Where our ego starts up with its morning rituals. A habitual pattern of sorts. Where are your days taking you? If you were to take a big step back, and review your life over … say six months or so … are you advancing your life-purpose? Are you taking actions toward bringing your life-purpose into creation? There are no requirements. You do not HAVE to do…

Growing Your Sense of Self Creating what you really want You are sitting in the best seat in the house … so to speak. But indeed, your life, right now, IS the time to enjoy the process of life itself. The only time you can feel anything … is right now. So, what DO you want to feel? Safe? Loved? Happy? Enlightened? Abundant? When we talk about our human experience, especially on this planet, there are two distinct arenas of living. Healing ourselves, and fulfilling ourselves. Kind of like a teeter-totter. Humanity, as a whole, is coming out of the dark ages. Karmically speaking, there is a huge swath of humanity that just wants life to be easier. To be able to feel better. The healing side of humanity. It isn’t like there is no joy in life until you completely heal. There can be joy and happiness all along…

In the Flow … Creation comes from the inside … OUT! So, chances are pretty good that you will eventually walk up and down stairs yet again. Not giving it a second thought. Pretty simple … right? Well there was a time that just to walk was a challenge. That gravity had you crawling around. So, chances are that you can create whatever you want. Yet there was a time, perhaps, that you watched the world around you and pretty much ignored the inspiration coming from within you. “Cell phone dis-ease” is a condition where our egos consume our consciousness. Pretty much ALL of it. Or perhaps … social media. Same symptoms. Same effect. Ego overdose. Yet your heart and soul have a vision for your life. Well, actually they have multiple tiers of visions … IF you actually show up to fulfill them. Our heart and soul dangle dreams…

Living From the Inside Out Tapping a much higher wisdom within You now So … if you walk into a kindergarten class and try to teach calculus … Well, never mind. So … If you arrive on Earth and tell the humans they are infinite power incarnate … Well, of course we are. We do not have a valid example of what is possible, as a human being, in our entire mythology. In other words, there has not been an accurate example of what is possible in this current chapter of our human story, as it relates to our true potential, demonstrated to us in any of our mythologies. But what about Jesus? Master Buddha? And the other Masters that have walked the earth? Didn’t THEY kick some Divine ass? Well … Did they end suffering? Did they stop wars on the planet? Did they end poverty? ??? Love has…

The Light of the Shadow Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love ~ Rumi No-thing can cast a shadow. If there is nothing there, no shadow. In other words, non-duality has no thing(s). In the beginning was the Light. And the Light was without form. No form. No-thing. Although this is very abstract languaging … it does give us a glimpse about the nature of consciousness without form or shadow. Then we jump into duality. With the metaphorical … Big Bang. Fast forward a few billion years … and there is this planet orbiting a sun in this solar system. It takes quite a long time before sentences start to show up on the cosmic canvas of creation. I mean, you have to make atoms. And big-ass mass (planets and other celestial bodies). And from that cosmic dirt, the creation of life. Self-animated life. Which implies DNA and…

The root of creation itself In the beginning was the Light. Light. There is nowhere to hide in a hologram. All elements are “online.” And within each point in a hologram, all points are present. This idea re-enforces the notion that God, with a big G, is within you now. Well, that is only half correct. God suggests Masculine. In order for true Power to be present, we need to balance that out with Feminine. Goddess is within you now as well. God and Goddess are within you now. Hmmm. We are still using symbols (God/Goddess) to “define.” Light. There … much better. In the beginning, of all that is, there was only Light. And within that Light, which had no form, was the potential of all form(s) of creation. That very same Light is within you now. You ARE the Creator incarnate. Quite literally. We could bring in the…