The Next Chapter of Our Human Story Are you one of them? One of the millions of Souls who will embody their own Divine potentials? What was the intention of your Soul for this incarnation? The mechanics of Divinity are becoming very common. In other words, there are thousands of awakened people who are explaining the many paths to enlightenment. And perhaps even more intriguing, the power of intention and manifestation. How to create a NEW reality. There is a process or strategy that makes massive change much more manageable. Lets use carbon fuels as an example. If we were to focus on the problem, and perhaps protest the many ways that fossil fuels are damaging our planet, we would be risking a lot. In other words, if we were to focus exclusively on what is wrong, we would be setting ourselves up for real problems. Say that we were…
Assume that whatever you Dream will come true Where are we going? Where will we end up? Assuming there was an end … Humanity is going through some very big changes. There is an upheaval of sorts going on. The collective consciousness is redefining itself. And what will it become? What will the collective consciousness embrace? There is a journey, of sorts, for all of us. The journey of our Soul. We, as individual Souls, chose to go into the shadow. We chose to load ourselves up with karma, until we couldn’t recognize the truth within us. We disconnected so completely from our truth, that we thought ourselves mere mortals. But your Soul is actually timeless. The journey back to our truth, to our wholeness, is the journey back to our own Divine potentials. To our powerful personas. Not powerful like one seeking dominance over another. That is the paradigm(s)…
We are living in most exceptional times So what is it going to BE? What will actually happen in your life? We are in the most powerful chapter of change for our human condition. A call is going out. A call to every budding mystic, sage and alchemist … the New Humans that will step up and bring the vision into form. A vision that will seed the potential of our future. How wonder-full can you imagine? How vivid are your dreams of our future? Can you envision Heaven? That place that our ancestors dreamt of? That utopia that has been held in the hearts of humanity for eons of time? It is done unto you as you believe. So what DO you believe is possible? To daydream is to leave the current trajectory, and literally pluck, out of the infinite potentials, a new direction. A new beginning. The curious…
Open Up to Your Awakening Your Soul could be more involved in your daily life We have all made a migration of sorts. We have all moved off in the same direction. And it is time for us to go back. Where did we go? And where are we going back to? Good questions. There is a process that has happened to us all. At least to the vast majority of human beings living on this Earth. This process could be thought of as the journey into the darkness. A journey into the shadow. It starts of with our own karmic imprinting. We start to take on karma. It can happen in a variety of ways. But let’s take a look at some obvious ways. As Souls, who have incarnated hundreds and perhaps even thousands of times on this plant, we have lived through some of the darkest chapters of…
What Do You Expect? What do you expect to happen in your life? When you wake up in the morning … what do you expect … To happen? To change? To have meaning? If I were to ask you … are you going to fulfill the vision of your soul in this lifetime … would you have an answer? Would it have been something that was already on your mind recently? For many of us, one day is very much like the day before. Where our ego starts up with its morning rituals. A habitual pattern of sorts. Where are your days taking you? If you were to take a big step back, and review your life over … say six months or so … are you advancing your life-purpose? Are you taking actions toward bringing your life-purpose into creation? There are no requirements. You do not HAVE to do…
The Many Flavors of Heaven You are here to BE you So what will heaven look like? What are the dreams of our ancestors? Where are we going as a human race? In the same way that God, with a big G, will not descend from the heavens and directly change humanity … God, with a big G, will not be the one experiencing heaven. You will. Of course, we could say, that God with a big G, IS heaven. O.K. Sure… But if we were to embody the Divine, to the point of (re)turning ourselves into pure Light, there would be no “me.” There was a moment in my life, where my Soul took me to “heaven.” It was a very profound experience. Very hard to describe in words. But the gist of it was going to that place within us, where our Divinity is present. So imagine taking all…
Unraveling Our Past To re-unite with our Soul It does actually take conscious effort. Left unchecked, the ego will chase shadows until the end of time. It was, at least for a substantial part, our egos that loaded up our subconscious in the first place. You are infinite potential, in human form. But, so what? If you don’t do anything to e-x-p-a-n-d your sense of self, then, perhaps, you are just your ego looking for fulfillment in the reflection of the quantum mirror. In other words, looking for a deeper understanding of yourself, by chasing people, circumstances and a sense of validation from those external factors of your everyday life. The “world” you see outside of you, is a reflection of what is inside of you. Everything that pisses you off, is a reflection of unresolved parts of yourself on the inside of you that you have not resolved. Everything.…
Our Family of Origin Where DID we come from? Since none of us existed, well, at least as fully “developed egos” the day we were born … where DID we come from? Where did this “you” reading this … come from? Our family of origin, whatever that dynamic might have looked like, created us. Well, not literally, but yes, quite literally. What I mean is that when we were just babies, we were started on an indoctrination program. It started pretty simple. Learning our first words. Experiencing annual celebrations. Birthdays, religious holidays, national holidays. And the real clincher is that was we were taught the values of each and every symbol, event and belief. And those who taught us, were indeed taught by their families of origin too. Like a baton passed along in a relay race, we have this temporal lineage of sorts. And certainly this lifetime has its…
Walk This Way What is the “right” way to live? Where are you going? What do you intend to experience in the future? Who do you want to be? We are all on a journey … of sorts. I find it quite curious, this notion of ourselves. Who am I? Who are You? As we progress through our lives, we have so many opportunities to change. Some of us are living quite intentional lives. With a clear sense of direction. And others are seeking a firm path to walk on. A clearer sense of who they really are. Nobody had an ego the day they were born. In a sense … there was nobody home. And then we grew an ego. We grew a sense of self. And if we all took a moment and wrote down how we viewed life, we would have many very different views of what…
It is Who You become … The journey changes YOU! It is through our growth that we are given an opportunity to evolve our consciousness. To evolve your own consciousness is, perhaps, the most satisfying thing to do. Sometimes we can look at struggles in our life like some kind of punishment. Like some unfair weight put on our shoulders. Indeed, on this planet, there are plenty of people who find their life to be very difficult. Many find it to be too much. Checking out of life before their intended time is up. Surrendering their own life because of the struggles and challenges in their own life. For myself, I have found myself curled up in a ball, alone, on the kitchen floor. With so much pain in my life. So much pain and heartache. There have been moments in my life where a hot metal spear, thrust into…
In the Flow … Creation comes from the inside … OUT! So, chances are pretty good that you will eventually walk up and down stairs yet again. Not giving it a second thought. Pretty simple … right? Well there was a time that just to walk was a challenge. That gravity had you crawling around. So, chances are that you can create whatever you want. Yet there was a time, perhaps, that you watched the world around you and pretty much ignored the inspiration coming from within you. “Cell phone dis-ease” is a condition where our egos consume our consciousness. Pretty much ALL of it. Or perhaps … social media. Same symptoms. Same effect. Ego overdose. Yet your heart and soul have a vision for your life. Well, actually they have multiple tiers of visions … IF you actually show up to fulfill them. Our heart and soul dangle dreams…