Filling the Void What will go in its place? Do you remember a wonderful time in your life? Perhaps it was a wonderful past relationship? Or maybe a challenging job that you loved? And then something changed. There was a loss of sorts. Where that wonderful situation ended. For whatever reason. Leaving a void in its place. Like how the 2020 karmic tsunami changed everything. We might have been living high on the hog in 2019 … but then something happened. We can have a longing to return to that time, that circumstance, that was so nice. We can have a longing within us for a repeat performance. I want THAT again. But Nature, by its very nature, doesn’t copy itself. At least, not on purpose. There is nothing wrong to want whatever you want. But we can come up short, not because of what has happened, but how we…
Your SuperHero Cape in the Closet The evolution of who you are The curious thing about our spiritual evolution is that is it a returning of sorts. We were once there and now we are on our way back. In other words, we came from being enlightened, into the darkness, or shadow. And now we are on the return. The return to our truth. A return to our enlightenment. It is not that we are not enlightened now, because we are. We are always enlightened. We are always connected to our truth. You might not feel that enlightenment within you now. But it is there. Like a superhero cape tucked in the back of your closet. I find it very curious that Western science tells us that we are only using 10 percent of our brains. And they also tell us that 90 percent of our DNA is junk. As if…
Don’t run with scissors … throw them … overhand Life is a daring adventure There is an inherent part of consciousness that wants to express. Over and over. Just look at nature. Never really done creating new expressions. The many types of flowers and their beautiful blossoms. Or all the creatures in the seas. Then there is … you. As an aspect of nature, you have an inherent part of you that wants to express … more. Sometimes we don’t really feel very fulfilled. We can get into a bit of a rut. Certainly, the last couple of years has had many people kind of stop their normal life and go into a holding pattern. There is so much change going on in the world outside of you. But there is a part of you, on the inside, that is not worried. The truth of you cannot be touched by…
The Pinch of the Collective Where does Your Divinity live? There is a rather BIG shift going on. An awakening of sorts. And within that shift, there is you. You. The collective narrative is unraveling itself. It is experiencing a bit of a collapse. And this is a very good thing. The many different prophecies have proclaimed a Golden Era. A Dawn of a New Beginning for humanity. We are evolving out of the herd mentality. Out of the narrative of our own history. The notion of the Castle on the Hill (where the King and Queen live). The notion of royalty. Of agencies and institutions that “decide” the direction of humanity. Where, perhaps, there was a pyramid of sorts. The rulers at the top, and the masses at the bottom. Although this style of modeling our culture around a few, that dictates the choices of us all, has been…
Your Soul seeks growth. To grow. To evolve. Bend and Stretch For myself, I find it most curious that our egos have the final say in what we actually do. Well, at least for a while. There is a static effect when we live in our egos. Where our lives become static, or perhaps stagnant, and not dynamic. Our egos really want to know what is going to be the outcome of our decisions. Perhaps we have been burned before. Or, perhaps, our hearts have been broken. And we don’t want to feel THAT (ever) again. So we become very cautious with all of our decisions. Welcome to, perhaps, the most advanced karmic classroom in the galaxy. Planet Earth. If you can find the Light (of unconditional Love) at the core of your BEing, within this karmic tsunami, well, you just might be a badass angel. It can be challenging for sure. Very challenging.…
Look again … with fresh eyes Both light and shadow are the dance of Love. ~ Rumi As you evolve your consciousness, you can re-evaluate your past. There is something about the vibration, or frequency, of your consciousness, that literally acts like a lens, a karma lens perhaps, that filters what you see. In other words, on first observation, it might seem that angry people are just plain mean. And from an experiential perspective, they can seem that way. A “truth” of sorts. But evolve yourself, and then look again, and there is a whole other story to tell.My father was a very intense man. He had a fire for God anchored in his core. When he spoke of God, he would well up in tears. He had a very fierce faith. He easily made the top local church officials look like slackers. The church officials never welled up with…
Follow the Yellow Brick Road There IS a path for You All roads lead to Rome. Or so they say. I find it very curious how our ego has the final say. At least, until it takes a cosmic two-by-four to get our attention. It is quite evident that the vast majority of the collective consciousness is “suffering” from ego overdose. We can choose anything we want. Our thoughts have no tether, except the conditioning from our past. In other words, there is no Divine strong arm that will force us to make one decision or another. As a consequence to that, the human race built out a global nuclear arsenal, that could end all life on this planet. Egos overdosing. Wet clean up … Aisle 7. Our Souls came here for the experience. The human experience. You are that human. And your life IS the desired experience. But what the hell?…
What would your Higher Self do? You CAN live your life entirely from your ego… So … what’s it going to be? Not to force or push, but rather, for better clarity. Our egos can have no problem consuming us. Where the vast majority of our consciousness is “consumed” by our egos. In other words, if we were to imagine the endless stream of consciousness that our Soul streams to us, through us, as us, as some type of measurable “fuel.” Well, perhaps our ego easily consumes all of it. And that is that. More of the same. You could predict who you were in the future, 10 years, 20 years or even farther out, because the likelihood of you actually having real lasting change show up, would be minimal. There is a notion of living that isn’t that common. And that is to … make waves. Make change. Not…
Celebrating the Christ Within The Kingdom of Heaven is Within (You Now) Wishing You and Yours a very Merry Christmas!The great spiritual geniuses, whether it was Moses, Buddha, Plato, Socrates, Jesus, or Emerson….. have taught man to look within himself to find God. ~ Ernest Holmes.The celebration of the Christ, is the celebration of the Christ Consciousness…. when Jesus was spending his last days on Earth, he was nowhere close to “saving humanity.” The Roman Empire was expanding its intentions of war. The suffering of humanity was expanding. Jesus didn’t even come close to “saving mankind.” He never intended to be the (sole) savior of humanity.Enter You (and me)…. you will do everything that I have done, and more. ~ JesusIf Jesus (ever) intended to “save humanity,” it was through the awakening of the Divine within us all. Yet, for the organized religions that come from Jesus’s time on Earth,…
Where Is Your Nirvana? You ARE sitting in the best seat in the house What are you looking for? What will it feel like when you get it?If you are wanting something that will not fulfill you, then perhaps you don’t really want fulfillment. Don’t get me wrong. You can want whatever you want. But then again, if what you want isn’t bringing a sense of fulfillment, then you don’t have the grounds to complain about not feeling fulfilled.The ego gets to choose. There are no requirements.But Nirvana. Wow. What would that feel like?You are sitting in the best seat in the house. I mean … really, nice booty! ;- )Millions of people are drowning in the mundane. With no sense of fulfillment in their lives. As it is their choice to choose, you too have fierce free will to choose whatever you want.So, maybe, it really comes down to what do you want?…
big T LITTLE t … what’s the Truth? Some “truths” are not the Big truth Is the world safe? Or is it dangerous? Which one is the “real” truth? To answer that question you could consider where people lived. If you lived on a large homestead in the middle of nowhere, you might say that the world is pretty safe. Whereas if you lived in a violent prison or perhaps a rough neighborhood, you could say life is dangerous. And both of you would be “correct.” A subjective truth. Can you walk on water? Ever? Jesus has told us that we will do everything that he has done … and more. Truth with a big ‘T’ is a very small pond. Whereas truth with a little ‘t’ is a huge ocean. It is done unto you as you believe. The “active” ingredient in a placebo … isn’t a thing. It…