


What Do You Desire? Desire is an inside journey What is it that you desire? What would you change about your life? What would it feel like to have your desires fulfilled? There is a curious concept. The notion that God Divine doesn’t have any plan for humanity. That we are on our own. God, the Big Guy, does not interfere with our human preferences. Something about that just seems a little off. I mean, the Big God, doesn’t have any desires for us? Really? It has been shown over countless centuries that man can go as far into the darkness as MAN desires. We can wage war til the end of time. And God does not intervene. At least not as some powerful force that overrides our own free will. We are here for the human experience. HUMAN experience. Flesh and bones. Whether man experiences peace on earth, or…

Popping New Neurons Feeling new sensations arriving We are here for the human experience. How does it feel to be human? There are a vast array of feelings that are possible for us to experience. There are the tactile feelings. Feelings that we feel through our body. The cool coastal breeze. The smell of coffee in the morning. The cozy soft feeling of our bed. The loving touch of a lover. Then there are the feelings that all happen inside of us. The grateful feelings we feel when perhaps our parents look at us with adoration, pride, or love. The feeling of excitement when a new possibility becomes more probable. The flash of a new idea in our head. Setting a new direction in our life path. New. New sensations. New possibilities. New directions. We are creators. In every moment, the act of creation is happening. The infinite field of…

The Dawn of a New Age Consciously creating Heaven on Earth The path is clear. Love is the-end game. Well, not really. We are here to create. To co-create with each other. And to co-create with Source consciousness. God/Goddess has made it quite clear that they will not descend from the Heavens and dictate our future to us. Indeed … God/Goddess are taking a hands-off approach. I mean, what else could they do? The design of all-that-is is quite exceptional. Unlimited personifications of Source-consciousness fulfilling their own desires, as the personification of the God/Goddess essence. If you have been to Heaven, you know there is no-thing there. Source consciousness. Non-duality. No dual anything. No here or there. No where or when. No polarity of any kind. No creation of any kind. Infinite potential, without form… What the hell? ??? Enter Duality. Enter form. Enter Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine. Enter YOU. We…

The Vision of Your Soul Different Goals for Different Souls The curious thing about this karmic soup we are all living in, is just how thick it is. Our karma, here on Earth, is some of the thickest karma around. And you, yes you, are a soul that chose to incarnate in the first ripples of our re-awakening. Just take a moment and imagine a planet that has lived in such torment and struggle, for eons of time, that is now, just now, starting to come out of the darkness. If you consider the scale of human consciousness, it is a logarithmic scale. The energy of (your) consciousness is exponential. Although we cannot directly sense, with our five senses, the raw power behind this consciousness, we CAN derive some understanding of it. Just like electricity. We cannot see electricity. But we can develop an understanding of it. So imagine someone…

Embody Your Soul Feeling good never felt better Your soul had a vision for your life before you were born. Yet, your ego can keep all your thoughts in check. There is a wisdom of your soul that your ego cannot even comprehend. How do we get the soul moved into our everyday thoughts, feelings and actions? What is your relationship with all that is? Everything? What parts of life do you accept? And what parts of life are you totally against? You are the creator. Not only as an individual, but also as a point of presence of THE creator. The BIG guy. Well, actually equally, the God … and the Goddess. How do you feel about what has already been created? Your relationship with your ability to create and your relationship with everything that has been created, will decide how you can, or cannot, show up in your…

Love Without End The Divine manifesting through You Are you feeling it? Are you getting glimpses of e-x-p-a-n-s-i-o-n? Is the vision of your life growing? It takes some surrender. OK, perhaps a lot of surrender. Fair enough. Total surrender. Alright, total embodiment! LOL Love has no end. And You are One and the same. Love without end. You cannot break it. You cannot escape it. It is woven into the fabric of all that you are. The so very cool thing about Love is how it feels. Or rather, how it CAN feel. Love is a multidimensional energy behind all of creation. If you peel back the symbol that your mind has assigned to those “things” you see, you would find the Light of Love. Love is a field. Like a magnetic field that influences its surroundings. Even that description comes up short. That’s why those who have found the…

Expressing Your Creativity Expanding the portal of your Soul So often we can live in our heads. Mentally processing our entire day. But there is a way we can step aside and let our Soul come through us. A kind of expression where there is no thought. The brain is just observing. A place where we slip into an effortless expression of our Soul. When we do this, we are creating at a much more authentic level. Our Soul conspires for our happiness. Where we feel so wonder-full. It comes through expressing the desires of our Soul … in real-time. By default, our minds are most likely to repeat yesterday. Not completely, but for the most part, we change very little day to day. Our expectations for our life don’t change that much. When we live in our minds, we stay in the outer world. Our attention is focused on…

All Of Your Desires Are Held In Your Divine Escrow Everything You desire shall come to pass Do you know who you are? Do you really know who you are? Your soul is timeless. Timeless. Think about that for just a second. For just a second or a few trillion seconds. Hell, take a few eons. It can seem like we, as human beings, are living in a fixed-pace life. This cycle of waking up, getting about our day, and retiring when night falls. Perhaps yesterday wasn’t much different than today … a well-defined cycle of living. Where are we going? Are we there yet? How can we tell when we have arrived? Where ARE we going? When we think about living as a human being on THIS planet … we can feel as if we are at the circus. When we see the collective culture go through another circus…

Happy Heart Happy Life Creating the life (where) you Love Are you satisfied? Are you fulfilled? Are you jumping-on-the-bed happy? You are here to find Heaven on Earth. Well, not ON (the) Earth. But rather, within you now. Through your loving, all opposites unite. We all have our shadow-side. That unresolved aspect of our past. All the dormant energy within our own subconscious. All the energy that the law of attraction is responding to. Drawing to us a mirror of ourselves. Creating a karmic momentum of sorts. Our mind can find a very “normal” aspect to our lives. Where we find ourselves expecting … more of the same. But there is nothing “normal” about Love. Love will gladly kick your ass. In a very good way. Can you open up to Love just a little bit more today? Starting with yourself? What do you imagine your life could be? Is…

Feeling Joy all along the way There is a feeling that happens when we grow our sense of Self. You are living in a most exceptional time in our human story. The awakening of humanity itself. And that feeling can happen during every day of your life. Joy is felt when the ego discovers more of the truth. When the ego can get glimpses of what your life can be. The really cool part of it all is that there is literally no end to the creation process. Love, in its purest form, is the fabric of creation. So to put that into context, you are the fabric of creation, for the essence of you is Love. In the beginning was the Light. The Light of Love. And from that, ALL things were created. You have a story of your life that has brought you to this moment. And woven…

What are you karmically connected to? Karma is a curious thing for me to write about. It seems like karma has not been on peoples’ radar for a very long time. But karma HAS been involved in every single aspect of their lives. If, indeed, human consciousness is the most powerful substance on the planet, then karma must also be very powerful too. Powerful because it removes your connection with your infinite Divine potential. Just take a look at society. There are people who are planning the colonization of another planet. Getting very specific about how one million people will be living on Mars. And then there is the homeless person panhandling at the corner, barely getting through the day. Does that show any contrast? Your karma IS where your Divine potential can get tied up. All Souls are born with the same potentials. And then we start to take…