As It Is Learning to Love all that is … as it is We are here as creators. It is a role we cannot “do without.” The process of creation is always active. Consciousness has its effect. Your freedom is more important than what others are thinking or doing. Often we can observe something that is happening in the collective storyline, and find ourselves offended or upset. When we think about “who” it is that is being offended, we find ourselves pointing to our ego. To the expectations we hold for what should, or should not, be happening. In the journey to master the art of creation, is to be able to stay centered in the field of Unconditional Love at the core of our BEing. Your relationship with your POWER to create is your relationship with ALL that has been created. Even the “bad” stuff. When we look with…
Your Karmic Connection Your past showing up in the present When we all incarnated onto this Earth we entered a karmic classroom. Perhaps like no other classroom around this galaxy. The collective story that is playing out right now is the current chapter of this moment in our human history. This moment. Now. What makes this lifetime so unique? You do. Well, it potentially offers you an opportunity for this lifetime to be like no other. The likelihood of your reading material, like this blog, is mostly non-existent in the past. In other words, the availability for humans to find conversations about our Divine potentials, was quite rare in the past. Unless you had access to sacred text, with only the original copy in existence, located at a single location on the Earth, then you would most likely never find out about your true Divine potentials. But now, consciousness is…
I Am … This. I Am … That. It is done unto you as You believe. We all do it. We all have described our lives to others with such statements of … I Am. I am happy. I am sad. I am rich. I am broke. I am mad. I am glad… When it comes to the unraveling of our past, it would serve us well to watch our language. Very carefully. We can think that who is talking, with this internal dialogue, is our ego. But it is … and it isn’t … just our egos talking. We have talked about the holographic nature of consciousness. We have talked about past-life regression. And the notion of talking with the future. All of it. All of what we talk about is Divine consciousness itself. Every point of presence, is Divine consciousness expressing. It is actually God/Goddess talking. There is…
The Divine Idea of You The sweet spot of living your Divine potentials Here we are. Another day on planet Earth. Another day in your life. Another moment of eternity. So … What is the point? Where are we “going?” How will we know when we have arrived? What IS the Divine idea of BEing a human BEing? I find it curious to listen to people as they share what is front and center in their everyday living. For so many of us it is about healing. Or success, or prosperity. Or perhaps Love. And, of course, perhaps countless other arenas of focus. But where does it end? Where ARE we going? What is all this for anyway? Well … You. You are a point of presence of Divinity right now. What do YOU desire right now? What You desire. That might seem like a cop-out. Like the answer is…
This Mind of Mine Who is minding your mind? There is a lens we see our life through. Kind of a karmic casting if you will. Our mind, by its very nature, thinks of things. Of all sorts of things. When we look at our mind it could be considered a symbol-processor. You are reading these words right now. Each word is a symbol of sorts. And you have an assigned meaning to each word that you read. And if we take a step back, and look at the sentences and paragraphs, there is a larger meaning to it all. Enter our Soul. The BIG consciousness. The knower of sorts. When we think of the idea of a Soul, we can see that the Soul actually transcends time and space. There is an idea in perhaps advanced metaphysics that says … all “nows” are happening right now. This now. Right…
Dream. Big. Co-create with the creator. How do you go from a peasant to a king? From a seeker to the Divine itself? From a mere mortal to the immortal consciousness of the Divine? I am not suggesting anything about you, the reader. This is a metaphorical conversation. Who are we? Really. A simple question. If we consider who it is that is reading this sentence … who is the answer. Sure, your ego is taking the symbols, the characters and words, and assigning meaning to them. Creating your own understanding of what they mean. But your ego is so … single lifetime consciousness. Your Soul is here too. And your Soul has been through so many different lifetimes. Your Soul has been through so many different archetypes too. Perhaps your Soul has played out the peasant and royalty, the sinner and the saint, the cop and the criminal, the…
Is Your Consciousness Expanding? It is not an automatic thing Perhaps it sounds like something out of the hippie movement. Expand Your Consciousness Man … Groovy! But there is something about expanding your consciousness. Like a vibrational signature, the vibration of our consciousness decides so much about our everyday life. We can look at it through the Law of Attraction. LOA. What are we attracting? For so many of us, we have MUCH more energy lodged in our own subconscious, than all of our “conscious” energy that we are aware of. For myself, I spent decades attracting angry people into my life, even though I didn’t show any sort of anger. (That is the first sign ;-). I had attracted an angry boss into my life. Like a karmic pro, I attracted to me the perfect teacher to show me my own SUBCONSCIOUS karma. Sure, I could be pursuing my…
Your Soul has a vision for your life (In memory of Dr. Martin Luther King) We are the current storyline of countless generations that have gone before us. Billions of Souls have incarnated on this planet for eons of time. And here we are … right now. What are we going to bring about in the future that lies before us now? Quantum Mechanics, Law of Attraction, Sacred Geometry, Epigenetics, Conscious Creating and Divine Love. All topics that we have discussed in depth here at New Human Living. Through our blogs, like this one, and also through our many radio show interviews. Do you believe? It is done unto You as You believe. If asked ( O.K. I’ll ask you ), How likely is it that your life purpose will be fulfilled completely? How likely will the vision of your Soul come true? In other words … do you ACTUALLY…
Your Dreams are the Seeds for Your Tomorrow The future always exists as energy first. The LAST thing to happen is when the atoms move. The physical effect is the result of what was once only energy. Your consciousness is what can create fresh new energy. You can think of it like a whip. The handle of the whip moves first, and then the tip of the whip always follows the handle of the whip. Creation starts as an inside job. At the core of your consciousness is Divinity itself. All consciousness is holographic. When there is a new desire or a new inspiration … that is the beginning of a physical change. When we get better as creators in our life, it typically comes from moving our attention on the outside, the physical world, and moving our attention inward to the vision itself. Indeed, the ability to HOLD A…
Single Savior System Is One Savior going to be Enough? It is a curious thing. Really. How many religions put all their hope in their (Single) Savior? Their Big Guy. When HE returns, well, he will kick sin’s ass all the way to hell. Is it Muhammad? Jesus? Buddha? Krishna? Every religion has their pinnacle-person. Don’t get me wrong, Jesus, from my perspective, is someone I look to in order to know what embodying Love can look like. He also said that you and I will do EVERYTHING that he has done, and even MORE too. So give this a think … Every single savior from every single religion that has ever existed in our recorded history, has not ended war, suffering or pain on this planet. All of them have come and gone, and we still have quite the karmic quagmire here on planet Earth. When Jesus left the…
Christ Consciousness to You Where is it that we are headed? When we think of the “spiritual” journey … where is it exactly that we are going? To get clear about what is the destination of this spiritual journey? Is it a place on a map? Once we arrive … then !!! Or is it a state of consciousness? We meditate and then … then… Then … what? There are a few common attributes to our Divine consciousness. One of them is … there is always another moment. Another “now” that comes along. Oh wait, here is yet another “now.” And another … you get the point (now ;-). The continuity of consciousness. And then there is free will. Your thought-generator does not have any limitations on it. There is no such thing as eternal damnation or eternal salvation. Eternal salvation suggests there is a time when you are not…