


Look again … with fresh eyes Both light and shadow are the dance of Love. ~ Rumi As you evolve your consciousness, you can re-evaluate your past. There is something about the vibration, or frequency, of your consciousness, that literally acts like a lens, a karma lens perhaps, that filters what you see. In other words, on first observation, it might seem that angry people are just plain mean. And from an experiential perspective, they can seem that way. A “truth” of sorts. But evolve yourself, and then look again, and there is a whole other story to tell.My father was a very intense man. He had a fire for God anchored in his core. When he spoke of God, he would well up in tears. He had a very fierce faith. He easily made the top local church officials look like slackers. The church officials never welled up with…

The Re-constitution of Your Soul RE-uniting all that has been separated In the beginning, of your Soul, there was no separation. No fragmentation. But there was no experience either. We, as Souls, incarnate for the Human experience. In the inevitable existence as a human, we come across experiences that start to fragment our consciousness. Perhaps a clear example is the before/after of a war veteran. PTSD is a clear example of the fragmentation of a Soul. I use this extreme example, for its clarity. But we can become fragmented in our everyday lives as well. If we enter into judgment about people who are doing things we just don’t like … or even hate … we create a posture. Karma is created when we posture with what is. But Les, there are very evil people in the world. Yes, indeed. There is the ugliest of uglies on this planet. Yes,…

Healing our relationship with Love The notion of Love, in a general sense, can bring all sorts of reactions. There are those that cringe at the thought of giving Love another go. There are those that see Love as a romantic relationship. There is an arena of Love, often experienced through the practice of Tantra, that might be thought of as a deep communion with another. And, perhaps, Divine Love. And then there is tough Love. And I am sure many other way to experience Love. But which Love is the real deal? What is the essence of Love? Love has so many faces. Love has so many arenas of expression. If you study the teachings of the Enlightened Ones … you might conclude that Love is actually the fabric of all-that-is. The fabric of the universe itself. That Love itself is Source Consciousness, Prime Creator, or God with a…

Unraveling Our Past To re-unite with our Soul It does actually take conscious effort. Left unchecked, the ego will chase shadows until the end of time. It was, at least for a substantial part, our egos that loaded up our subconscious in the first place. You are infinite potential, in human form. But, so what? If you don’t do anything to e-x-p-a-n-d your sense of self, then, perhaps, you are just your ego looking for fulfillment in the reflection of the quantum mirror. In other words, looking for a deeper understanding of yourself, by chasing people, circumstances and a sense of validation from those external factors of your everyday life. The “world” you see outside of you, is a reflection of what is inside of you. Everything that pisses you off, is a reflection of unresolved parts of yourself on the inside of you that you have not resolved. Everything.…

No Growth … No Glory It is up to you Time is moving on. Opportunities are coming and going every day. And the universe carries on. There are no requirements. None really. We are given fierce free agency on this planet. Do, or don’t do, as you choose. But … IF you so choose … there is nothing you can’t do. We all have the potential for an infinite stream of inspiration flowing into our consciousness. Our Heart and Soul always have more information for us … IF we choose to listen and take action on it. There are plenty of people on Earth that are just getting by. Kind of like treading water. Not really going anywhere. And indeed life on Earth can be a struggle. But there are always new opportunities available. Always another opportunity to grow ourselves. And when we actually DO grow ourselves, we renew who we…

The Polarity of Desire What do You REALLY want? There is a notion of faith that I really like. And that is the notion of … No thought contrary. No thought contrary to what is desired. When we HAVE faith, we have a thought or desire that we want to manifest. And there is no other thought (energy) contrary to what we want. And the faith, no thought (energy) contrary, stipulates that it will happen. We have absolute faith that it will come to be. The trick of this is the relationship between our conscious thoughts (energy) and our sub-conscious thoughts (energy). If, indeed, our thoughts are energy … and you take in the notion of the quantum field as being a mirror of our self … then IF our desire is the ONLY thought there is … the mirror would reflect just that. The only energy present. The subconscious…

All For You You are the thing itself When is it all over? When will the stars retreat back to where they came from? When will it all be done? We can put our salvation … out there. We haven’t met God again. We haven’t found Heaven. I mean, the car needs tires. The house isn’t paid for. And then there is the issue of the new aches and pains. How long are you going to wait? When WILL you get there? Where are you going to find the Holy Grail? When will you return to Heaven? After you let your body go? Right now. This now. This NOW. Now is the only time that you can ever experience Heaven. The Heaven that is IN You right now. You are what you are looking for. You are the thing itself. Don’t envy another. Don’t think that someone else has a…

I can’t get no satisfaction When our ego goes looking for satisfaction When we go looking for satisfaction, we can struggle to keep the feeling sustained. Oftentimes the ego puts the feeling of satisfaction on things or events. Getting married. Or a promotion at work. Or perhaps a new car. Oftentimes, we will postpone the feeling when we are trying to accomplish something. Perhaps graduating from college or winning an Emmy. I am not putting down the pursuit of accomplishments. But rather, on hanging our sense of self on anything outside of us. Everything in our life has a season. Every thing, be it a person, place or thing, is a season of experiences. In truth, the only thing that does not have a season is ourselves. Our own point of presence. Our own consciousness itself. You are an eternal well of consciousness. Your ego does not create the consciousness…

Get Your EGO On Board Who is driving your life? You didn’t have an ego when you were born. Yet, through the desires of their egos is how most people navigate life. Your ego can decide, by not letting go, how your life will go. If your ego dominates ALL of your consciousness… Well, it would be easier to get a freight train through the eye of a needle … than for you to discover who you really are. ;- ) And the universe goes on. Time will wait forever. Although the universe has so much love for you, the love of the universe has no conditions. Do you want to descend into hell? Sure thing. Do you want to (re)connect with the Source Consciousness within you now? Sure thing. You will choose everything that you do. Either consciously choosing it, or subconsciously choosing it. Your ego typically has a…

The Power of Love What does Love have to offer us? What does Love have for us? How good can you stand it? How much Love can you embody? Let’s look “down” the karmic scale. This is an imagined example … So, a child that has lived in the most horrid conditions its whole life comes into your life. From a life where everything was volatile. Food, clothing, shelter … the basics of life were an everyday struggle. Certainly this planet has countless arenas of such suffering. And Poof! The child is elevated to your lifestyle. Everything changes when the child enters your lifestyle. You have food. You have shelter. You have everything you need to sustain your life. You offer the child fresh, clean water. Food abounds. The richness of your life is such an unimaginable experience to a child that had never known such a way to live…

Love Is Looking For Volunteers You do have free will Love is looking. Looking for volunteers. I find it curious how Love will leave you alone. Well, not alone. You ARE Love now. There is no-thing outside of Love. Love is the fabric of the universe. But back to you. Love will leave you alone. Like … not bother you. Like, let you wander around in the arena of ego until the end of time. Even if your Soul chose a life-path of you being an ambassador to Love. Once you incarnate … and forget everything … your ego is given a choice. Always a choice. Your ego can decide to abandon your life-path. How curious is that? Your Soul stocks your Divine escrow with everything you will need. Your angels and guides have the map in front of them. Ready to guide you throughout your entire life. And ……