


Living From the Inside Out Tapping a much higher wisdom within You now So … if you walk into a kindergarten class and try to teach calculus … Well, never mind. So … If you arrive on Earth and tell the humans they are infinite power incarnate … Well, of course we are. We do not have a valid example of what is possible, as a human being, in our entire mythology. In other words, there has not been an accurate example of what is possible in this current chapter of our human story, as it relates to our true potential, demonstrated to us in any of our mythologies. But what about Jesus? Master Buddha? And the other Masters that have walked the earth? Didn’t THEY kick some Divine ass? Well … Did they end suffering? Did they stop wars on the planet? Did they end poverty? ??? Love has…

The Light of the Shadow Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love ~ Rumi No-thing can cast a shadow. If there is nothing there, no shadow. In other words, non-duality has no thing(s). In the beginning was the Light. And the Light was without form. No form. No-thing. Although this is very abstract languaging … it does give us a glimpse about the nature of consciousness without form or shadow. Then we jump into duality. With the metaphorical … Big Bang. Fast forward a few billion years … and there is this planet orbiting a sun in this solar system. It takes quite a long time before sentences start to show up on the cosmic canvas of creation. I mean, you have to make atoms. And big-ass mass (planets and other celestial bodies). And from that cosmic dirt, the creation of life. Self-animated life. Which implies DNA and…

The root of creation itself In the beginning was the Light. Light. There is nowhere to hide in a hologram. All elements are “online.” And within each point in a hologram, all points are present. This idea re-enforces the notion that God, with a big G, is within you now. Well, that is only half correct. God suggests Masculine. In order for true Power to be present, we need to balance that out with Feminine. Goddess is within you now as well. God and Goddess are within you now. Hmmm. We are still using symbols (God/Goddess) to “define.” Light. There … much better. In the beginning, of all that is, there was only Light. And within that Light, which had no form, was the potential of all form(s) of creation. That very same Light is within you now. You ARE the Creator incarnate. Quite literally. We could bring in the…

Your Soul has a vision for your life (In memory of Dr. Martin Luther King) We are the current storyline of countless generations that have gone before us. Billions of Souls have incarnated on this planet for eons of time. And here we are … right now. What are we going to bring about in the future that lies before us now? Quantum Mechanics, Law of Attraction, Sacred Geometry, Epigenetics, Conscious Creating and Divine Love. All topics that we have discussed in depth here at New Human Living. Through our blogs, like this one, and also through our many radio show interviews. Do you believe? It is done unto You as You believe. If asked ( O.K. I’ll ask you ), How likely is it that your life purpose will be fulfilled completely? How likely will the vision of your Soul come true? In other words … do you ACTUALLY…

Your Dreams are the Seeds for Your Tomorrow The future always exists as energy first. The LAST thing to happen is when the atoms move. The physical effect is the result of what was once only energy. Your consciousness is what can create fresh new energy. You can think of it like a whip. The handle of the whip moves first, and then the tip of the whip always follows the handle of the whip. Creation starts as an inside job. At the core of your consciousness is Divinity itself. All consciousness is holographic. When there is a new desire or a new inspiration … that is the beginning of a physical change. When we get better as creators in our life, it typically comes from moving our attention on the outside, the physical world, and moving our attention inward to the vision itself. Indeed, the ability to HOLD A…

Revealing Your Divine Potential As an infinite BEing … What’s possible for YOU? What would heaven look like for you? What would your life look like, if you had the power to create whatever you wanted? Certainly this can seem like wishful thinking. Kind of a mantra of self-help gurus. But yet … here we are. For so many of us, we can find that the journey isn’t much different day in and day out. It seems like you can do daily affirmations without end, and yet … here we are. What gives? Where is the sweet spot? When does it all turn around? What I really like about being the host of the New Human Living radio show is that I have interviewed hundreds of guests, from pretty much every modality there is. I just love bringing guests on the show and really drilling down into the core of…

Keep your future open The ego is a curious thing. There are over 7 billion flavors on the planet and no two are exactly the same. And then there is your ego. Where did your ego come from? Who “gave” it to you? Who taught you how to think? Who taught you all the symbols in your mind, and perhaps more important, the value behind each one of them? The ego can posture in a moment. Perhaps it is a moment of insult or disgust. Or perhaps you were offended by the words or deeds of another. Or perhaps it was a feeling that overwhelmed you when you saw a picture or image of something overwhelming. Easy now. Don’t bring it with you. Be careful not to accumulate karmic posturing along the way. If indeed you want to find genuine freedom, the freedom that opens up your future on a…

You are the Face of the Creator There is a rumor that God created the Heavens and the Earth. Certainly there was a whole galaxy of creation that allowed the Earth to form and then for the DNA to show up to create vehicles of expression. Your DNA is the blueprint for your Soul’s vehicle for this lifetime. But who created all the other stuff? Like air conditioning, motion pictures, and ice cream? There are those who think that God will handle everything. And She will. But not as some glowing orb, in the middle of the night. No deity will descend from the heavens. No savior that has passed will reach over our shoulders to make anything happen. Sometimes you have to sprinkle flour on the kitchen floor to “catch” who is sneaking a snack in the middle of the night. If there are tracks left in the morning,…

Creating what you want There are two things that will make all the difference in the world. Not getting what you want, and getting what you are asking for. So first things first … what do you want? What do you want consciousness to provide for you? Is it a thing or things? Is it a feeling or experience? What? Don’t tell me … tell you. There can be a tendency to keep going. To keep pushing through your life. To keep up with work, bills, chores and such. And certainly there is a place for all of that. Sometimes it can consume us too. Perhaps we have a Divine trainwreck show up in our life. Perhaps a divorce, illness, or an unexpected death of a loved one. Where we are so wiped out that just getting through the day is almost too much to ask. Here on this planet,…

The process of creating starts within us Our eyes can only show us the birthing of the past. What you are seeing in this moment, is already the past. Perhaps the freshest past you have. The past is created in this and every moment. No matter how hard we look, with our human eyes, we cannot ever see the future. We see atoms. Matter. Things. This now is the birthplace of our past. Some of our past is very old. And some of it is as fresh as the previous sentence you just read. But there IS a place within you in which you can “see” the future. Well, not physically see it, but rather, energetically see it. In fact, the energy within you is what CREATES the future. You can think of the energy within you now as the early stages of the creation process of YOUR future. If…

You push the large, heavy wooden doors open and walk into the room. All eyes land on you. Your inspirations have brought you to this day. This moment. Today is the result of you following your inspiration. It was you honoring your potential that made your dreams come true. As you take your place you remember the journey that has brought you here, a journey that at one point in your life you never thought possible. Yet here you are. When the idea had first come to you it seemed improbable. Impossible. But you gave yourself the permission, the power, to hope. As you look back over the journey you see the stepping stones, the incremental growth that changed who you are. That personal growth brought you into alignment with the very idea, the very dream you had, in that beginning moment. You trusted in yourself even through the darkness,…