


The root of creation itself In the beginning was the Light. Light. There is nowhere to hide in a hologram. All elements are “online.” And within each point in a hologram, all points are present. This idea re-enforces the notion that God, with a big G, is within you now. Well, that is only half correct. God suggests Masculine. In order for true Power to be present, we need to balance that out with Feminine. Goddess is within you now as well. God and Goddess are within you now. Hmmm. We are still using symbols (God/Goddess) to “define.” Light. There … much better. In the beginning, of all that is, there was only Light. And within that Light, which had no form, was the potential of all form(s) of creation. That very same Light is within you now. You ARE the Creator incarnate. Quite literally. We could bring in the…

You are the Face of the Creator There is a rumor that God created the Heavens and the Earth. Certainly there was a whole galaxy of creation that allowed the Earth to form and then for the DNA to show up to create vehicles of expression. Your DNA is the blueprint for your Soul’s vehicle for this lifetime. But who created all the other stuff? Like air conditioning, motion pictures, and ice cream? There are those who think that God will handle everything. And She will. But not as some glowing orb, in the middle of the night. No deity will descend from the heavens. No savior that has passed will reach over our shoulders to make anything happen. Sometimes you have to sprinkle flour on the kitchen floor to “catch” who is sneaking a snack in the middle of the night. If there are tracks left in the morning,…

The Kingdom of Heaven lies within YOU now We are not talking about any THING here. But something much much better. There is a tendency to develop habits as we go through our day-to-day lives. Certainly, those habits can be a very good thing. For myself, breathing is a habit I am very fond of. There are also habits of thoughts. Where we have an ongoing monologue in our heads too. And by the very nature of karma, there can be habits of experiences. Where we might drop into a karmic propensity when we hear gossip about others. You get to choose what you do, every single time. Unless… I have been curious about our human demeanor my whole life. There are stories I have heard, perhaps decades ago, that linger in my mind. One of those stories was a TV program that looked at Lottery “winners.” The show reviewed…

Life gets better when you are consciously creating more of it Your karma is your choice, in two different ways. First of all, it was your Soul that chose to take on your particular flavor(s) of karmic imprinting. And second, it can be your ego, right now, that decides how you experience your karma. Karma does not care either way. And your emotions are really quite impersonal too. That’s right. You have some say in all of it. Starting right now. You get to decide, and re-decide, how you feel. Your emotions are just messengers. They only want to deliver a message to you. And that is how you feel about what is going on in the present moment. Your feelings change as you grow your own sense of self. You can emotionally evolve out of “bad” emotions. And you can master the ability to feel the really good ones…

Love You? So often we can have regular thoughts in our daily lives that do not serve us. Thoughts that are operating in our heads that defer our own self-love. Thoughts that re-enforce a sense of self-judgment. Our own inner critic. Operating without our awareness. Our own sub-conscious monologue. To take the time to flush those thoughts out of our mental patterning is a very powerful thing to do. All thoughts that do not serve us are not related to loving ourselves. To love yourself without condition is to make every thought, and every choice, ones that support your “self.” And a way to begin flushing out thoughts that don’t serve you is by beginning to follow a very simple process, which is to actually stop all of your thoughts. No-thought meditation is a very powerful tool to empower your own authentic self. It is powerful because you have untold power within you now, in this…