


Expressing Your Creativity Expanding the portal of your Soul So often we can live in our heads. Mentally processing our entire day. But there is a way we can step aside and let our Soul come through us. A kind of expression where there is no thought. The brain is just observing. A place where we slip into an effortless expression of our Soul. When we do this, we are creating at a much more authentic level. Our Soul conspires for our happiness. Where we feel so wonder-full. It comes through expressing the desires of our Soul … in real-time. By default, our minds are most likely to repeat yesterday. Not completely, but for the most part, we change very little day to day. Our expectations for our life don’t change that much. When we live in our minds, we stay in the outer world. Our attention is focused on…

Pull Over and Let Your Soul Drive Your Ego wants off the hook… Happy Happy Joy Joy What is awaiting your surrender? What would your life look like, if your Soul had total say in what would happen next? Our ego was never designed to navigate life. Our ego is a symbol-processor. It quantifies and assigns value to all the symbols that come streaming into our every-moment consciousness. Your Soul already knows about next week and next month. Your Soul can look ahead, seeing the future clearly. Able to line up synchronistic opportunities for you. Able to know WHEN the time is right for every action. And able to know when our ego tends to do things “just to get them done.” Timing is everything. Everything in its own Divine Time. When you cleanse and purify your own personal energy persona, you allow the embodiment of your Soul. When that…

Revealing Your Divine Potential As an infinite BEing … What’s possible for YOU? What would heaven look like for you? What would your life look like, if you had the power to create whatever you wanted? Certainly this can seem like wishful thinking. Kind of a mantra of self-help gurus. But yet … here we are. For so many of us, we can find that the journey isn’t much different day in and day out. It seems like you can do daily affirmations without end, and yet … here we are. What gives? Where is the sweet spot? When does it all turn around? What I really like about being the host of the New Human Living radio show is that I have interviewed hundreds of guests, from pretty much every modality there is. I just love bringing guests on the show and really drilling down into the core of…

You are an awakened Soul But you always have been… an awakened Soul. Perhaps the REAL difference this time around is that you are an awakened ego. Your Soul is always aware of the truth. Your Soul always knows its relationship with the Divine. Your Soul is fearless and limitless. Now… about that ego… Where is the awakened Ego in you? What do you desire? What does your ego desire? Don’t cringe. For many on this spiritual journey, asking the EGO what it wants can sound like throwing gasoline on a fire. Sure, there are plenty of egos that have wandered off into the darkness. The headlines of these days tell many stories of a good ego gone bad. Of course, you didn’t have an ego the day you were born. Yet it is your ego that is reading this here and now. As you probably know, this lifetime, this…

What are you karmically connected to? Karma is a curious thing for me to write about. It seems like karma has not been on peoples’ radar for a very long time. But karma HAS been involved in every single aspect of their lives. If, indeed, human consciousness is the most powerful substance on the planet, then karma must also be very powerful too. Powerful because it removes your connection with your infinite Divine potential. Just take a look at society. There are people who are planning the colonization of another planet. Getting very specific about how one million people will be living on Mars. And then there is the homeless person panhandling at the corner, barely getting through the day. Does that show any contrast? Your karma IS where your Divine potential can get tied up. All Souls are born with the same potentials. And then we start to take…

Sometimes life can feel unbearable We are human beings living out a karmic story. And sometimes it is the karma that can make this life feel so painful. Really painful. The chances are good that you have some unresolved pain in you. Right now. But can you feel it? There are events that can put us on our knees. There is a pain the hurts so much, that we are shaken to our very core. For myself, I have felt very intense pain several times in this lifetime. One was rather recent, with the unexpected dead of my spiritual brother. A man I walked side-by-side with, for over 30 years. But it doesn’t feel good to talk about pain. Is there a better thing for us to talk about? Certainly, there can be more enjoyable things to talk about, but there might be a day when some pain comes your…

You are the Face of the Creator There is a rumor that God created the Heavens and the Earth. Certainly there was a whole galaxy of creation that allowed the Earth to form and then for the DNA to show up to create vehicles of expression. Your DNA is the blueprint for your Soul’s vehicle for this lifetime. But who created all the other stuff? Like air conditioning, motion pictures, and ice cream? There are those who think that God will handle everything. And She will. But not as some glowing orb, in the middle of the night. No deity will descend from the heavens. No savior that has passed will reach over our shoulders to make anything happen. Sometimes you have to sprinkle flour on the kitchen floor to “catch” who is sneaking a snack in the middle of the night. If there are tracks left in the morning,…

I mean … we ALL want to get to Heaven … Right? There is a very common mindset on this planet. A very established and old mindset of “right and wrong.” Indeed, it does have some merit to it. But then again … where did all these heroes come from? Are we not living out a most exceptional span of human history? Are we not coming out of some of the darkest consciousness in perhaps the whole galaxy? Are there countless stories from our very own mythology that talk about the end of times, or perhaps language about the apocalypse? Didn’t the Western mind make a nuclear arsenal that would wipe out all of life on this planet? How can I even type these sentences without being in total shock… These are very dark mindsets. Enter Love. And more specifically, unconditional Love. Power beyond measure. I suggest that Love is…

Creating what you want There are two things that will make all the difference in the world. Not getting what you want, and getting what you are asking for. So first things first … what do you want? What do you want consciousness to provide for you? Is it a thing or things? Is it a feeling or experience? What? Don’t tell me … tell you. There can be a tendency to keep going. To keep pushing through your life. To keep up with work, bills, chores and such. And certainly there is a place for all of that. Sometimes it can consume us too. Perhaps we have a Divine trainwreck show up in our life. Perhaps a divorce, illness, or an unexpected death of a loved one. Where we are so wiped out that just getting through the day is almost too much to ask. Here on this planet,…

Finding that Divine flow Inner inspirations. Temporal slips. Those moments when time and space seem to become lucid. Every now and again you hear stories that seem to defy the nature of life. Where the person was perhaps transformed in the moment. I love getting glimpses of these type of moments and how they were experienced. For example, there was an interview of a cross-country runner who had just won a long and grueling race against all odds. He was an underdog, not expected to even place in the race. Yet he won the race. They had asked him how it felt to win such an unexpected victory. His reply was most curious to me. He said something to the notion of “the end of the race became lucid to me. I could see all the various possible outcomes, and I simply chose the one I wanted.” There is a…

Finding the Divine within you now When we created our ego, there was no outside input. Sure, our parents taught us how to do it. Perhaps not directly. At least my parents did not say, Les, you are growing an ego … It happened much more organically. Teaching us the symbols we would be using in life. That big thing over there is called a tree. Step by step creating a symbol processor. What we would now call our brains, personality and ego. But there is an elephant in the room. Or rather, there is a huge presence within you now. A point of Divine consciousness. The source of ALL of your thoughts. And … the Divine potential to create anything you can imagine. But what decides what we are able, or unable, to create is the imprinting of our past. Our karma. Our own consciousness from the past, influencing…