The Vision of Your Soul Different Goals for Different Souls The curious thing about this karmic soup we are all living in, is just how thick it is. Our karma, here on Earth, is some of the thickest karma around. And you, yes you, are a soul that chose to incarnate in the first ripples of our re-awakening. Just take a moment and imagine a planet that has lived in such torment and struggle, for eons of time, that is now, just now, starting to come out of the darkness. If you consider the scale of human consciousness, it is a logarithmic scale. The energy of (your) consciousness is exponential. Although we cannot directly sense, with our five senses, the raw power behind this consciousness, we CAN derive some understanding of it. Just like electricity. We cannot see electricity. But we can develop an understanding of it. So imagine someone…
Pull Over and Let Your Soul Drive Your Ego wants off the hook… Happy Happy Joy Joy What is awaiting your surrender? What would your life look like, if your Soul had total say in what would happen next? Our ego was never designed to navigate life. Our ego is a symbol-processor. It quantifies and assigns value to all the symbols that come streaming into our every-moment consciousness. Your Soul already knows about next week and next month. Your Soul can look ahead, seeing the future clearly. Able to line up synchronistic opportunities for you. Able to know WHEN the time is right for every action. And able to know when our ego tends to do things “just to get them done.” Timing is everything. Everything in its own Divine Time. When you cleanse and purify your own personal energy persona, you allow the embodiment of your Soul. When that…
Keep your future open The ego is a curious thing. There are over 7 billion flavors on the planet and no two are exactly the same. And then there is your ego. Where did your ego come from? Who “gave” it to you? Who taught you how to think? Who taught you all the symbols in your mind, and perhaps more important, the value behind each one of them? The ego can posture in a moment. Perhaps it is a moment of insult or disgust. Or perhaps you were offended by the words or deeds of another. Or perhaps it was a feeling that overwhelmed you when you saw a picture or image of something overwhelming. Easy now. Don’t bring it with you. Be careful not to accumulate karmic posturing along the way. If indeed you want to find genuine freedom, the freedom that opens up your future on a…
Creating a lasting culture for humanity We are life itself. Life personified. When we walk through nature, we are seeing an ocean of life. Where everything we can experience in the environment of nature, is in harmony with itself. There is a lucid aspect of a healthy life. Your life. My life. Lucid in the sense that there are no stagnant parts of ourselves. Now that is a simple sentence. However, for the vast majority of humanity, karmic stagnation is what we are trying to overcome. Indeed, our karma IS stagnant energy of our past, stored in our own subconsciousness. Our karma is our own consciousness that has become stagnant and dormant in our own personal energy persona. We are standing at the doorway where the very large social structures of our past are going to be replaced. Our educational systems, economic systems, health systems, and such. We are coming…
New Chapter, New Game We are entering a whole new paradigm There were so many centuries of the old-school living. The 3D world of our past. But now we are entering a whole new paradigm, in so many ways. There is a whole new “set of rules” to live your life by. Not rules in shoulds and shouldn’ts. But rather, new ways in which we experience the world around us. We all have an Akashic record. We all have a lineage of sorts. Kind of like a genetic history of our past. But it is really even more than that. There is an etheric history of us. Personally. We all have a history of our past. And even our future history. What we knew, or will know. There are lifetimes where our bodies knew how to repair anything “wrong” with us. There are lifetimes when we had overcome every single…
Everything we seek can be found within us now It has been said that everything OUTSIDE of us is an illusion. That every thing we see literally is not “real.” Yet there is a truth in our world that we CAN hang our hats on. And that is the experience of the “world” outside of us. There is the idea of the Quantum field. That the Quantum space is a mirror, that reflects us, back to us. Or in other words, we create the world we “see.” When people have had a near-death experience, they talk about the Light. And then there is the description of the creation of all that is. Again, there is the Light. In the beginning, was the Light. When you were born, you did not have an ego. You did not hold any symbols as important. You did not assign value to any thing. Yet,…
God will not change anything except through a Human BEing Sure, there are the Birds and the Bees. Trees and Oceans. And then there is the solar system too. And the night sky full of countless galaxies. God/Goddess has a hand in all of creation. The Divine shows up in all of creation. There is no-thing outside of the Divine. God/Goddess is the root of all that is. There are examples of unconditional Love. Dogs and … OK … cats too. They know how to Love. Love without conditions … well, maybe just dogs. 😉 But dogs and cats have no thoughts about the future. They are not planning months or years out into the future. It is us, the Human Beings, that are able to focus consciousness. We are able to understand the mechanics of creation. We are aware of things like DNA, quantum fields, atoms, cells, electricity, magnetism,…
Who are YOU to personify the Divine? Here You are. On your spiritual journey. You have your story. You have your issues. One day at a time. You are living in perhaps the most dynamic time in our human history. And YOUR soul had a vision for you. For THIS lifetime. A storyline that was handpicked just for YOU. Perhaps you have had glimpses of it. In your dreams. In your desires. And then there are the gifts from your past. When we look at the collective storyline, by far the most common story is one of struggle, survival and overcoming our own karma. Yet, if we were to compare our human existence here on this planet with our own truth, it might be said that we are masters of limitations. We, Divine BEings with infinite power, are masters of making creation difficult. Masters of limitations. As if we are…
God wants to play. Deal the Divine into Your life. So what would a Divine day look like? Or perhaps where would your life be after a Divine Year? What would “Over the Top” look like for you? There is a Divine spark located deep within you. And within that Divine spark lies all of the possibilities that ever were. Possibilities that can be tapped into by those who choose to do so. Those who choose to Love. Who choose to Love themselves with such complete and total abandon. Without merit or measure. In other words, to do so unconditionally. Enter Karma. What the hell? Who let karma into this dialogue? Don’t fret. Don’t worry. The karma has a gift for you. The experience of karma. By choice. By the wisdom of your own soul. Karma as a preferred path. Who the hell would actually intentionally choose Karma. Isn’t karma…
When the Citizens heal (enlighten) the kingdom will thrive … every time So what is your idea of power? What does “powerful” mean to you? An army? A hurricane? Nuclear power? What is powerful? If you were to imagine the appearance of power, what would that be? Perhaps, from above, it the sight of a valley full of nuclear power plants. So many, in fact, that there is no place left to put one more? Or the view of a hurricane from outer space? That huge circle of clouds that are wreaking havoc on the land below. Or perhaps we would bump it up a bit. God. I mean … God. The creator of all that is. That’s got to surpass anything. Right? I mean … God. Let’s get to the point here.What’s bigger than God? Right? Hold on a minute. History show some troubling truths. For example … God…
What IS Love all about? When we talk about Love, there can be quite a variety of reactions. Love, by itself, is a very powerful topic. Sometimes people avoid it. Or hold it at arm’s length. We can remember times when our heart was broken falling out of Love. But Love, unconditional Love, is something that heals. How can it be? Does Love hurt or heal? Enter Karma. Like Darth Vader, walking out of hiding. Karma holds the pain. Love, itself, does not hurt. But the karma we pick up along the way is where we get a painful feeling to Love. When we first come into this earthly plane, we are innocent. Then we start up the karmic momentum. Our karmic posturing with what is. Karma itself is a sort of posturing with the present moment. It is only in this NOW that we can change our karmic disposition.…