
life purpose


IF You Start Now… You just might scratch the surface Who is driving your life? Who is the one making decisions in your life? Who? Why it is ME … of course? Really? Have you ever had a co-worker that was difficult, only to meet them outside of work and find them to be totally different? OR to catch yourself dreaming of a most incredible life for yourself? Like you just won the lottery? Or what if… You are an infinite consciousness. Without end. Your Soul was the one that chose this life-path BEFORE you were born. And it will do it again before your next incarnation too. Your Soul has an endless, without end, stream of inspiration, handcrafted, just for you. But, and this is a BIG but, IF you cannot fully engage the process of harvesting that inspiration … well then … life will most likely be ……

Who ARE You … really? When your Soul was born … you had no karma. And you had no relationships with any-thing. No experiences to hone your own personal preferences. A rookie to the human experience… Fast forward through a few hundred or even thousands of lifetimes incarnate. Now you have karma. And you have relationships too. You have a personality of preferences as well. By Divine plan. You, in flesh and bones, are the Creator incarnate. The Creator incarnate. You are a point of presence of the Divine. God Consciousness with flesh and bones. We are here for the human experience. You have to have a ticket. Your ticket is your body. This whole holodeck of Divine consciousness is for the experiences of BEing. It is God’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom of Heaven. In fact, you already ARE it. Heaven exists within you now. Right Now.…

Going Up! Raising Your Consciousness Where are you going? What do you want out of your life? What gets you excited about your future? There is an awakening going on. An entire planet is awakening at some level. There are those people on this planet that will experience a complete and total transformation of themselves. And there are no limits to what that can look like. We are awakening to our own Divinity. Awakening to the Divine Consciousness within us now. To really honor that, takes some daydreaming. It takes some serious silly-ness. Silly? Well … Yes. We have been told what life is about. For the most part, it is all a story. A story of one single possibility. Single in the sense that the world we were raised on is just ONE example of what is possible. Our history has very large institutions that have spanned many generations.…

Your Soul has a vision for your life (In memory of Dr. Martin Luther King) We are the current storyline of countless generations that have gone before us. Billions of Souls have incarnated on this planet for eons of time. And here we are … right now. What are we going to bring about in the future that lies before us now? Quantum Mechanics, Law of Attraction, Sacred Geometry, Epigenetics, Conscious Creating and Divine Love. All topics that we have discussed in depth here at New Human Living. Through our blogs, like this one, and also through our many radio show interviews. Do you believe? It is done unto You as You believe. If asked ( O.K. I’ll ask you ), How likely is it that your life purpose will be fulfilled completely? How likely will the vision of your Soul come true? In other words … do you ACTUALLY…

The Time Has Come You have been watching it happen from the day you were born. The process of creation happening. Right before your eyes. People taking inspired, intentional actions in their lives to make things happen. But, perhaps what was missing was that you didn’t know the karmic circumstances behind each story that you watched playing out. The karmic momentum behind everyone who was in your life in any significant way. That the stories behind the people with whom they grew up had a lot of karmic momentum to them. And the other thing they didn’t tell you was that the universe will create ANY story you present to it with equal vigor. It has always been up yo you to decide what happens, or not. And, perhaps you were never taught about your own karmic disposition. Well, now that can be fixed. When we think of all the…

God wants to play. Deal the Divine into Your life. So what would a Divine day look like? Or perhaps where would your life be after a Divine Year? What would “Over the Top” look like for you? There is a Divine spark located deep within you. And within that Divine spark lies all of the possibilities that ever were. Possibilities that can be tapped into by those who choose to do so. Those who choose to Love. Who choose to Love themselves with such complete and total abandon. Without merit or measure. In other words, to do so unconditionally. Enter Karma. What the hell? Who let karma into this dialogue? Don’t fret. Don’t worry. The karma has a gift for you. The experience of karma. By choice. By the wisdom of your own soul. Karma as a preferred path. Who the hell would actually intentionally choose Karma. Isn’t karma…

Love is the path to your return to grace All of us are spot-on. We are perfect in our own right. The way(s) we choose IS our path. No matter what. You cannot choose wrong. You cannot fall from grace. No matter what your storyline is, you are perfect, whole and complete, now and always. The truth of you is absolute. The truth of you is out of reach from our human intentions. Nobody has broken a karmic law. Ever. You are free to choose yet again. But what about sin? What about falling from grace? What about that time I did the unthinkable? Certainly THAT has some consequences? Well sure. It does have consequences. But only from the ego’s perception. The soul will not make a choice that is incongruent with its own truth. Yet we see souls playing out the tyrant and the villain’s roles. What gives? What…

What is Your Life Purpose? Honoring your power and your purpose. Who are you? Why are you here? What is your life purpose? What plans have you laid for its fulfillment? Don’t tell me, tellyou. You have so much potential inside of you now. I remember the first time I wrote a book. It took me 6 years. And then I threw it all out. What the??? I was apparently warming up to the notion that I was to be an author. I had written many sections of the book over a 6-year period. And the whole time I was actively and aggressively cleaning up my karma. Practicing new concepts that came into my understanding. I would contemplate the nature of karma, and then I would develop ways to test it to see the effect. And I learned a lot. But during those 6 years, my language changed. I was…