


The Power of Zero From the ashes So, we talked in the last blog about your ego being like a charge of static electricity. Like the kind you get when you shuffle your feet across the carpet when the air is dry. In other words, you didn’t have an ago the day you were born. But your Soul, the source of the consciousness your ego “runs” on, was there. Complete with a life-intention and purpose. So, there was zero ego in effect because the ego didn’t exist yet. And one hundred percent Soul consciousness. Then along came your ego.  Time out! …  All bets are off. We always have the opportunity to live 100% in our heads. All narrative(s), all the time. And so many of us do just that. scrolling our way through our online interactions with others. On our phones. In our stories. What if you arrive in…

If Consciousness were Your Currency Where are you “spending” your thoughts? Our ego requires linear thinking. Our ego processes symbols. Our ego assigns “value” to these symbols. The symbols that are not the actual thing. Symbols are a marker or reference to something … else. Your heart and soul don’t require symbols. They are a non-linear based intelligence. Yet, for so many of us, we “spend” most or all of our time immersed in linear thinking. In our minds. Life in the Fast Brain. The snag is … the ego wants the meaning of the past, to be used to interpret the “new” reality being born in each moment. In other words, the world you “see” now is interpreted by the symbols, and thus the values, of the past. So, if a magic spaceship arrived, and took you on a journey through time, into the future, what could you “see?” Perhaps…

Chop the Wood, Carry the Water Life after Enlightenment Are you on a spiritual journey? Are you looking to evolve your own spirituality? Which way is Heaven? There is a notion, that once you “become” enlightened, that all of your worries fade away. The journey to enlightenment is not a creation. You do not add anything to yourself to “become” enlightened. You are enlightened now. We all are. I guess it could be said that the notion of “becoming enlightened” is the idea of your ego, becoming aware of the Light that has always been inside of you at your core. Perhaps to become enlightened is to become aware. The Light is and always has been at your core. There is still the laundry to do. Enlightenment doesn’t change that. When you discover the Light at your core, there are still the daily tasks that need to be done. Chop…

Living YOUR Authentic Life There is not a “single” template to Heaven Who are You? Can you tell when you are BEing your most authentic? Can you tell when you are sculpting who you are in order to fit in or meet someone else’s expectation(s)? Can you hear the desires of your heart and soul? Moment to moment? Do you honor your heart and soul’s inspirations … moment to moment? There is no template to heaven. Not in the sense that you have to be more “righteous” in order to “get into heaven.” There is not a single attribute that is “required” for you to experience Heaven, except perhaps, Love. And more specifically, Self-Love. Unconditional Self-Love. Heaven or Hell is always experienced in this now. There are millions of people who will experience Hell today. Right now. And likewise there are millions of people who are experiencing Heaven today, right…

Can You Reset Yourself? So many narratives … so little time How many triggers do you have? Are you easily offended? How do you react to completely contrary points of view? If your life gets turned on its head, how long does it take to re-adjust to what is? Could you go back through your life and look at every decision you have ever made, and decide, with each and every one, if they were “right” or “wrong?” Are you a writer? a dancer? a poet? a Diva? an architect? a singer? a doctor? a healer? an artist? a sage? a mystic? a … fill in the [   ]. Can you decide, in this moment, which one(s) of those you “are” … or “are not?” I never saw myself as a writer. In fact, my ego argued with my heart and soul for about six years. In those first moments…

The “Value” of the Human Persona? Sell me this “pen.” Does it feel like you are living in a circus of sorts? Like there is a tug-of-war going on? So many people want control of the collective’s narrative. Not only the control of the collective, but that ultimately means you too. People want a “piece of you.” Could it be because you are the (Divine) Creator incarnate? If what you put your attention on … expands, then what I can get you to put your attention on … would expand too. What I get you to put your attention on (I am playing the role of the villain in this example) is more likely to be part of our future. In other words, mass communications become a virtual “mass consciousness” of creation. Oftentimes without the participants realizing it. “YOUR WORD IS YOUR WAND. THE WORDS YOU SPEAK CREATE YOUR OWN DESTINY.” ~ Florence Scovel…

Let’s do the Time Warp (again) It’s Just a Jump to the Left … There is a curious thing about a hologram. There is no where to go. And there is no when to go. Well, kind of. Sure, you are “where you are.” When we think of our spiritual “journey,” we are going … going to the promised land. To the Big E (Enlightenment). To Heaven. To Nirvana. Get out the map. In the quantum realm, there is no time. There is no (other) place. It is a singularity of sorts. Your consciousness now, is a single step away from any where else. From any when else. In other words … there is no “place” or “time” to go. Sort of. Sure, you are “here” now. A bit of mental aerobics, really. But the point is, you can tap, or access, all the other points in the hologram from…

Where is Your path to Nirvana? Follow the Yellow Brick Road A nuclear ka-boom. Where is your path to the promised land? Where will you find what you are looking for? Where will you be when you “get there?” We all have a “normal” of sorts. Even if it is uncomfortable. Perhaps, within our own normal, we have chronic pain. Or an emotional tempest within us. But if you wipe off the descriptions of what your normal feels like … there is a baseline of sorts. A “density” of sorts. A “viscosity” of sorts. But what about the ka-boom? There is so much power in the nuclear arena. A softball size of nuclear material has a tremendous amount of energy or power. So, imagine with me a bit. When that power is released, it e-x-p-a-n-d-s very rapidly. And then eventually normalizes itself. So, let’s reverse that process. Let’s take a…

Follow the Yellow Brick Road There IS a path for You All roads lead to Rome. Or so they say. I find it very curious how our ego has the final say. At least, until it takes a cosmic two-by-four to get our attention. It is quite evident that the vast majority of the collective consciousness is “suffering” from ego overdose. We can choose anything we want. Our thoughts have no tether, except the conditioning from our past. In other words, there is no Divine strong arm that will force us to make one decision or another. As a consequence to that, the human race built out a global nuclear arsenal, that could end all life on this planet. Egos overdosing. Wet clean up … Aisle 7. Our Souls came here for the experience. The human experience. You are that human. And your life IS the desired experience. But what the hell?…

The Re-constitution of Your Soul RE-uniting all that has been separated In the beginning, of your Soul, there was no separation. No fragmentation. But there was no experience either. We, as Souls, incarnate for the Human experience. In the inevitable existence as a human, we come across experiences that start to fragment our consciousness. Perhaps a clear example is the before/after of a war veteran. PTSD is a clear example of the fragmentation of a Soul. I use this extreme example, for its clarity. But we can become fragmented in our everyday lives as well. If we enter into judgment about people who are doing things we just don’t like … or even hate … we create a posture. Karma is created when we posture with what is. But Les, there are very evil people in the world. Yes, indeed. There is the ugliest of uglies on this planet. Yes,…

Power is measured as Energy Pure Authentic You! How is it that electricity evaded our awareness for so many centuries? And then there is the elephant in the room, consciousness. Perhaps more specifically, human consciousness. Why would I say that human consciousness is an undiscovered (elephant in the room) source of power? Isn’t God the elephant in the room? Well, yes and yes. You, as human consciousness, are Source, or God Consciousness Incarnate. There is no consciousness outside of God Consciousness. The universe is not divided. The notion of “All That Is” as a (single) hologram of Source, or God Consciousness. With that in mind, human consciousness IS God Consciousness. The Father and I are one … now. No separation. God, with a big G, does not interfere with free will. God, with a big G, will not descend from the heavens, and reach over our shoulder to make corrections…